CliqueClack Food
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Fresh fig and fennel pizza – Pizza Clack

Bob Degon‘s got me thinking about foods that go well together. He’s come up with a great idea for a new feature — Perfect Pairs — and he’s already made me salivate with his first entry, the spectacular combination of pomegranate and chocolate. I’ve got a few pairings I’ll be writing about soon enough, but […]

Black bean and corn salad

I’m having another one of those weeks. You know, the ones where you don’t actually plan anything for dinner, but instead decide around 5:00 that you’ll whip up something amazing while your kid plays the Wubbzy game on PBS Kids‘ website. Amazing quickly becomes palatable, and you thank your lucky stars that you had the […]

Grilled wheat and gluten-free pesto sausage and goat cheese pizza

If you’re not up to trying the non-wheat variety of pizza dough, you’re sort-of missing out when it comes to grilling. I’ve had better luck using gluten-free dough on my grill than the standard pizza dough, as it shrinks less, retains more of that grill smoky flavor, and has the perfect crunch. There’s really not […]

Inspirational chick pea salad

It was crunch time… about 5:15 and I needed a side dish to serve with the grilled orange roughy Keith was so painstakingly cooking out on the deck. I like to think of myself as an organized, prepared person, but somehow the planning for tonight’s menu went south. I had chick peas and several veggies. […]

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