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My problem with sushi – Eat Drink and Be Snarky

I love sushi. I love the rice, I love the fish, I love the wasabi. I love the big beautiful plates they serve it on. I love the pickled ginger. I love chopsticks, miso soup, and seaweed salad. I. Love. Sushi. Look at those beautiful slices of salmon up there… Oddly enough, salmon is easily […]

Hold the Meat – Why don’t you just eat a burger?

The biggest negative about being raised a vegetarian is that the decision is made for you. While other people can grow dreads, decide they hate their middle-class upbringing and decide to become a vegan in college, when you’re raised a vegetarian, you can’t put on a suit and order a steak. It just doesn’t work […]

Not every garlic was created equal

I wouldn’t say my love of garlic is as passionate as Kona’s, but I do like the stuff. I use it fairly often in my recipes. I ran out about a week ago and I was missing it, so when I was at the grocery store yesterday I made sure to look for some. My […]

Hold the meat: Luke breaks his silence

Earlier, I was on the couch, watching Judge Judy and trying to figure out what to write for this week’s column. Nothing was really coming for me, so I asked Luke’s advice. “Honey, what should I write about for “Hold the Meat?” “Why don’t you write about what hell it is to cook for you […]

Oh Subway! You just lost a customer

It was a typical day in Anystate, U.S.A. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and passers-by were getting tagged by gangs of spray paint-wielding young adults. As usual, I was in my palatial 9 square foot cubicle, emailing angry correspondence to customers in order to ensure my seven-figure salary. Around noon I began […]

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