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Favorite bread machine pizza dough – Pizza Clack

You can’t make pizza without dough — that’s a given. And the kind of dough you want to use is probably based somewhat on your tastes but mostly on your availability — do you have time to make the pizza crust of your dreams every time you want to make homemade pizza? It would be […]

Asian chicken salad – Clean Out The Refrigerator Meals

Yesterday was one of those days. OK, this week was one of those weeks: I didn’t make my usually weekly menu and plan for the dinners each night, so when I got to last night’s meal (late, after Owen’s karate class!), I was thinking of opening a can of soup and being done with it. […]

No joy in soy land (or egg land, for that matter)

Sometimes it’s tough to be a parent. Not in the sense that you worry that they won’t get into the right college, or marry the right person, or choose the right Secretary of State for their presidential administration (because, they will be the next President if you have anything to say about it). More in […]

The guilty pleasure I ate today

Is it everyone’s new year’s resolution to eat healthier? Well, I broke mine as I dove headfirst into the Ghiradelli 60% chocolate chips and Newman’s Own Spelt Pretzels. I’m not sure if there’s a better combination than chocolate and pretzels. Except maybe chocolate and red wine, but that’s a guilty pleasure for another night…. — […]

Oh no, you missed National Candy Month!

Yup, January was National Candy Month. Looks like we pretty much missed it, but there’s still a few hours left in the month so there’s a way to salvage it. Eat as much candy this weekend as you possibly can. Don’t even think about eating regular “meals” or vegetables or cereals or fruit or dairy. […]

Screw lever-style wine bottle openers!

Just about anyone who drinks wine at home has bought or received one of these things as a gift. You know what I’m talking about — those contraptions that are so ridiculously large that you can’t fit them in a silverware drawer, never mind your back pocket. They look more natural sitting on the counter […]

The real California roll – Maki Clack

OK, I admit I’d eat almost anything if wrapped in a sheet of nori, but I do tend to steer clear of California rolls. I’m offended by the fake crab-like substance, and really, why is it called a California roll anyway (I think it is actually because there is avocado in it)? But strangely enough, […]

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