CliqueClack TV

Crash – Kenny gets crabs, Ben gets a conscience



(Season 1, Episode 6 – “Clusterfuck”)

“I told you to stay away. This is the valley of death.” – Ben
“Then you should fear no evil.” – Anthony
“I AM evil.” – Ben
“No, you’re not. You’re just having a bad time.” – Anthony

Before I get into the review, I must reiterate how fantastic the music is on Crash. I’ve described it before as a blend of new age music and heavy metal, sort of a cross between Tangerine Dream and Metallica. It’s really mesmerizing. I could just sit and listen to the music for an hour by itself. But since I have a limited amount of time to devote to reviews, I need one of you to look up the soundtrack and report back!

Much of tonight’s episode revolved around Anthony’s family, which intersected with Christine’s daughter, Megan, who’s going out with Anthony’s nephew, Charles, whose father is Sean, who’s Christine’s contractor. Got all that? I think that’s how it goes.

So, Megan and Charles, looking to score some pot, end up at Charles’ uncle’s bar in South Central – right in the middle of a robbery instigated by Keif, who’s Anthony’s buddy and is angered by the fact that Ben still owes Anthony three paychecks. I’m still not sure why Keif robbed the bar. I guess because Anthony put the skids on a robbery at Ben’s house earlier that day.

Yeah, so anyway, all of this is to illustrate that all these people’s paths will eventually cross at one time or another.

Christine, meanwhile, has packed up Peter’s stuff. She’s kinda done with him. Basically, that’s the reason Megan needed to “leave the planet” and ended up looking for pot in South Central. There’s a little “something” going on between Christine and Sean (they meet at the police department to bail out their respective relatives). It hasn’t materialized yet, but trust me, it will.

I’ve always thought Kenny had some heart in him, and even mentioned it in a review or two ago. Well, he showed that heart again in this episode, when he took a bullet for a kid while chasing the perp (Keif) who held up the South Central bar. Thank God for bullet-proof vests. And yes, more path-crossing going on there.

But I had to laugh about Kenny’s horrible case of crabs, and his curt explanation to his cop buddies: “Yeah, I got more crabs than the Chesapeake Bay, alright?” And, of course, Bebe was milking it to the max, while alternately being grossed out with all of his ball-grabbing and repulsiveness at shaving and whatnot.

Oh, one more thing. When I went to play this back via DVR, the episode was named “Cluster.” But when I went to download the photo from the Starz press site, the episode was named “Clusterfuck.” Just thought you should know.

Oh, and one more thing (I promise, this is my last ‘one more thing’), “Ben gets a conscience” by screaming up to the police station in his limo (onto the lawn, actually), and ordering Anthony to get in the car. Apparently, he has his job back after getting fired earlier.

Your thoughts on this episode? Derek, what’d you think?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Crash – Kenny gets crabs, Ben gets a conscience”

November 16, 2008 at 11:34 AM

This is a great show and had a great last scene with Ben and Anthony. Ben was screaming “Where is my son?” Then he sees and hugs Anthony. Anthony then confesses he almost robbed Ben earlier, and Ben then says “But you didn’t”

This show has so much going for it, the possibilites for entertaining me seem endless.

November 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM

Ugh…. I didn’t get to watch the ep yet, will post as soon as I do! Love you Jane!

November 17, 2008 at 12:17 PM

Love the show. Had my doubts about a TV spinoff off a movie, but loving Dennis Hopper’s character and the final limo scene at the end of the episode was golden. I’m getting the expected level of discomfort from the racist undertones throughout the show, and appreciate the realistic and relatable portrayal of the plight of the minorities in LA. Keep the reviews coming (:

November 29, 2008 at 4:04 PM

Who sings and what is the song that runs through ending credits on “Clusterfuck” episode. Thanks. Can’t find it anywhere.

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