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Dominos’ cure for insomnia – pasta in a bread bowl


breadbowls-150I used to be a fan of the whole ‘bread bowl’ concept. Soup or stew ladled into a small, hollowed out loaf of one bread or another… how is that not a bad idea? Not only would you enjoy the meal inside the bowl, but you could actually pick at the bowl itself in order to add some additional excitement.

It was a great concept, until people started to realize that the warm stew/soup combined with the large amount of carbohydrates resulted in long naps in their office cubicle. So, the bread bowl sort of went into hiding, but didn’t really disappear. Now, Domino’s Pizza has brought the bread bowl back with a vengeance that will provide a good night’s sleep to even the hardiest insomniac. Introducing… Bread Bowl Pasta!

For around $6 you can purchase one of five different Bread Bowl Pasta (known henceforth as BBP) meals. Selections include Italian Sausage Marinara, Pasta Primavera, Chicken Alfredo, and the classic Three Cheese Mac n’ Cheese. A decent helping of each pasta variety is spooned into a large bread bowl and delivered hot to you along with a pillow and pair of pajamas.

I know, I know…you’re screaming to no one in particular at the library computer you’re reading this on that people eat bread with pasta all the time. Sure, perhaps one or two pieces. The BBP is like having pasta, bread, a few glasses of wine and some warm milk at the same time. There’s an awful lot of starch, sugar (in the sauces) and carbohydrates in this meal. And, unless you intend to run a marathon right after, you’re going to crash quickly as your body bears the brunt of digesting and processing all of these refined ingredients.

I see this working for Domino’s, who has been expanding their menu with non-pizza items for years. It has two things going for it: the combination of bread and pasta, and a relatively low price. I could even see some people eating this meal with a couple of slices of pizza on the side. If that’s the case, look for job productivity to plummet as thousands of people fall asleep while walking back to their offices.

I’d be interested if any one of our fine CliqueClack readers has tried one of these bowls. Let me know if you did and what you thought of it. And, please do so before your head crashes down on your keyboard in blissful slumber.

Photo Credit: Domino’s

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