CliqueClack » Search Results » glee Big voices. Little censors. Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Classic movie musicals sparkle on Blu-ray Wed, 04 Mar 2015 15:00:07 +0000 KMK 01 smallMGM produced the best movie musicals of the 1950s and now Warner Brothers presents 'The Band Wagon,' 'Kiss Me Kate' (in 3D!) and Warner's own 'Calamity Jane' on Blu-ray for the first time. And the wait was worth it.]]> KMK 01 small
MGM produced the best movie musicals of the 1950s and now Warner Brothers presents ‘The Band Wagon,’ ‘Kiss Me Kate’ (in 3D!) and Warner’s own ‘Calamity Jane’ on Blu-ray for the first time. And the wait was worth it.

Any die hard movie musical fan knows that MGM produced most of the greatest musicals of all time in the 1950s. The Arthur Freed Unit became the touchstone of musicals with productions ranging from The Wizard of Oz in 1939 to Bells Are Ringing in 1960. While the 1940s was a productive decade for Freed, the 1950s gave us some of the most beloved, classic musicals of all time.

Now, Warner Brothers Home Entertainment has taken two of these MGM classics, plus one from the Warner Brothers library, and has given them a good scrubbing for Blu-ray and the results are astonishing. Best of all, you can purchase your favorite film as a stand-alone disk or get them all in the new Musicals: 4-Movie Collection. The three new titles are The Band Wagon, Calamity Jane, and Kiss Me Kate. Warners has added Singin’ in the Rain as a bonus to the 4-disk set.

BW 03 small

The first movie in the collection is The Band Wagon (1953) starring Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Nanette Fabray and Jack Buchanan. The story follows a nearly washed up Hollywood actor (Astaire) who decides to head to Broadway to see if he can untarnish his star in a big stage musical (shades of the Oscar-winning Birdman!). An egotistical director hijacks the frothy musical and turns it into a depressing version of Faust, ensuring a huge flop but the cast bands together to save the show.

The film is very entertaining, and it allows Astaire to take on a different character than we’re used to seeing from him. No top hat and tails this time around, but his dancing is still on point, especially in the scene where he dances with a shoe shine man (who was a real shoe shine man in New York). Cyd Charisse is stunning as always and is simply magnificent to watch in what was her first real starring role. The film also introduced Broadway star Nanette Fabray to movie audiences in what was, surprisingly, her only MGM musical. The movie also has a great score, but it’s most well-known for introducing “That’s Entertainment” as THE song about showbiz, supplanting the standard “There’s No Business Like Show Business.”

The film looks terrific on Blu-ray. The image is bright and colorful but still has a film-like quality to it with an appropriate amount of film grain. The 1080p image(presented in its original 1.37:1 aspect ratio) has not been completely scrubbed of any detail, and the soundtrack has been given a nice DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 remix that keeps the dialog and singing front and center, allowing the orchestra to swell, but never overwhelm, from the surrounds.

Bonus features include:

  • Commentary by Liza Minnelli and Michael Feinstein
  • Get Aboard! The Band Wagon (37:09) — A vintage “making of” looking at the production of the film with many behind-the-scenes anecdotes from the film’s stars, crew and family members.
  • The Men Who Made the Movies: Vincente Minnelli (58:25) — An episode of the WNET series focusing on Minnelli.
  • Jack Buchanan with the Glee Quartet (6:00) — Comedic musical short film starring Band Wagon c0-star Buchanan.
  • The Three Little Pups (6:46) — MGM cartoon featuring Droopy Dog in a variation of The Three Little Pigs.
  • Theatrical Trailer (3:14)
Photo Credit: Warner Bros Home Entertainment

(This post contains 3 pages. Please visit the website to continue reading. Thank you.)

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American Horror Story Freakshow takes its final bow Sat, 24 Jan 2015 19:00:24 +0000 Just  clowning around...This 'Freakshow' is surprisingly mundane and the only horror is in the writing.]]> Just  clowning around...
This ‘Freakshow’ is surprisingly mundane and the only horror is in the writing.

Another season of American Horror Story has come to an end. This year’s Freakshow continues a steady decline that began last season. The show still has its quirks, its moments that makes it fun, trashy television but this year felt slightly neutered. Whether this was through the budget or just storytelling is hard to tell. The season started off promising enough with Sarah Paulson playing the two-headed Bette/ Dot and John Carroll Lynch (who I will always see as Drew Carey’s cross-dressing brother from The Drew Carey Show) as the bed-wettingly scary Twisty the Clown. This year had the potential to be something truly dark and deserving of the “horror” moniker. Even the musical number that began this season (David Bowie’s “Life on Mars”) was fun and didn’t seem as forced as last year’s weird Stevie Nicks music video. Somewhere between that enticing start and this week’s finale the show lost its way.

Generally the characters this season were by and large terrible people.

Where last season people said the show lacked any real consequences, once multiple characters have come back from the dead it is hard to care about what happens to them, this season seemed to over correct by killing someone every episode. The problem though was the writers never took the time to let us like any of these people before they killed them off. Generally the characters this season were by and large terrible people. Just about everyone either murdered or aided in the murder of someone over the course of the show but no one ever showed any remorse or regret over it. When those same people meet a bloody, violent death it’s hard to feel sorry for them.

The writers were too busy tying past seasons into this one to develop the characters.

A few times we’re given people to feel bad for but here again, they aren’t fleshed out, they’re two-dimensional props and we are being forced to care about them. Two examples of this were Meep “the geek” and Ma Petite, the “worlds smallest woman.” We were supposed to care about these two because they’re weak, they’re cute, and they … well we never really knew anything else about them so that’s it. The show used their characters as superficially and selfishly as a freak show would. Maybe if we had gotten some real back story or some more interaction it would be easier to care for them instead of because we’re told to do so. While we weren’t getting background on characters who were important to the plot, the writers were busy tying past seasons into this one. For the first time this year we have confirmation that all the seasons take place in the same world. One of the Nuns from Asylum came and we see how Pepper the pinhead ended up there. So now that we’ve had “Pepper Begins,” an Avengers-style crossover must be next right? But really unless there are further plans to expand on this, what was the point other than to confuse people while taking important time away that they could use to flesh out their characters?

It wasn’t just the lack of connection to characters that took away this year; the effects work was all over the place. The “twins” Dot and Bette were especially hit and miss, while having a two-headed character is going to be challenging, and to their credit many different methods were employed to achieve it, the results were mixed. Moments where they shot the heads separately juxtaposing their personalities to one another started off as clever, even entertaining, but there’s only so many scenes you can have ping ponging between shots of two heads coming from the same torso before it gets tired. Scenes that used CG and practical effects went from the completely convincing to laughably bad, more than once a shot from behind clearly showed one head bobbling on a rubbery neck.

Finn Wittrock’s strong performance should secure him a place in future installments of the series.

On a more positive note there were some great visuals this season. The freak show itself came off like a Tim Burton fever dream and the opening credits sequence this season might be the creepiest yet. The aforementioned Twisty was a terrifying clown design and whenever he was on screen he stole the show. The only negative was how quickly they resolved his story. It would have been nice to have him throughout the season. Then there is Dandy the rich psycho. He was basically a murderous seersucker wearing  version of Blaine from Ryan Murphy’s other show “Glee.” If any one character had to be labeled this season’s “Big Bad” it would probably be him. He got to be the creepy momma’s boy, a psychotic apprentice, as well as a spoiled brat. Outside of freak show owner Elsa Mars, Dandy is probably the character we spend the most time with and learn the most about this season. It would be surprising if Finn Wittrock, who plays Dandy, doesn’t become one of their recurring actors in future seasons after such a strong performance this year.

So many good ingredients make it such a shame that the end product was so lacking. A fantastic cast, great guest stars, plus a weird twisted setting but there just wasn’t enough focus to have things come together. As quickly as plotlines and characters were introduced another plot is wrapped up neatly and another character is killed. One week the local townsfolk hate the freaks, the next week they cheer one as a hero, but wait! The week after that they hate the freaks again. Last season might have been a little too generous on resurrections but it still had fleshed out characters who felt like real, though out there, people.

Let’s just hope they can make a return to form next year.

Seasons one and two of American horror Story were fantastic,  season three was pretty damned good, and now season four is just ok. Hopefully next year creators Falchuk and Murphy can stop or reverse the drop in quality or else American Horror Story will end up like their other collaborations Nip/Tuck and Glee, shows that peaked early but then dragged on until they became parodies of themselves. It’s still fun to watch, which is more than can be said of a lot of shows, but where it used to be well written trashy fun it’s just plain trashy fun now. With the format of a new story and set of characters every year, a turnaround is easy to manage. Let’s just hope they can make a return to form next year.

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Photo Credit: FX
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Unbroken exposes the beautiful resiliency of the human spirit in time for Christmas Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:00:42 +0000 o-UNBROKENIs a minute of pain worth a lifetime of glory? 'Unbroken' tells the remarkable true story of Louis Zamperini, a U.S. Olympic athlete and World War II bombardier who survived a plane crash, 47 days adrift at sea and being a prisoner-of-war.]]> o-UNBROKEN
Is a minute of pain worth a lifetime of glory? ‘Unbroken’ tells the remarkable true story of Louis Zamperini, a U.S. Olympic athlete and World War II bombardier who survived a plane crash, 47 days adrift at sea and being a prisoner-of-war.

The atrocities of war are ugly, but the resiliency of the human spirit to survive against all odds is nothing short of beautiful. Based upon the remarkable true story of Louis Zamperini, Universal Pictures’ Unbroken has taught me these life truths. If you ask me, it couldn’t have come at a better time than Christmas, a time of the year when we’re supposed to care about the plight of our fellow man – even if that plight and suffering occurred some 70 years ago.

Directed by Angelina Jolie, Unbroken is based upon the 2010 bestseller Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, which was written by Laura Hillenbrand (who also penned the bestseller about Seabiscuit). Although Louis Zamperini died this past summer at the ripe old age of 97, his spirit lives on – reaching an almost legendary status – thanks to the book and film about his life.

The film begins up in the puffy, white clouds over the vast Pacific Ocean, where we’re first introduced to Louis: a young, charismatic World War II bombardier (portrayed by Jack O’Connell). One of the strongest attributes about Unbroken that I observed from its beginning is its convincing realism. It’s as if you’re actually right there in the cockpit with Louis and crew, part of the dizzying action of the war, wondering if (or when) this rickety plane is going to finally be submerged into the watery depths waiting below. In fact, the effects were so good at the beginning that if this film had been shown in 3D, I’ve no doubts I might have thrown up in my theater seat.

Enlisting in the war was what most able-bodied, patriotic young men of the 1940s did, and Louis was no exception.

While Louis’ fate in the plane hangs precariously in the balance, we’re given flashbacks from his youth, which are designed to give you insights about his character and the likely causes for his unbroken spirit in the film’s latter half. The son of Italian immigrants, it seems Louis led a troubled youth full of thievery, underage drinking and fighting because he was constantly being bullied due to his immigrant status. However, his older brother Pete was always looking out for him. After observing how fast he is able to run away from the bullies, it’s Pete who encourages him to try out for the school’s track team. A natural athlete, Louis sets all kinds of records for running and is deemed good enough to represent the United States in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. He was slated to return to the 1940 Olympics in Tokyo, but of course, World War II cancelled those and caused Louis’ life to take a different direction. Enlisting in the war was what most able-bodied, patriotic young men of the 1940s did, and Louis was no exception.

This brings us back to the surmounting action on the plane. After Louis’ plane goes down in the Pacific, he spends 47 days in a raft in shark-infested waters, only to be rescued by the Japanese. Considered an enemy of Japan, Louis is sent to a prisoner-of-war camp. It’s hard to say which is a worse fate: the days spent starving, dehydrated, sunburned and almost stark-raving mad while drifting aimlessly about on the tiny raft with two of his fellow survivors (Domhnall Gleeson and  Finn Wittrock) or the days spent freezing, malnourished and beaten – either for information about the Allies or just for the seeming sheer fun of it – while he’s a prisoner in the camp. One thing I didn’t enjoy was the seemingly endless torture/beatings. It felt like Louis was never going to get a break.

Because of his “celebrity status” as a former Olympic athlete, Louis is quickly singled out by the camp’s ruthless leader, Mutsushiro “The Bird” Watanabe (portrayed by musician Miyavi), to endure additional hardships on his cruel whims. It seems “The Bird” is angry because he comes from a life of privilege and he feels it is beneath him to be the commander of a lowly prison camp (he wants to be promoted). I’d never heard of the musician Miyavi, but he gives an amazing performance as the film’s villain. You will truly grow to hate him by the climax. I didn’t read the book, but I overheard some women discussing it after the film ended. While they enjoyed the film, they felt that the character of “The Bird” didn’t come across as clearly from the book to the film adaptation. It seems they were left wanting more. If that’s the case, perhaps I’ll be reading the book next year.

“The Bird” is oddly fascinated by – and begrudgingly respectful of – the resiliency of Louis’ spirit.

My personal take on “The Bird” is that he is oddly fascinated by – and begrudgingly respectful of – the resiliency of Louis’ spirit. He attempts to break him because I think he perceives that Japan is losing the war and Louis has become a sort of twisted symbol of his hatred for the Allies at-large. In a weird way, I think “The Bird” almost feels like the two of them are equals or friends, and perhaps he secretly wishes he possessed more of Louis’ inner strengths. While he gets frustrated that he cannot break him, I think inwardly he respects that. If he were to break him, I think it would expose fragilities about himself and the rest of mankind that he is not willing to face.

While undergoing the routine tortures of “The Bird” and his men, Louis becomes almost a mascot to his fellow prisoners. As long as he remains strong of character in the unrelenting face of adversity, it gives them a flicker of hope. His mantra, “If I can take it, I can make it,” resonates true for all of the prisoners in the camp. While it’s not really fair to expect one individual to be that brave, it’s a fact of life that sometimes we all need a hero to cling to so that we do not give up and lose all hope in the darkest of times. Louis is remembered as a hero to many in his generation, and his inspirational story has introduced him to millions of people in a new one. Perhaps “A minute of pain is worth a lifetime of glory.” However, I can’t say that with any unwavering certainty.

What I found most remarkable about this film is the fact that it hadn’t already been made. I read on IMDb that Universal secured the rights to Louis’ story for a film all the way back in 1957, when they were eyeing Tony Curtis to possibly portray him. Imagine what that film would have been like!

Unbroken is probably the best film I watched in a theater in 2014.

Unbroken is probably the best film I watched in a theater in 2014 (although at times it can be cringe-worthy). I’m sure it’s not perfect, and if you read the book, you might not feel it deserves quite as much praise. But I think it’s beautiful to watch for the scenery and the overall message about not giving up, and the musical score is equally alluring. What I found most interesting about Louis is the fact that he was able to eventually forgive his captors and go back to Japan to be a torch-bearer in a later Olympics ceremony. I’m sad knowing he passed away this year before the film came out. It would have been nice to have seen him at the premiere being celebrated for being such an extraordinary human being.

Editor’s note: Zamperini was able to see the film privately before he died. He and Jolie became very close friends and she downloaded a copy of the film to her laptop and drove to the hospital to watch with him.

[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”none” asin=”0812974492″ cloaking=”default” height=”160″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”cliqueclack-20″ width=”106″] [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”none” asin=”B00PTJGMIQ” cloaking=”default” height=”160″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”cliqueclack-20″ width=”159″]

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
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Win passes to an advance screening of Unbroken Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:00:44 +0000 Film Title: UnbrokenBe among the first to see the new biographical drama 'Unbroken' in Baltimore, DC, Virginia Beach, Boston or Plainville. Find out how you can get passes to the advance screening.]]> Film Title: Unbroken
Be among the first to see the new biographical drama ‘Unbroken’ in Baltimore, DC, Virginia Beach, Boston or Plainville. Find out how you can get passes to the advance screening.


CliqueClack has partnered with Universal Pictures to offer readers inBaltimore, DC, Virginia Beach, Boston and Plainville an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new true-life drama Unbroken starring Jack O’Connell, Domhnall Gleeson, Finn Wittrock, Garrett Hedlund, John Magaro and Alex Russell.

Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie directs and produces Unbroken, an epic drama that follows the incredible life of Olympian and war hero Louis “Louie” Zamperini (O’Connell) who, along with two other crewmen, survived in a raft for 47 days after a near-fatal plane crash in WWII — only to be caught by the Japanese Navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.

The screening will take place on Wednesday, December 17, 7:00 PM at AMC Boston Common and AMC Plainville, and Wednesday, December 17, 7:30 PM at AMC Georgetown, AMC White Marsh and AMC Lynnhaven. ALL BALTIMORE, GEORGETOWN & VIRGINIA BEACH PASSES HAVE BEEN CLAIMED!

A limited number of passes will be available on a first come, first served basis. To be eligible, please read and follow the directions CAREFULLY. There will be no exceptions.

  • Comment on this post ONLY with your choice of location: BOSTON or PLAINVILLE. Do not include anything else in the comment box. If you make a mistake, do not edit your comment because it will not register. You must submit a new comment.
  • Include your FULL NAME (First and Last) and email address on the entry form (NOT in the comment box!). Double check your email address before submitting. If your email address is misspelled, you will not receive passes.
  • ONE entry per person or couple will be accepted. CliqueClack has the right to discard any duplicates or comments that appear to be duplicates. Multiple comments from a single person will result in complete disqualification. Keep these offers fair for everyone!
  • Winners will be contacted by email. Please make sure to set your filters to accept email from
  • Check your calendar before commenting. If you have no intention of using the passes, please don’t leave a comment. If the studios see that passes we are given to award to our readers are not being used, they will not want to offer us passes for future screenings. Please be considerate!

Please note that passes do not guarantee seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed, and is not responsible for seating arrangements at the theater.

Inherent Vice is rated PG-13, and opens December 25.


Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
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Calvary is an enthralling black comedy so dark, it absorbs most of its light Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:00:52 +0000 calvary'Calvary' showcases the astounding performance of Brendan Gleeson in a very bleak movie.]]> calvary
‘Calvary’ showcases the astounding performance of Brendan Gleeson in a very bleak movie.

It’s a difficult thing to escape from horrors in your past, but sometimes it’s impossible. It can be difficult enough when it’s just the memory of a failed date or test or perhaps losing your job. Even then, your past affects you and changes your future despite what you try to do to go past it. Things could be much worse, and for some people, they are. Those of us more fortunate cannot really judge others, but we can try to understand. Sometimes people with complicated pasts turn to faith or abandon it, searching for meaning or finding none. We often find humor in the darkest times, but others find only sorrow and pain. Goodness, in its subtle, tricky way, can be even harder to find than greatness. It’s there, in the little things, the small efforts, the ways you help save people a tiny bit at a time. But sometimes, trying your hardest just isn’t enough.

Calvary is a new film from Irish director John Michael McDonagh, coming from the English word for Golgotha, the place where Jesus was brought to be crucified. There is a similar journey of pain and bleakness here, but let’s not start there just yet. Brendan Gleeson plays Father James, the priest of a small Irish parish and a good man, working with believers and nonbelievers alike to improve people’s lives.

But then at a confession, the confessor tells Father James that due to the confessor’s horrible history with the church, he is going to kill Father James, despite that fact that the man had nothing to do with anything bad. He gives the priest one week before he will kill him. So now Father James proceeds through what may be his final week on Earth, but will he just go through the motions? Will he try to find out who’s planning to kill him? And will he even tell anyone? It’s not an easy movie to watch, that’s for sure, but there’s a heart to it. We see it through his interactions with his daughter (Kelly Reilly), and how Father James still tries to help others despite the lingering specter of doom hovering over him.

This movie is being marketed as a “dark comedy,” but I’d really call it a drama with comedic elements.

Brendan Gleeson has an honesty and beauty to his performance here that is just phenomenal. If this guy isn’t seeing Oscar nominations, I will be quite peeved. There are no weak performances here, to be sure, but some of the minor characters aren’t quite as interesting, with backstories sometimes hinted at so subtly that they become complete ciphers. When that happens, it is hard to care about them. But Father James though, I cared about him. As the days go on and the hourglass empties, there is an increasing tension and fear engendering in the audience, and then the movie hits with you something hard or funny. Not always, though. All throughout is the beautiful backdrop, the demonstration of beauty despite pain, which is evocative in its own way. This movie is being marketed as a “dark comedy,” but I’d really call it a drama with comedic elements. That said, I have to say I really did like this movie.

The film can be difficult at times and it may not end in a way you’d like, but this is drama that isn’t afraid to be different and dark while still keeping strongly defined characters. I may not have liked all the subplots and perhaps the bleakness seemed too much at times. It’s also not necessarily something I’ll want to see again anytime soon. But there’s no question that Brendan Gleeson has put in here one of the best performances of the year.

Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight
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Win passes to see Calvary with Brendan Gleeson in DC Thu, 17 Jul 2014 19:47:40 +0000 Calvary1Brendan Gleeson stars in the new film 'Calvary,' and we have free passes to a screening and Q & A with the actor! Find out how you can get a pair of tickets to the event.]]> Calvary1
Brendan Gleeson stars in the new film ‘Calvary,’ and we have free passes to a screening and Q & A with the actor! Find out how you can get a pair of tickets to the event.

This offer is now closed. Follow CliqueClack on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr for contest alerts, reviews and breaking news.

CliqueClack has partnered with Fox Searchlight to offer readers in Washington, DC an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new drama Calvary starring Brendan Gleeson, Chris O’Dowd, Kelly Reilly, Aidan Gillen, Dylan Moran, M. Emmet Walsh, and Domhnall Gleeson.

Father James (Gleeson) is a good priest who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter (Reilly) and reach out to help members of his church with their various scurrilous moral — and often comic — problems, he feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Calvary.

The screenings will take place on Monday, July 21, 7:00 PM at the Landmark E Street Cinema. As an added bonus, a Q & A with director John Michael McDonagh and star Brendan Gleeson will take place immediately after the screening.

A limited number of passes are available on a first come, first served basis. Simply comment on this post and we will send your pass by email. Include your FULL NAME and email address in the appropriate spaces on the submission form. Please make sure you have entered your email address correctly! As passes are limited, we will accept one comment per person/per email address/per household (this is not a random drawing so if you’re a couple, only one of you need comment!). CliqueClack reserves the right to discard any duplicates or comments that appear to be duplicates. Multiple comments from a single person will result in complete disqualification. Please keep these offers fair for everyone.

Please note that passes do not guarantee seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed, and is not responsible for seating arrangements at the theater.

This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first. Have a look at the trailer below and then let us know if you want to see the film. Calvary opens in DC on August 8th.


Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight
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Win free passes to see Edge of Tomorrow in Baltimore, DC or Virginia Beach Wed, 28 May 2014 21:24:14 +0000 EDGE OF TOMORROWTom Cruise is having a bad day in 'Edge of Tomorrow,' but you can have a good day by winning passes to an advance screening of the new movie! Read on to find out how you could win a pair of passes.]]> EDGE OF TOMORROW
Tom Cruise is having a bad day in ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ but you can have a good day by winning passes to an advance screening of the new movie! Read on to find out how you could win a pair of passes.


CliqueClack has partnered with Warner Brothers Pictures to offer readers in the Baltimore, DC and Virginia Beach areas an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new sci-fi action film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, and Noah Taylor.

Cruise stars as Major William Cage, an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously dropped into what amounts to a suicide mission. Killed within minutes, Cage now finds himself inexplicably thrown into a time loop, forcing him to live out the same brutal combat over and over, fighting and dying again … and again. But with each battle, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt). And, as Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated encounter gets them one step closer to defeating the enemy.


The screenings will take place on Monday, June 2, 7:30 PM at the following locations:

  • Regal Majestic, 900 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring, MD
  • AMC White Marsh, 8141 Honeygo Blvd, White Marsh, MD
  • Regal Columbus, 104 Constitution Dr, Virginia Beach VA

A limited number of passes are available for each screening on a first come, first served basis. To claim your passes, simply leave a comment on this post with the following words: BALTIMORE, SILVER SPRING, or VIRGINIA BEACH. We will just be looking for the city name in the comment. No other information is needed.

Winners will receive a special GoFoBo code by email which is good for up to two Admit One passes. Be sure to include your name and correct email address in the appropriate spaces on the submission form (do not include this information within your comment). We will accept one comment per person/per email address. Duplicates, and suspected duplicates, will be discarded. Once all codes have been claimed, comments on this post will be closed.

Please note: passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed and is not responsible for seating arrangement at the theater.

Have a look at the trailer below, and then let us know where you want to see the movie! Edge of Tomorrow opens Friday, June 6th.


Photo Credit: Warner Brothers
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Download a free pass to see The Grand Seduction in Cambridge, MA Tue, 27 May 2014 13:30:39 +0000 " THE GRAND SEDUCTION "CliqueClack has free downloadable passes to see the new drama 'The Grand Seduction' in Cambridge, MA. Read on to find out how to get yours!]]> " THE GRAND SEDUCTION "
CliqueClack has free downloadable passes to see the new drama ‘The Grand Seduction’ in Cambridge, MA. Read on to find out how to get yours!

CliqueClack has partnered with Entertainment One to offer readers in the Cambridge area an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new drama The Grand Seduction starring Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitch and Liane Balaban.

The only hope for the tiny outport of Tickle Head is a new Petrochemical plant, but in order to qualify for the bid they need to prove they have a resident doctor. When fate sends Dr. Paul Lewis (Kitsch) their way, unemployed fisherman Murray French (Gleeson) mobilizes the town to do everything they can to convince the fast living, jazz loving, cricket playing doctor that their sleepy harbour is a paradise tailor-made just for him.

Grand Seduction

The screenings will take place on Monday, June 9, 7:00 PM at KENDALL SQUARE CINEMAS, One Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA.

You can download a pass simply by clicking on the image above. Please note that seating is first come, first served. Passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or seating arrangements at the screening.

The Grand Seduction opens Friday, June 13th.



Photo Credit: E One
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Win free passes to see Edge of Tomorrow in Boston, MA or Manchester, CT Tue, 27 May 2014 13:00:57 +0000 ALL YOU NEED IS KILLCliqueClack wants to send Boston and Manchester readers to the 'Edge of Tomorrow' before anyone else. Find out how to get your free passes to tge advance screening.]]> ALL YOU NEED IS KILL
CliqueClack wants to send Boston and Manchester readers to the ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ before anyone else. Find out how to get your free passes to tge advance screening.

CliqueClack has partnered with Warner Brothers Pictures to offer readers in the Boston, MA and Manchester, CT areas an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new sci-fi action film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, and Noah Taylor.

Cruise stars as Major William Cage, an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously dropped into what amounts to a suicide mission. Killed within minutes, Cage now finds himself inexplicably thrown into a time loop, forcing him to live out the same brutal combat over and over, fighting and dying again … and again. But with each battle, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt). And, as Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated encounter gets them one step closer to defeating the enemy.


The screening will take as follows:

  • Monday, June 2, 7pm at Regal Fenway 13, 201 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA All Boston passes have been claimed.
  • Tuesday, June 3, 7pm at Cinemark Buckland Hills, 99 RedStone Road, Manchester, CT

A limited number of passes are available for each screening on a first come, first served basis. To claim your passes, simply leave a comment on this post with either BOSTON or MANCHESTER. Please just comment with the city. No other information is needed in the comment.

Winners will receive a special GoFoBo code by email which is good for up to two Admit One passes. Be sure to include your name and correct email address in the appropriate spaces on the submission form (do not include this information within your comment). We will accept one comment per person/per email address. Duplicates, and suspected duplicates, will be discarded. Once all codes have been claimed, comments on this post will be closed.

Please note: passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed and is not responsible for seating arrangement at the theater.

Have a look at the trailer below, and then let us know you want to see the movie! Edge of Tomorrow opens Friday, June 6th.


Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
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Download free passes to see The Grand Seduction in Los Angeles Fri, 23 May 2014 17:27:16 +0000 " THE GRAND SEDUCTION "You can get free passes to see the advance screening of 'The Grand Seduction' in Los Angeles. Find out how you can download a pair today!]]> " THE GRAND SEDUCTION "
You can get free passes to see the advance screening of ‘The Grand Seduction’ in Los Angeles. Find out how you can download a pair today!

CliqueClack has partnered with Entertainment One to offer readers in the Los Angeles area an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new drama The Grand Seduction starring Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitch and Liane Balaban.

The only hope for the tiny outport of Tickle Head is a new Petrochemical plant, but in order to qualify for the bid they need to prove they have a resident doctor. When fate sends Dr. Paul Lewis (Kitsch) their way, unemployed fisherman Murray French (Gleeson) mobilizes the town to do everything they can to convince the fast living, jazz loving, cricket playing doctor that their sleepy harbour is a paradise tailor-made just for him.

Grand Seduction

The screenings will take place on Wednesday, May 28, 7:30 PM at Landmark Theater, 10850 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.

A limited number of passes are available on a first come, first served basis. To request passes, click here and fill out the RSVP form. Be sure to read and follow the special instructions on the form. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or seating arrangements at the screening. This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first.



Photo Credit: E One
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