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Redneck Cooking


Redneck doughnuts – Redneck Cooking

I don’t know what has gotten into me lately. I have been craving sweets. I don’t normally eat a lot of sweets. Most of the time I would rather have something salty like potato chips or popcorn, but for the last week I have had that gnawing ache in my belly for something sugary. I […]

Bacon fried taters – Redneck Cooking

One of my favorite dishes is fried potatoes. They can be the main course or a side dish to something else. They can be made for any meal and are always tasty and filling. You can dress them up or leave them plain depending on how you are using them. Photo Credit: Jeff Love

Redneck meatloaf – Redneck Cooking

I love meatloaf. It’s a simple, easy, filling dish and you can make it out of any ground meat. Meatloaf is also one of those things that you have to work awfully hard to screw up. There are probably as many different recipes for meatloaf as there are for burgers. I have several different variations […]

Sausage and onions over rice – Redneck cooking

I hate August. The freezer is empty, well except for some zucchini that was missed, and it is still a month until hunting season starts. I am so looking forward to September. I need some fresh grouse. I always have trouble finding something good to eat this time of year. As much as I love […]

Tater Soup is good for the soul – Redneck Cooking

While the weather out West here has been fairly hot lately I was watching the news and they were talking about how cold it has been back in New York. I also have friends on Twitter from Michigan and Wisconsin that have been telling me about how cold it has been there. As I sit […]

Meat Lovers Pie – Redneck Cooking

The other day all day long at work I was craving red meat. Hamburger, bacon, sausage, hot dogs — they all sounded so good. I could not decide which I wanted more. I heated up my Top Ramen for lunch and ate it. The Top Ramen did not satisfy my hunger.I began to form a […]

High-tech Redneck Cooking

How many of you use Twitter? I have mentioned my use of Twitter several times in my posts and I always update my followers when new posts go up here on CliqueClack Food. Twitter is a great tool. There are millions of people that use Twitter as well. I have a very diverse group of […]

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