CliqueClack Food
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The great breakfast meat debate – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Breakfast meat. It’s sort of an odd term when you think about it. Is there really any meat served at breakfast that you wouldn’t eat at any other time of the day? Perhaps they are called breakfast meats because they are served at breakfast and at any other time of the day. In any case, […]

Rachael Ray’s Delmonico steaks with balsamic onions and steak sauce – Recipe Test Drive

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from making Rachael Ray’s recipes, it is to never underestimate her. A brief look at her recipes reveals few ingredients, simple combinations and easy preparation. At first glance, there’s nothing special about most of her dishes. So really, how good could they be? Well, they could be amazing, and […]

Mac and cheese is NOT a vegetable – Food Rant

To the owners of restaurants, diners, cafes, bistros, and grease trucks…Hi! Let’s talk about menu items, shall we? Over the past weekend I partook in one of your eating establishments. I won’t mention the name in order for you to avoid undo embarrassment. Let’s just say that it was a diner in a state on the […]

In defense of mayonnaise – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Alright. I’ve had it. I am sick and tired of being surrounded in my life by mayonnaise haters. It seems like everywhere I turn there is another person cursing this wonderful condiment. It’s particularly hard this time of year, when I want to have delicious mayonnaise-y food when I go to a cookout: pasta salad, […]

Potato salad with August’s harvest – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Really, what could be fresher than a potato salad made up almost entirely of ingredients from this week’s CSA farm harvest? Yes, it’s true: with […]

Hold the Meat – School Lunch

While there are many downsides to growing up as a vegetarian — the inane questions, the feelings of exclusion — there are definitely some up-sides. My colon probably isn’t going to fall out of my body, for instance. Also, I never really had to deal with school lunch. Sure, I would partake in “cheese pizza […]

Crab-stuffed portobellas, coconut sweet potato pie, eggplant patties – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. I admit, I’ve more than satisfied my sweet tooth with some of the past installments of Recipe Roundup. Last week’s white bean cookies and the week before’s 7000 or so dessert recipes, for instance. […]

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