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Zucchini chocolate chip cookies: decadent and low-calorie

When I recently promised you my killer recipe for Zucchini chocolate chip cookies, I was operating under the assumption I’d be blessing you with one of the most scrumptious little treats you could ever want to satisfy a dessert craving. Well, we made them last night and Keith entered the ingredients into “Lose It!,” his […]

Celery is green so you can celebrate that too

March is National Celery Month (which makes sense, since St. Patrick’s Day is in March and celery is a shade of green), and even though I love celery, doesn’t that sound like the most boring food holiday month ever? I mean, it’s celery. I have to admit that celery isn’t one of those ingredients I […]

Chocolate three ways – Reverse Menuneering

Do you want to know how to make those luscious items you read on menus? Shift into reverse and bring that menu home! Date night… a time to get away, just Keith and I, for a gastronomic experience like no other. Oh, and I guess it’s nice to spend some adult time too, renewing our […]

What’s your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe?

Do you have your own special chocolate chip cookie recipe or are you strictly a Toll House Cookie person? This is Chocolate Chip Cookie Week. For many years, my sister would make me Toll House Cookies as a Christmas gift. They were gone within two hours or so. Though I love these cookies, I like […]

Nobody doesn’t like National Pound Cake Day

Today is National Pound Cake Day. When I was a kid, I used to eat an entire pound cake myself every single week. Well, let me clarify that: I used to eat an entire pound cake myself in one night. Usually a Friday or a Saturday night, in front of the television. It was Sara […]

Use some pistachios in your cooking today

It’s easy to celebrate most food holidays. For National Chocolate Day you can just throw a Hershey’s Kiss in your mouth and say you celebrated the day. For National Milk Day you can just have a glass of milk and feel like you’ve accomplished something. But how about doing something a little extra to celebrate […]

Some of my favorite Food Network recipes

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I watch a lot of Food Network. Honestly, probably too much Food Network. However, I don’t think I would watch the Food Network nearly as much as I do if the recipes weren’t readily available on the web. It’s one of my favorite sites to go to […]

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