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Wine, Beer and Spirits


Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout – Brew Review

For this week’s Brew Review, I went with something a bit on the heavy side, and one of the 22-ouncers from the “big bottle” shelf of the store: Great Divide‘s Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. Yes, I did another Great Divide review last week. So much for diversity, huh? I originally picked this beer up […]

Alcoholic hot chocolate – Recipe Test Drive

When was the last time you were attacked by the chocolate monster? I was sabotaged just last night. There I was, lounging on my couch and vegging out to old episodes of Mythbusters (of all things!) on NetFlix when the craving struck. I wanted chocolate. In a very extreme way. This was a craving that […]

What do you drink with your lamb chops? – Fresh Baked Polls

One of our favorite meals is lamb chops, usually with a side of dirty quinoa (you know, quinoa with “stuff” in it) on a bed of greens or baby spinach or something to that effect. It is easy enough to prepare mid-week, yet always seems to feel like a special meal. However, it is one […]

Taco Mary – Bloody Mary Countdown

Today, we are going to try Taco Marys! This is not to be confused with a Bloody Maria, which is made with tequila and bloody mary mix, rather than vodka. This week’s drink is designed to give you a few extra spices and a little bit of fire, so if you have a bad cold […]

Great Divide Titan IPA – Brew Review

Anytime I head out to for a beer fridge restocking run, I make sure to pick up a bottle (or four to six) of a beer I’ve never tried before. On one of these runs, I picked up a four-pack of Titan IPA from the Great Divide Brewing Company. I won’t hide the fact that […]

What are you having for Valentine’s Day dinner?

Cards? Blech. Box o’ Chocolates? Eh. If there’s one tradition Deb and I will keep for Valentine’s Day, it’s eating a good meal. Sometimes we’ll cook something together, maybe one of our favorites or something that’s new and sounds amazing. For the third year in a row, though, we’re ordering out from a local catering […]

Chocolate and wine … a passionate combination

I’m not ashamed to admit it … chocolate is one of my guilty pleasures. Actually, it doesn’t make me feel guilty at all to eat chocolate — should I be ashamed of that? Let’s take my addiction one notch higher … chocolate and wine is divine. Have you ever savored the luscious bitterness of dark […]

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