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It’s Not Meat, It’s You – The Taco Solution

In spite of my irrational fear and loathing of onions, I love Mexican food. I mean, love it. Especially tacos. For a while, we had them for dinner at least once a week, always with ground beef. When I decided to give up beef, I didn’t really give it up because I would still eat […]

Crunchy mango salsa is simple and versatile

What are you waiting for? You’ve got to stock your pantry, fridge and freezer with crazy things like frozen mango, fresh herbs, lemon juice and sugar snap peas. Keep up! I know we seem to have weird things in our kitchen, but if you keep versatile foods like these on hand, you can whip up […]

Potato Salad – The World’s Easiest

In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear, I’m not super-comfortable in the kitchen. In fact, one of the reasons I started writing for CliqueClack Food is because I had a baby and wanted to become more comfortable so I could feed my family well. So it should come to no surprise that I don’t […]

Hold the meat – What did I eat at my Memorial Day cookout?

Woo! Happy Memorial Day! I actually took some time off for the first time in forever and stayed mostly offline for the weekend. As a result, I feel as though I’ve just awoken from a coma. It’s kind of weird. Anyway, during some of my time with the real world, we celebrated the holiday by […]

Gourmet potato salads for the mayophobic

Who doesn’t love a good cookout? Whether it be a rare steak on the grill or the ultimate burger, there’s something about cooking and dining outdoors with friends and family that makes the perfect get-together. And while I’m admittedly a total food snob, I only really have one problem with the traditional potato salad served […]

Hold the Meat – Why don’t you just eat a burger?

The biggest negative about being raised a vegetarian is that the decision is made for you. While other people can grow dreads, decide they hate their middle-class upbringing and decide to become a vegan in college, when you’re raised a vegetarian, you can’t put on a suit and order a steak. It just doesn’t work […]

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