CliqueClack TV

Entourage: What’s the draw for a female audience?


I need to admit that I have only caught a few minutes, a couple of times recently of Entourage. But in its early seasons, I did watch enough episodes to know that it catered to a predominantly male audience.

At times it was pretty cute, watching the innocent — dare I say green? — boys try to fit into the Hollywood scene. And even this woman could appreciate that the one “pretty boy” was taking care of his boys, and taking them all along for the ride of their lives. Living the dream can be pretty cool.

Are the writers and producers even trying to capture a female audience for Entourage, though? Maybe they just don’t care, and that’s fine. Maybe the whole series is one huge male-bonding experience, designed to give the guys of this world a little “me” time every Sunday night. In a sea of chick shows, like Grey’s Anatomy and Lipstick Jungle, that’s probably OK.

However, say I’m a chick who really would like to watch Entourage — what’s in it for me? I, for one, don’t care whether or not Turtle got a hand-job from Jamie-Lynn Sigler. Some say Ari’s (or should I say Jeremy Piven’s) performance alone should be a draw, but let’s just say my time is precious. I’m not sure I want to use a half-hour trying to think like a man. Heck, there’s really not even any eye-candy to draw me in.

OK, Entourage fans — it’s your turn. Convince me I should give this show another try. Remember, no Y-chromosomes here….

Photo Credit: HBO

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9 Responses to “Entourage: What’s the draw for a female audience?”

November 18, 2008 at 1:22 PM

I am not sure what specifically the draw is, maybe just the high roller celebrity life style we all are somewhat envious of, but quite a few of my female friends are even me addicted to the show than me.

November 18, 2008 at 2:17 PM

Well essentially the show is about family and loyalty and the struggles people go through in pursuit of keeping the families needs met. (In the Vince family case, their needs are pot, partying and pretty girls.)

As a woman, I feel real empathy towards these characters when they endure humiliation in the pursuit of taking care of the family, or when they circle the wagons and throw punches when the family is threatened.

It’s always amusing to watch and see the lengths Ari will go to in protecting his real family (getting his son into a private school) or his “adopted” family – running like a madman, wildly bluffing, disgusting threats etc.

Besides, this is the ONLY show, my husband will watch with me. :)

November 18, 2008 at 2:49 PM

You do know your husband’s a fool for not watching BSG with you, right?

November 18, 2008 at 4:21 PM

To be fair, he has other qualities, and none of my gal pals care to watch BSG either. Hooray for internet friends!

November 18, 2008 at 3:59 PM

You mean how “Sex And The City” made an effort to cater to the straight male audience?

November 18, 2008 at 4:13 PM

Well, that was my point in my post. There are a bunch of chick shows that don’t necessarily give men any reason for watching them, but I was honestly curious if there is something in Entourage for women, or if they are just trying to give the men someplace to go in a sea of chick television.

November 19, 2008 at 4:04 PM

I like the show because of it’s business angle and all the Hollywood machinations, which really have nothing to do with gender. (In fact, most of the powerful studio heads and sly agents are women on the show.)

November 18, 2008 at 6:45 PM

1. What BSGfan said.

2. Witty dialogue.

3. Ari Gold/Jeremy Piven. The writers write Ari well. He’s hilarious, he’s vulgar and puts words together that I would never imagine could go together (“rusty c*nt bucket”??), he’s fiercely loyal to his family and his favourite client (see bsgfan’s comments), and underneath he’s nearly huggable.

Piven is hot. He is pure female fantasy. He’s been on my “list” since I saw him in PCU and I didn’t even know he was a nice Jewish boy at the time.
(I’m a nice Jewish girl, he’s a nice Jewish boy… Jeremy, call me. :) I’ll forgive that you did that Mandy Moore movie. Chasing Liberty, was it?).

4. I think that the supporting characters make this show. Honestly, I’m not a fan of Drama as a character and Vinnie can’t act but the supporting characters really support the main characters.

November 19, 2008 at 9:08 AM

Truth is, there is no reason that I can think of. Entourage is something similar to boxing or wrestling — its all about the boys. Hey I love the show, but for the most part its about conquests, with some asides about the industry, interspersed with demeaning dialogue about all women and all gays. Especially post-“Medallin”, a nice story thread that was women friendly, the guys have almost nothing to do except be guys. (I’m a guy and I think i’m talking myself out of watching the show).

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