8:00p/7:00 Central
- FOX programming goes on hiatus for a while now as the baseball postseason finally comes to the major networks. Well, the NLCS at least. The ALCS, starting tomorrow, is still on TBS. Tonight’s NLCS Game 1 features the Dodgers taking on the Phillies.
- NBC premieres their new Thursday night October line-up, starting with a familiar face as David Arquette guests on My Name is Earl as an injured stuntman Earl wronged. Then, the premiere of the much hyped and critically acknowledged Kath & Kim. It’s the story of a mother and daughter starring Molly Shannon as the mother and Selma Blair as the daughter. Never mind that the actresses are the same age, the UK original did that, too.
- An accident brings the police in and the detective skills of Ugly Betty out on ABC. Meanwhile, Smallville goes for the obscure bringing in DC character (even the network couldn’t call her a DC star) Maxima.
- CBS’s Survivor: Gabon goes a little early in forcing the castaways to reveal how they feel about one another by having the tribes rank each other in order of importance.
9:00p/8:00 Central
- CBS finally premieres the rest of their Thursday night lineup, starting with the 9th season premiere of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Of course, the only thing on everyone’s minds, aside from the impending arrival of Laurence Fishburne and departure of William Petersen later this year, is the fate of Warrick. Does he survive the shooting?
- The Discovery Channel keeps blowing stuff on on Destroyed in Seconds. TLC keeps checking out motorcycles on American Chopper. VH1’s Fabulous Life Presents looks at the lives of posh pop stars, while inventors keep pursuing fame and glory on BBC America’s Dragon’s Den.
- Or would you rather watch people hitting other people? Spike TV’s got you covered with TNA: Impact! Sam and Dean argue over whether to just hit or actually kill a man who’s turning into a supernatural animal on The CW’s Supernatural.
- Michael is sure to keep hitting on Holly (how far can I keep one word going) on The Office, as she holds a business ethics seminar that leads to secrets revealed. NBC follows this up with the premiere of the “election special” SNL Weekend Update Thursday. Running in this slot each week until the election, where it gives way to 30 Rock, I’d wager we’ll see Tina Fey reprise her Sarah Palin in an attempt to lure more viewers to her critically lauded but ratings under-appreciated comedy.
10:00p/9:00 Central
- Did you like that Sarah Silverman last night? She seems to be a “love her or hate her” kind of comedian. Nevertheless, The Sarah Silverman Program settles into its regular timeslot tonight at 10:30p/9:30 Central on Comedy Central.
- It’s going to face off against a new comedy on FX, though. After a new It’s Always Sunny in Philadephia, in which the gang asks the age-old question “Who Pooped the Bed?”, you can stick around for the premiere of Testees. It’s a simple enough premise. Take two slackers and have them sign up as guinea pigs for every possible drug you can imagine. Then see how the drugs affect them.
- VH1 continues its search for the next great celebrity stylist with a new Glam God With Vivica A. Fox. And while Tabatha’s Salon Takeover wraps up its first season of salon makeovers on Bravo, the tattoo artists of LA Ink launch their second season on TLC. Would you rather say hello or goodbye?
- Or ignore both and decide between the two major network dramatic bows of the hour. ABC kicks off their look at a modern day cop dropped into the 1970s with Life on Mars. Alternately, CBS’s Eleventh Hour has managed in their ads to be so vague as to what the show is about, I can’t tell if it’s more like CSI or Fringe. I’m leaning a bit toward the latter, but we’ll have to see.
- Angela Bassett arrives on the set of ER and puts all the characters on the defensive over at NBC. Plus: terrorists!
11:00p/10:00 Central
- Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style offers another regular jane a magical makeover masterpiece!
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