CliqueClack TV

Life on Mars – Sam avoids having his plug pulled



(Season 1, Episode 6 – “Tuesday’s Dead”)

Ever since I posted about Windy being an hallucination, she’s been strangely absent. That seems to follow the formula that they’ll bring her back perhaps once more, then again in the season finale for the big reveal that she’s not real. I’m going with that.

The what’s-happening-to-Sam theme of the week here was a mixture of coma, with a smidge of insanity. Things seem to lean so heavily toward Sam being in a coma that it seems to have red herring written all over it.

As far as the past vs. future references go, they are clever but they may need to ease off just a tad. The opening typewriter scene I liked, the dance moves, though, were maybe a little too much. But I have to admit, if I was in Sam’s shoes, I’d definitely be pulling off a moonwalk or break dance at some point.

I never really thought before about how much Sam would know regarding law enforcement and hostage negotiation techniques beyond what his ’70s counterparts know. Sam’s got 30 some-odd years on everyone in law enforcement advancement, so something’s gotta come into play in a major way at some point.

As for Sam’s predicament (I guess that’s what I’ll continue to call it), I’m wondering why he doesn’t try passing a note to the future with someone to his fiance. I’d like to see an episode where he at least contemplates that, though I can’t say how it would even work. But I did think Sam was going to do that in this episode in order to give them a “sign” he was hearing what they said.

Bilateral Cingulotomy. Is this maybe something that’s affecting Sam? I ask because, when he looked into Johnny’s eyes, the music set a tone that said “this is significant.” However, that could just have meant to look for his smile toward the end of the episode.

Speaking of crazy people, what was with Mr. Noodle playing a looney-bin doctor? God that was disturbing.

Songs in this episode:

The Propositions - Funky Disposition - The Complete Propositions Collection (Remastered) - Sweet Lucy The Propositions – “Sweet Lucy”
Grand Funk Railroad - Greatest Hits: Grand Funk Railroad - We're an American Band Grand Funk Railroad – “We’re an American Band”
Cat Stevens - Teaser and the Firecat - Tuesday's Dead Cat Stevens – “Tuesday’s Dead”

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Life on Mars – Sam avoids having his plug pulled”

November 14, 2008 at 8:28 PM

If Sam’s situation is a coma, he really is fortunate to have dodged the unplug given all the present enthusiam for euthansia.

Total agreement about coma being a red herring. I hate secrets, if this was a book I would have already read the last chapter, then I would be able to read the middle with much more enjoyment :)

It will be interesting to watch the relationship between Sam and No Nuts develop.

November 14, 2008 at 10:50 PM

Loved the AMC Pacer commercial! That they include those great little details makes me enjoy the show all the more.

Have you ever seen Peggy Sue Got Married? If you found yourself in the past, do you honestly think you’d be able to “ease off just a tad” regarding the future references? Sorry, charlie, I don’t think so. Everything you KNOW is the future. Did you expect him to remember the fucking Hustle? I learned the damned thing in gym class for god’s sake, but I’d be hard pressed to bust that move right now.

I don’t understand this: “I’m wondering why he doesn’t try passing a note to the future with someone to his fiance.” – Try passing a note to who? Someone in the past to carry 35 years until they run into someone in the future? In whatever predicament he finds himself, it seems to me that all conversation is one way and he’ll have to find his own way home.

My advice is to quit trying to determine the end and enjoy the ride. So far, it’s a good one!

November 14, 2008 at 10:54 PM

This is a review, so that’s what I’m doing. If I was just going to sit and enjoy the ride, that’d make for one boring review, wouldn’t it?

I’m not saying Sam should do ’70s research for godsakes. I’m just saying the constant references can get tired.

As for the note passing, why not use Western Union? It worked on Back to the Future. ;-)

November 14, 2008 at 11:55 PM

Loved Peggy Sue Got Married! Good Lesson at the end for Peggy, hopefully Sam has that kind of sanguine ending.

November 16, 2008 at 2:13 PM

I have to say, after looking at the Wikipedia link I don’t think Bilateral Cingulotomy has anything to do with Sam’s condition, based on what it’s used to treat. For my part, coma seems the most logical but you never know. I have to say, it’s sheer force of will keeping me from looking up the original British version. This has to be my favorite new show of the year!

November 21, 2008 at 7:47 PM

I love this show and I’m so glad it shows on the ‘net because we don’t have cable.

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