CliqueClack TV

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today



(Season 2, Episode 8)

Well, they promised us death, and… well, we got a death. Kind of… I guess (more on that after the jump). In any case, this was definitely a sweeps-worthy episode. Told in a quasi-Rashomon multiple perspective style, it was definitely different. I’m not sure the story telling technique was used as effectively as it could have been, but it was good for the most part.

One quick aside – did it feel like there were a ton of commercials during this episode or was it just such a good installment that it seemed that way? Alright, on to the juicy parts….

Can we really qualify the destruction of the Cromartie terminator as a death, or at the very least a death worthy of all the hype? I feel like it’s stretching it a bit, especially considering that the preview for next week showed a peek of the machine, along with the digging up of his grave. I know a lot of you, like myself, were hoping that perky little Riley would be getting a couple bullets to the head, but alas it was not to be. If Cromartie does end up prolonging his dirt nap, it will be interesting to see what direction the show goes in. Will he be replaced by another model from the future? Will Catherine Weaver take a larger and more active role as the uber-villain? Will the Connors get a little breathing room? Time will tell, I suppose.

My guess is that we will get some further exploration into Jesse’s story. If you don’t recall, she’s Derek’s ex-girlfriend from the future who showed up a couple weeks ago. We’ve already seen that she is carrying some intel on the Connors. What we don’t know is what her hidden agenda is. With a gaping hole in the villain category, I’m guessing that she’s up to no good.

I also think that we will begin to see more Catherine Weaver. She was looking for Cromartie, right? Is Ellison going to come clean with her and tell her about Cromartie’s destruction, perhaps leading her to his Mexican grave? Do you think she’s really interested in Cromartie at all, or was it all just a front to get to Ellison? There is still a lot we don’t know about the mysterious T-1001 and her motives.

This was definitely a suspenseful and action-packed episode. Well, the second half of the episode anyway. The first half was a little heavy on Riley, but I will forgive it. I think I’ve bashed her enough for one review. Between Sarah’s escapades in the trunk of Cromartie’s car, the panicked fleeing in the Mexican village, and the shootout at the chapel, there were a bunch of great scenes tonight. Personally, I loved Sarah’s complete and utter freakout/breakdown as she beat the hell out of Cromartie’s chip.  Ah… Catharsis!

So what did you think? Did you dig the Kurosawa-inspired storytelling this episode? Are you going to miss Cromartie? Was it just me, or was this one of the best episodes of Terminator so far? Did I miss something about the title of this episode, or is it a complete non sequitur?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

27 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today”

November 10, 2008 at 10:28 PM

The title gave me the impression that someone was goldbricking from work or school, possibly for a long weekend to Mexico, oooh the relaxation and romance!

The story telling technique worked for me.

Cromartie proved a very easy kill.

Yes, let’s get to T-Weaver’s true motives soon.

Dorv: Did this week knock your socks off, or what?

November 11, 2008 at 12:19 PM

I absolutely love non-linear storytelling like this, but I don’t think they did a well enough job of it tonight. It was disjointed, and skipped around (i.e. the 2nd act seemed to not fit in the with rest of the dynamic).

I really, really did Summer Glau as Cameron. I think she’s playing the character with real depth (That, or I’m just confused as hell with what’s going on inside that head of hers).

I don’t hate Riley like everyone else does, because I like what she represents. This show, to me, isn’t about Sarah Connor as the title suggests, but its about John Connor, and his growth as a man… I mean, how does a sheltered, shielded boy become the type of leader he’s to become if he never lives?

(I’ve got an ongoing theory that most “good” shows (or dramas of any kind) have one storyline/arc that carries it from the pilot to the finale. It may not be the primary thread, but when its all said and done, and you look back at the show, you say, “This is what it was about.” Not to say that it was all the show was about, nor to say that with some show’s its not the more obvious storylines. As an example, the first 9 (8?) seasons were about the growth and development of John Carter (Two characters mentioned in this post with the initals JC). The West Wing (to me) was about the same thing for Josh Lyman. To me, drama is defined by change, specifically character change. You look at the end of a story and see who’s been changed the most by the events of the plot, and that’s your story. Ok, ramble off).

November 10, 2008 at 10:50 PM

Re: title – It is a direct quote from Cromartie’s first line in the series.

November 11, 2008 at 12:01 AM

thanks for pointing that out! the title puzzled me until now.

November 11, 2008 at 10:10 AM

When they first switched POVs, I got really excited — good storytelling techniques are always welcome in my household. But I don’t think they did a good job using the multiple perspective narrative. For the most part, they told the story linearly, which was disappointing.

Am I the only one who was half creeped out, half excited at the really weird scene with Cameron and John on top of his bed?

I really wish they would give Lena Headey more to do — her character is so one-dimensional right now (angry, intense, monotone) that her breakdown at the end of the episode was surprising if only because it finally broke the mold.

Unlike Bob, I have no problem with Riley, and I like her spunk. I’m pretty sure she’s going to die somewhere along the way this season, but I like the character’s loyalty to John. I also wish they would show us more direct interaction between Riley and Sarah, rather than just portraying indirect tension.

November 11, 2008 at 12:33 PM

The Cameron and John in bed scene was a little ‘icky’. Sometimes, I do see them together, but lately..probably since Riley has been on…John seems more like a teen and Cameron older or something. I can’t put my finger on it. When the series started they seemed like they would be good together, but right now, not so much. Though, that could easily change again if John matures up again :)

November 11, 2008 at 12:04 PM

Best episode! The switching POV was different and worked for the most part. The only disconnect was how did Derek know they were in Mexico? I didn’t get the calls. I assume Cromartie traced the call. Maybe Derek did too? That would be my only complaint and a very small one.

It was great to see Sarah break down at the end though it was very much out of character for her. But, everyone has their breaking point, guess we found out hers.

While I find Riley somewhat annoying, I think that is the point. I hope they don’t kill her off, I wouldn’t like to see what that would do to John. I would rather have him break it off and see how he deals with that.

I am interested in how the Ellison story carries out. Will he ultimately contribute to the end of humankind? Which side is Catherine Weaver really on?

This show continues to get better every week. Glad it got a full season pickup.

November 12, 2008 at 7:42 AM

When John calls Derek from the police station, Cameron sees the number clearly on his cell phone display (it’s an international number, with a 011 prefix). She then dials it on her phone, and the cop on the other end answers in Spanish. From there, it would be easy for Derek and Cameron to find out exactly where to go.

I’m surprised at how *not* annoying Riley is, for a troubled teenager. She doesn’t do stupid things, except when the Connors purposely keep her in the dark. I think John’s crisis this season is due to having killed a human himself, followed by Cameron turning on him, and Riley’s been rather passive in all this. I don’t like to think how it will affect his mindset when it becomes clear that Derek has divided loyalties and other agendas.

Totally agree on the increasing quality.

November 12, 2008 at 7:43 PM

Thanks for the phone explanation. I forgot Cameron did something on her phone, but now remember thinking, what is she doing.

I agree about Riley. She is probably the most levelheaded character on the show. She has remained calm in some very chaotic circumstances, surprisingly so. And, she is the only one who seems to be there for John and doesn’t want something from him. She has somewhat become his rock. I just hope they don’t kill her off.

November 11, 2008 at 12:56 PM

Here’s my only comment…now that he’s “dead” I am rethinking the role of Cromartie. He seemed awfully chummy with everyone before he died. Even down to asking if Cameron has been “sick” and if her chip had been compromised. I don’t know…something just tells me that a bad thing happened, rather than a good one.

Anyhoodle…the only thing I can say about the storytelling is that everyone’s story was so different I started thinking they lie to each other a lot. Cameron saying John wouldn’t see Riley again. Then we see her story and I have no idea how she came to that conclusion. There were other things, but I’m sick, so the brain is fuzzy.

I am just happy dappy that Fox is (for now) sticking with the show. Fingers crossed!

November 11, 2008 at 1:05 PM

I don’t think Cameron was lying to Sarah when she said that John wouldn’t be seeing Riley anymore. John convinced her (in the creepy bed scene) he wouldn’t — an adolescent lie, which Cameron bought.

November 11, 2008 at 2:05 PM

Oh, come on! The “bed scene” wasn’t creepy, it was hilarious. John’s comment when Cameron got into bed had me in stitches: “Are you hoping that Riley is gonna see us in bed together and be totally scarred for the rest of her life?”.
And then I do believe that (a living, future) Cameron/Allison used to be John’s girlfriend. She probably died and John created T-Cameron resembling her. And T-Cameron, being a more evolved model, knows about the past of John and Cameron/Allison. As we found out (future) John confided in T-Cameron, so there has to be a deeper connection.
I think T-Cameron has all the basics to feel the emotions, but can’t quite figure it out. But I am not very familiar with the Terminator universe, so I don’t know what I am talking about, really ;-)

November 11, 2008 at 2:41 PM


I had originally thought that Allison and John could have been that serious, but if you look at the time line, wouldn’t he be old (ish) enough to be her father?

November 11, 2008 at 3:00 PM

Well, I did not think about that (stupid me).
I just had a look and John would be around 37, assuming the 16-year-old John we are watching makes it. That would indeed be a little old. Because Allison is not yet born in 2008 and that would make her age 21 when she meets future John. It is possible, but not very likely.
Two possibilites come to mind: a) John will make another jump forward in time or b) he is a perv ;)

November 11, 2008 at 4:12 PM

Another forward jump would be my guess too.

November 11, 2008 at 8:36 PM

Until we met Christian Bale as JC.

November 11, 2008 at 9:08 PM

I think I read somewhere that the movie disregards this series. No?

November 11, 2008 at 9:20 PM

I heard the same thing. I think the movie is going to be pretty far into the future in relation to this show.

November 12, 2008 at 2:23 PM

See, I hadn’t read that, but I thought I’d read somewhere (TVS?) that the show was trying to keep itself in the continuinity of what they knew about the movie. Or I could just be crazy.

Either way, I still don’t see a 19 year old JC as the savior of the human race.

November 12, 2008 at 2:59 PM

Not that crazy ;) That sounds kinda familiar too, but that was last season, I think… I guess the writers can change at will. It would be nice if they could ask Cameron, how old am I in the future? And why don’t they move around more, why stay in LA at all?

November 11, 2008 at 2:12 PM

Great episode, and i like Riley too!!!

November 11, 2008 at 4:26 PM

I found Cameron’s sexed up persuasion method very amusing. Cameron was so sure of her method, Sarah does not like Cameron’s method in this regard either ;) John, who responds to the method, shakes it off, and hits the road.

Side note: Cameron always has great boots.

November 11, 2008 at 9:21 PM

Guess I’m in the minority now about Riley being annoying. I swear everyone else was hating on her a couple weeks ago. ;-)

November 11, 2008 at 9:33 PM

No, you are still right – Riley needs to go pronto.

November 12, 2008 at 2:23 PM

Negative. I like what she represents for John’s growth (and, I really don’t think she’s that annoying, as others do).

November 12, 2008 at 2:51 PM

You have a point about her contributing to his growth, she will buy him some maturity, too bad for her that the cost will be her life. I don’t object to him having a relationship, I just don’t care for her character.

December 3, 2008 at 1:37 PM

did anyone else have a problem with how unrealistic it was when john and riley went in the hot tub almost fully clothed, also that the bed was made when they got back to the room later,

ok 2 16 year olds with any attraction to each other alone in a hotel room, sorry there gonna get it on there is no way that they are going in that hot tub with all those cloths

we were all 16 once and our thought process was
1. sex
2. food
3. sleep
4-99. sex
100. school work

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