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Kids in the kitchen and a very unusual cookbook

When I grew up, I was rarely allowed in the kitchen when serious meal prep was going on. I was born in an era where the husband worked outside the home and the wife was apparently married to her house as well as her husband. If that weren’t enough, my father was convinced that if […]

Onions are my arch-nemesis of the food world – Food Rant

Is there a vegetable, or any food at all, as ubiquitous as the onion? It’s used in every kind of cuisine around the world, in a myriad of forms and shapes and colors. Most people I know don’t even question the onion’s role in food — it’s just always there. I frequently hear, “Oh, onions […]

What is the tiniest hot dog in the universe?

So I’m peeking over at Twitter earlier tonight and, amongst the stream of consciousness that is (what many people affectionately call) the Twitterverse, I see someone post the term “the tiniest hot dog in the universe,” with a link that I won’t share, since it really went to nothing at all. But that had me […]

Avocados are never perfectly ripe – Food Rant

It could definitely be just me. I seem to have trouble with finding the balance of ripeness, what with my banana issues and all. Maybe a life-long New Englander just isn’t fit to attempt bringing an avocado to ripeness. The Californians are laughing heartily right now, I’m sure…. Here’s the problem: here on the east […]

Really fresh eggs – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

I know, I know — we’re obsessed with eggs here at CliqueClack Food. I am almost afraid to count the disproportionately huge amount of posts we’ve written about eggs, but is that really a negative thing? Nah…. You know that “brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh” commercial from your childhood? Yeah, […]

Who wants to take a shot? – Maki Clack

Scott Shulman’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thoughts about just how super Ina Garten is in his last post…. I was sitting at my go-to sushi place the other night and noticed a man and woman having what can only be described as an awkward first date. The guy (Guy) had rigid […]

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