CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – The Panty Pinata Polarization



(Season 2, Episode 7)

Well, this doesn’t seem realistic at all. After all, it seems to me that it would be in character for Howard Wolowitz to be aware of any sexy women TV shows, wouldn’t it? It takes Penny’s cable being cut off for him to discover the show? Raj, I can understand. He’s probably as nervous about watching women on the TV as he is when he talks to him. He tends to just gape at the screen with an excitable boy kind of expression on his face.

I don’t watch America’s Next Top Model, but I think I could endure that better than playing Klingon Boggle. Although the boys seemed to be having a ball playing it, if I were there I’d have to employ my Romulan Cloaking Device and hide away from them all. But at least I know my Yiddish, as does Raj. I’m not quite getting how he knows Yiddish but at least he called out Howard for cheating!

This was a fun episode with a few different things going on, but it all goes back to Sheldon (as it should). Once Penny asked to watch her show, the boys (Raj, Leonard, and Howard) became hooked. Howard and Raj more so than Leonard. The storyline with them tracking down the location of the models’ house was cute and even made me snicker a time or two.

But, as always, Jim Parsons as Sheldon stole the show. I live alone, so I can have the Sheldon quirks about where I like to sit and all. And, no … I don’t like people touching my food. However, had Penny just taken an onion ring off my plate, it would be okay. But he’s right — by putting it back, she did compromise the others. His three strikes then banishment (from the Magic Kingdom?) policy along with classes offered (on the internet even) to earn your way back into his good graces was priceless.

I’m also with Sheldon on the forwarding of jokes and things to my email. But when you’re talking lolcats, I really think that’s a forgivable sin. I mean, lolcats. Who doesn’t like “I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER”? It’s just so darned adorable! So, you see … I am not turning into a female Sheldon. Sure, I have a few Sheldonesque quirks, but I’m nowhere near as quirky. Really. I mean it.

I’m liking Penny more each episode. While Leslie stands up to Sheldon, her main defense is calling him a “dumbass.” Penny actually goes for the jugular without the name-calling. She plans her attack and executes it. Her lines are getting better each week, too. “No shoes, no shirts, no Sheldons.” Or, this one — “Go ahead. Eat it. I dare you.” She didn’t have to do anything to his burger, just put the thought in his mind that she did. She knew throwing off his scheduled laundry night would throw his whole world askew.

But she did have to bow to Leonard for her final attack. Telling his mom on him will get him every time. It worked for me when I was out of hand, too.

No. I’m not a female Sheldon. I’m just a blogger writing stuff. But with great power comes great responsibility.

One Response to “The Big Bang Theory – The Panty Pinata Polarization”

November 10, 2008 at 11:43 PM

I am with Sheldon, lolcatz one of the worst things on the internet. That would have been an instant 3 strikes for me.

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