CliqueClack TV

Survivor: Gabon – She Obviously is Post-Op!



(Season 17, Episode 3)

I haven’t watched much Survivor over the years, so it was fun for me tonight, watching it as a relative newbie. If you haven’t yet checked out my live-blog, go read our comments as the show was airing. My friend, Kris, has watched the show since it began 17 seasons ago, so it’s great to have access to her vast knowledge of the strategies and how it all works.

What I loved most about tonight is Sugar, the pin-up girl. Sent to Exile Island, she had to choose between comfort and a clue to the hidden immunity idol. She chose the clue, and maybe people weren’t expecting that from her, being a pin-up girl and all. The clues led her several places, including a sandy crater, a burnt piece of wood, into the jungle, and through some water. Sugar did what Dan the attorney couldn’t do last week — she found that idol. Pin-up girls rule!

As Kris explained to me, Sugar can now hold onto and use the idol for immunity, in case it looks like she might be voted off at some point. But it was not a good move on Sugar’s part to tell her buddy Ace. I just don’t think he’s trustworthy, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he turned against her going forward. I was practically screaming at the TV, “Don’t do it, Sugar!”

Tonight’s challenges seemed like someone could really get hurt! And the more difficult they are, the more Jeff Probst seems to like it. One involved two people trying to pry another off a pole, and then drag said person through the sand across a line. I could have sworn I was watching a cage match involving two jungle animals. So … maybe they create the challenges to mirror their environment? That’s a total newbie question, isn’t it?

Another challenge had the contestants smacking front-first onto a slip-n-slide and into the water to retrieve something. All I could think was, I hope the girls’ bikinis don’t come flying off. I mean, really, wouldn’t a one-piece make a lot more sense? I guess the bikinis make it more interesting.

I’m gravely worried about Bob already. The guy is stick-thin, and the competition is just starting. There will literally be nothing left of him if he survives to the end. He needs a turkey sandwich or something. Now.

The Kota Tribe ended up at Tribal Council, with Paloma voted off. She seemed to spend a lot of time sitting around doing nothing, so off with her, I say. What a fun show! What are your thoughts on tonight’s episode?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Survivor: Gabon – She Obviously is Post-Op!”

October 3, 2008 at 8:28 AM

It was good to see Fang win a couple of times although I wouldn’t mind seeing Randy go home. What a real turd he is – the passive agressive jerk that sews dissent within the tribe while avoiding any responsibility.

Sugar is so desperate to get into Ace’s pants that it is negatively affecting her game. Corinne is being very smart by letting Ace think he is in charge while she manipulates the tribe quite adeptly.

Wasn’t it fun to see the gamer beat the professor in a simple math puzzle?

October 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM

I was shocked Bob didn’t solve the math problem faster. In the first week’s two 1 hour episodes, they positioned Bob as “The Professor” from Gilligan’s Island in all the right ways. While I’m sure the gamer kid is very smart, Bob should have been more on the ball.

The bow tie buff he made is still awesome, though :)

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