CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – We’re So Happy You’re Happy



(Season 5, Episode 2)

“Hey, this is what Edie and I do. We tease each other. I say she’s easier to get into than community college, she says my face looks like a knee. It’s fun.” – Mrs. McCluskey to Dave Williams

This show is kind of tanking for me this season. I hate to say that, because I had high hopes, and I really DO love seeing the women again. But the storylines are flatlining so far.

Even though I’ve known these characters for four years, I don’t really care about them. Gaby just irritates me with her pursuit of social status. Who cares? Why is it so important to her? I just want to tell her, “Let it go, Gaby. There are more important things out there.”

The Lynette/Porter story? Saw that coming three miles away.

And I’m truly sick of TV husbands who don’t appreciate their successful wives. For Bree to come home after cooking all day, and then bow down to selfish Orson, who’s sitting there waiting for a pot roast? Tragic. I would have booted his butt out the door, not started chopping carrots.

This episode did have a couple of highlights, though:

Mike telling Susan, “If you could see yourself through my eyes, you’d know you got nothin’ to worry about.” There’s still some spark there, although what he sees in that scatterbrain, I’ll never know. Maybe they complete each other or something.

Creepy Dave Williams, who reminds me of a perverted, middle-aged Ken doll. That poor Mrs. McCluskey. She sure has been put through the ringer over the years, hasn’t she? All she wants is a friend, and he has to go and mess with her trusted pal, Toby. Don’t mess with the cat, Dave.

Overall, though…eh…

4 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – We’re So Happy You’re Happy”

October 5, 2008 at 9:19 PM

I placeholder review posted before the show is over?

No sir, I don’t like it.

October 5, 2008 at 9:23 PM

Nacho – We do these in case people have something they’re just dying to say before the episode is over. Would you be interested in participating in a Live Blog instead (where you can chat with me as the show airs)? I’ve done them for Heroes and Survivor, and plan to do them for other shows, too.

October 5, 2008 at 10:07 PM

The only reason I don’t prefer this format is because when it’s posted it shows up in my RSS feed reader. So when this blank post shows up then there’s nothing to read and I have to remember to go back and read it later (or I suppose I could mark it as unread in my reader)

Personally, I would like to see the live blog in addition to the reviews. But I’m just one person. Whatever the majority of people want, I’ll get used to it.

October 5, 2008 at 10:14 PM

Yeah, what I’ve been doing is live blogs, as well as traditional reviews written after the episode ends. It’s a bit more work, but, well, I’m happy to lay it down for the readers. Plus, I love the instant interaction of a live blog. Immediate gratification and all that. :-)

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