CliqueClack TV

Gosh, I didn’t realize Suzie Orman was so annoying



Until recently, I was not a regular viewer of CNBC. It was just a channel in-between GSN and TLC that I would glance at during the microsecond it remained on my screen. Lately, due to the financial crisis that is allowing us to pay under $2.50 for a gallon of gas and depleting our retirement savings, I have been a more regular viewer of the network. From what I see, most of the talent is intelligent, direct, and pleasing to the viewer’s eyes and ears. Even that blowhard Jim Cramer (the Jim Rome of the financial world) is interesting to watch.

Then there’s Suzie Orman. A quick glance at Orman’s Saturday night program would reveal a financial adviser who provides sane, sensible advice to those on the hypothetical “Main Street” of America. Upon further examination, Suzie is a shrill, annoying financial advisor who provides advice in a grating manner to “Main Street” residents.

Take an example from a recent program. A female caller to Suzie was wondering if a $25,000 investment for a new Harley-Davidson (I think it was either a “Fat Boy” or “Road King” – I can’t recall) was a sound one with a $379,000 mortgage and various other assets and expenses she mentioned.  Instead of Susie reasonably discussing the pros and cons of this purchase adult-to-adult, she went right into hyper mode by screaming “Denied! Denied!” at the top of her lungs then began to berate the caller about her decision.

When did we get to the point that all advice coming from television talk show pundits has to be told in a loud, obnoxious voice? Orman, Cramer, “Dr.” Phil — they are all guilty of this “talking down” trend. Rather than calmly advising a caller that an investment of $25,000 for a new motorcycle would not save them any additional money, even at the gas pump, Suzie talked to her like she was a five-year-old child. How does that help the caller? Aren’t there studies out there that prove yelling and screaming actually causes the receiver of that animosity to not take the other person’s advice?

Viewers who call into Suzie Orman don’t need a lecture like their parents gave them. They need sound, level advice that they can chew on during their own time. The screams of “Denied!”, followed by some general advice about how their financial means don’t meet their expenses will just encourage the callers to seek advice from others who may give them the answer they want to hear. If that’s the case, then who will Suzie be able to yell at? Other than herself, that is.

Categories: | Clack | General |

7 Responses to “Gosh, I didn’t realize Suzie Orman was so annoying”

October 24, 2008 at 7:50 PM

How much “further” investigation did you really put into Suze’s show? The portion you tuned into was obviously her “Can I afford it?” segment – a really popular, rapid fire bit where people quickly list their assets & liabilities only to receive a blunt “approved” or “denied.” For the other 50 or so minutes of the program, Suze accepts calls and DOES listen with all the care and compassion that you’re looking for.

I dig the show. I think Suze provides a valuable service for “Main Street” Americans (or basically anyone who’s never worked in an investment firm). Yes, she is kind of ridiculous…and her jackets are awful – but her methods work for people.

Whoa. Who knew I cared that much?

October 24, 2008 at 8:13 PM

I didn’t realize this article was so annoying, when basing a diatribe of annoyance based on one segment called “Can I Afford It?” Before you base your comments about someone’s annoyance, maybe watch the WHOLE SHOW!

October 24, 2008 at 9:00 PM

Most women can be quite annoying, since most of their focus is on being seen. Just look at Palin’s outfits and hairdues…lol

October 24, 2008 at 10:14 PM

^um, kind of a sexist comment for no reason whatsoever.

i do like the Suze Orman show though, although she can be a bit full of herself sometimes, especially when she’s on Oprah, but her show is pretty good when she gave reasonable advices and clarifying confusing financial jargon.

October 25, 2008 at 1:45 AM

Wow, Shawn, what an insightful comment. I bet you’re a hit with the ladies.

Hairdues…I really hope that was a pun…lol

October 25, 2008 at 12:26 AM

The SNL Skit from last week sums it all up pretty much…

November 23, 2008 at 5:18 PM

I think Suzie is just what MOST Main Street AMERICANS need! Most Americans are dumb regarding their finances. Most want instant gratification. They want it NOW. Don’t want to SAVE and pay CASH for it. I think this show should be on prime time networks nightly. People need to their priority straight in life.
Do you want it or need it?

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