CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – The Barbarian Sublimation



(Season 2, Episode 3)

Okay, I have to admit I had to look up “sublimation.” Did you know it’s when a solid changes to gas with no liquid stage in between? Now, I feel really dumb if that’s common knowledge. Last week we saw the aftermath of the Penny and Leonard date. This week we have Sheldon taking in a poor Penny who’s down on her luck. What does he do? Why, he teaches her his online video game. But how does Leonard take all of this?

Can you believe Penny must have fallen through the black hole into Sheldon’s world? Well, she did. Or maybe it was some kind of vortex. Without Sheldon here to guide me, I have a bit of trouble with all that scientific phraseology. I know how it is to get hung up on trying to advance in a video game. But I’ve never gone quite the extent that Penny did tonight and went the step of 24/7 addiction to one. It’s doubtful, or no one ever told me, that I have a Cheeto in my hair. She became truly addicted and may have even surpassed Sheldon on the best lines (or comebacks) of the night.

I couldn’t believe Sheldon actually let her in. Yeah, he was sympathetic to her “key conundrum” but it has to be the first time he’s ever invited a woman in his apartment no matter the reason. I expected Leonard to have more issues with it as she was his lost love (whatever). But he seemed more in shock that Sheldon attracted her until he found out her Age of Conan fetish and that her game master was none other than Sheldor the Conquerer.

The occasional screen captures and action on the video screens worked perfectly for the show tonight. I actually chuckled out loud when Penny’s video character lopped off Leonard’s head. Of course, the end scene for the episode, the reason she saw the light and realized her addiction — walking off with Howard’s character into the sunset on the video screen — got a guffaw out of me. Nicely done.

I’d be remiss if I failed to mention the Leslie Kinkle segment. She can make me smile, but I swear that “dumbass” bit is lifted from That 70s Show. However, the show needs a female Sheldon. Penny, for the most part, has been showing more people-wits about her as the series goes on. Well, maybe not tonight. But you remember the first video game you got hooked on, right? Leslie can not only match Sheldon, but she can make him shut up. She’s probably the only one who’s ever been able to do that to him.

I wonder what Sheldon would do if a woman ever really came onto him. Tonight doesn’t count despite the innuendo Leonard inferred. I mean a woman who lusted after him, not one just hooked on a video game. Sheldon would probably do the same thing he did with Penny — hook her up on an online dating service.

Lessons I learned tonight:

  • The cornstarch and water on the speakers looked fun. I should make a note to remember the plastic wrap or my woofers will be muffled. Muffled woofers aren’t a good thing.
  • I will not seek out the game The Age of Conan. I don’t want to know. I’m better off with Crash Bandicoot.
  • The meaning of the word “sublimation.”

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – The Barbarian Sublimation”

October 6, 2008 at 11:20 PM

I actually did the cornstarch and water on the speaker thing right after the show. My only problem was my speaker isn’t quite as big as the one on the show, therefore it bounced off and landed on my thick dark carpeting. It really doesn’t want to come off. A big white spot on a dark carpet does not look right……

October 7, 2008 at 12:15 AM

Sublimation has another meaning/definition. It’s a psychiatric term for … actually, let me just quote Websters: “to divert the expression of an instinctual desire or impulse from its unacceptable form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable”.

Haven’t watched the episode, but got a feeling that was the meaning the writers were referring to.

October 7, 2008 at 3:27 AM

I think I’ve got some Taco Bell sublimation going on right now.

October 7, 2008 at 12:31 PM

I predict that if Sheldon ever does hook up with a girl in the course of this show…it will be Penny. They are so different in many ways, but yet there is definite chemistry between them…whereas Penny & Leonard had zero chemistry.

Loved when Penny was in his bedroom, the whole scene was great. But it was also hysterical when she came out of his room and told Leonard not to go in there cause Sheldon wasn’t wearing pajama bottoms. My favorite part of the episode.

Hehe, I love Sheldon.

October 7, 2008 at 1:49 PM

Too funny Mango!

October 7, 2008 at 4:30 PM

Mango: You’re killing me. Too funny!

Great episode. Sheldon was awesome.

October 8, 2008 at 10:40 AM

I finally watched this episode last night and laughed thru the whole thing. Sheldon was way out of his comfort zone and played that so well. I cracked up at the way he was sleeping … poor guy just can’t let go, even in his sleep. He is my favorite on that show.

October 8, 2008 at 1:06 PM

That’s funny Mango — well, I missed the ep but was so glad I could come to read your review Jackie. It’s almost as good as watching any show you write about, and sometimes even better!

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