CliqueClack TV

Well, boo hoo, the heroes lose their powers

Ok, so I guess it was fun seeing the heroes lose their powers in this week’s episode of Heroes, but wow, what a bunch of pansy-assed whiners.

We’ve got Peter in the jungle, practically sniffling about how “I needed to know I could be a hero without my powers.” Boo hoo, Peter, but I loved seeing you kick some major ass with the heavy artillery. Finally, a spine!

And then we’ve got Claire dying of septic shock in a hospital. See what it feels like to hurt now, Claire? Are you getting the picture? It’s not fun! But at least you wised up to your true self: “I’m not brave,” she weeps to her mom. “I’m just a stupid teenager.” Yeah, you got that right. Maybe now that she’s felt the pain of humanity, she’ll grow into her heroism.

And then we’ve got Elle and Sylar doing the horizontal mambo and deciding to start a new life, now that they have a chance to re-invent themselves without powers. Right, we can see how fast that all went to hell when they got their powers back.

We’ve got Arthur Petrelli whining to Suresh about how “being powerless makes me vulnerable.” Yeah, that’s how the rest of us feel most of the time, Arthur. Damn vulnerable to the outside forces.

But my favorite no-power storyline was definitely Matt and Daphne. He was so sweet when he saw that she had cerebral palsy, and then gently nudged her to make peace with her dad. Awww….

Any thoughts on the heroes’ non-powers in this week’s episode?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Well, boo hoo, the heroes lose their powers”

December 3, 2008 at 1:31 PM

These “heroes” never use their powers anyway. I didn’t notice a difference once they lost them. LOL

December 3, 2008 at 6:37 PM

I really hope this pair of “Eclipse” episodes has some other significant role in the season’s story arc. Right now they just feel like an aside until they get back to the season.

December 4, 2008 at 8:34 PM

“See what it feels like to hurt now, Claire?”

Jane, I’m sorry, but that is such a big error on your part. You should play 1984 and rewrite that as soon as you can because it’s a really really grave mistake and I have a hard time not writing a snide comment about it.

Claire always fealt the pain. Always. Since episode one.

December 4, 2008 at 9:54 PM

Sebastian, I believe that Claire lost her ability to feel pain after Sylar rooted around in her brain.

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