CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Equal and Opposite



(Season 2, Episode 2)

“Your ass looks fantastic!” Pete to Violet while using the defatillator on her

The music on this show always makes me stand up and go, Hey! Like, for example, the Cars’ “Shake It Up” playing as a backdrop as Sam and Addison tried to make nice with Naomi after overthrowing her last week. Perfect.

And here’s the thing about the overthrow: Couldn’t they have sat down together and talked things out before Sam and Addison did their surprise coup and booted her out as head honcho? I always got the impression that Oceanside Wellness was a cooperative effort and they all talked about the inner workings of the business.

So now we’ve got a situation where Naomi is miffed because they didn’t have faith in her to fix things. But, Hello! She’s taking $80K from a couple so they could produce a baby to save their other child. Not exactly the most logical or ethical thing to do. Likewise, Sam is miffed that Naomi didn’t trust him enough to let him know how dire the situation is. People! Sit down and talk it out!

It’s funny that it took a few lice to get Cooper to spill the beans to Violet about his relationship with Charlotte. Yeah, you know someone’s your true friend when they pick lice out of your hair. Would Charlotte have done that? No way! And Cooper told Violet as much, too.

Last season, I was annoyed that Violet and Cooper didn’t take their relationship to a romantic level (well, they tried unsuccessfully). But now I’m glad the writers haven’t gone there — not yet anyway. These two are better as best friends. Now if only he can stop lying to her about who he’s sleeping with. I think he still wants to sleep with Violet, and that’s why he can’t tell her that stuff. There’s still a little something going on there, best friends or not.

I was shocked that Pete ended up horizontal on the massage table with the Cheetah-Girl receptionist. Really? Is he hurting for sex that much that he’ll bed down the fresh young girl in the office? He probably got so turned on by touching Violet’s ass while using the defatillator on her, he had to do something or risk explosion. And since he can’t get any from Addison, he goes for the complete opposite of her.

And about Addison … she’s mooning about the fact that SWAT Guy hasn’t called her after their date. Uh, Addison? You’re a strong, independent woman. Why not call him? When she finally summons up the courage, she leaves a long, rambly message like she’s 12. Give me a break!

The brother-sister-couple story made me a little crazy. But I can see why Naomi and Addison would refuse to help them get pregnant or, really, have anything to do with it. With the practice already hurting, they wouldn’t want word getting out that they helped two siblings get a baby, either the natural way or via adoption. Of course, if the couple offered them $80K, I’m sure Naomi would have jumped at it.

I miss Del.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General |

3 Responses to “Private Practice – Equal and Opposite”

October 9, 2008 at 11:00 AM

It’s driving me nuts that Naomi is all sulky about betrayal. Sorry, I know she felt like the world was on her shoulders, but she was betraying the entire gang by not telling them they were “this close” to going under. To turn it around on Addison and Sam is ridiculous. I think the coup was needed as if they HAD tried to sit and talk with her, alone, they would have been more inclined to go easy on the situation because of their relationships with her, and things would have gotten worse. As it is, their equipment is being repoed. That will make it a tad difficult to treat patients. They all need to get over it and work together to fix it all, friendships included.

I felt sorry for the brother and sister until the dude said he knew. Perv. So very wrong. What a loser. Are blood tests required for marriage any longer? If not, you can bet there is a lot more of this going on than we know about.

The look on Violet’s face when Cooper said he was sleeping with Charlotte was all I needed to know that she has feelings beyond friendship for him. The look asked, “what about me? Why not sleep with me, fall in love with me?” And, she only combed about two inches of his head for the lice (and what he pulled out of his head was not lice…that was larve or something! eeewww); maybe that was her was her way of getting back at him. LOL

October 9, 2008 at 10:04 PM

I miss Del too. I want to see more of SWAT guy (Gilmore Girls anyone). Brothers and sisters are brothers and sisters for a reason. I’m glad that they did not participate in helping them be together.

October 10, 2008 at 10:12 PM

Hmm, I have to admit I’m on Naomi’s side. I think that Sam and Addison could’ve pulled off their coup by first going to Naomi’s office and then telling the group 5 min later. However, publicly humiliating her without a warning didn’t seem to make sense. If my manager, friend or no, fired me in a public meeting without telling me beforehand, I’d be hella pissed. I agree they needed to let people know, but the ambush, if they wanted to maintain semi-decent personal and professional relationships w/ N, didn’t make sense. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that any professional would rework her business’ mortgage without talking to anyone. Clearly, the show is building up to Sam and Naomi working together as partners professionally (& of course physically – man,Taye Diggs’ body is amazing). By the by, who watches their 13/14-year-old daughter during their midnight hookups?

Finally, ew to the Tim Day/receptionist hookup. She looks like she’s 12 and Daly (altho older) on-screen looks like he’s 40. Both are hot, but ew.

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