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Redneck Cooking


Redneck Tater and Pasta salad – Redneck Cooking

Well, with this weekend being the official start of the summer camping and grilling season, I thought I would post my favorite grilling menu. This is part one of my Memorial Day feast. Now my wife loves potato salad and I prefer macaroni salad. I decided to combine the two to make us both happy, […]

Fried Chicken Redneck style – Redneck Cooking

Have I mentioned how much I love my wife? she is the greatest woman in the world. I often wonder just what form of brain damage she suffers from that makes her stay with me and not run screaming from the house. Aside from the fact she is absolutely gorgeous she is also the best […]

Redneck salad? – Redneck Cooking

I got home from work early Friday and it was a nice day out. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect. It was too nice to be in the house. I mowed the lawn and just enjoyed the afternoon out in the yard with Bo. We played and had a very relaxing afternoon. About […]

Veggie Chili or Vegetable soup? – Redneck cooking

As those of you that read my posts regularly know, I am a sensitive person. I care about and respect everyone and their opinions. When someone has an opinion that is different than mine I respect that and listen to their idiotic babbling thoughtful insight. When they say something mean I turn the other cheek […]

Baseball, nachos and Fries – A gastronomical Home Run

Now that baseball season is here, I have been able to partake in one of my favorite pastimes. I like to sit and watch baseball and eat ball park food. No, I do not mean a bowl of soup like you can get in A T & T Park in San Francisco. I mean real […]

Celebration dessert – A well deserved sweet treat.

I had a good week last week and I decided to reward myself for my good fortune. I went all week without getting into a fight at work, or at home with the wife. Bo only bit me once, so it was a good week. My reward, I decided, would be my World famous Peach […]

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