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Breakfast at Clique-any’s


Pumpkin cornbread – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

One of my favorite healthy baking cookbooks is Uprisings: The Whole Grain Bakers’ Book. You’re probably wondering why, since I always substitute sprouted spelt flour for everything anyway, but the real reason is because these treats are creatively sweetened. In fact, this cookbook has made me think even beyond itself. Most of the recipes are […]

Apple cinnamon muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

When you go ugly-apple picking, you’re bound to have to find something to do with your apples besides just eating them whole (well, take bites) as an afternoon snack. I’m a big fan of the breakfast muffin, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now since I’ve shared recipes for peachy flax molasses muffins, berry […]

Mini quiches and egg sandwiches – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I admit it — I’m in a breakfast rut. Pancakes are the pinnacle of our weekend existence (though we did branch out and make apple cinnamon pancakes this weekend), leaving room for the occasional muffin and frittata, but not much else. So I took it upon myself to find some unique breakfast recipes that excited […]

Spicing up your blueberry muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

The blueberry muffin: part healthy, fruity breakfast; part delicious, cakey dessert for breakfast. It’s been a staple for many folks ever since Al Gore invented it in the late 20th century. However, there are probably times that you get somewhat tired of the same taste day after long, hellish day and want to do something  to spice it […]

Peachy flax molasses muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Every morning, I sprinkle some ground flax seed on my Ezekiel English muffin, just because. Because it tastes all yummy and nutty, and because it’s full of healthy fats and fiber. Just an aside, the ground flaxseed goes on whatever the kid is eating too — that’s right, he calls them “sprinkles” and knows nothing […]

The great breakfast meat debate – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Breakfast meat. It’s sort of an odd term when you think about it. Is there really any meat served at breakfast that you wouldn’t eat at any other time of the day? Perhaps they are called breakfast meats because they are served at breakfast and at any other time of the day. In any case, […]

Homemade granola – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I don’t really like breakfast cereal in general, but I heart granola big time. It’s just full of crunchy, oat-y, goodness. There are some problems (as is usually the case) with buying the prepackaged stuff, though. Lots of sugar and salt, just off the top of my head. Then there’s the issue of there never […]

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