CliqueClack TV

House’s new team finally gets some personality

I’ve been waiting, somewhat patiently, for nearly two seasons (a season-and-a-half anyway). This week on House, it finally happened: House’s team finally got some personality.

I just might warm up to this new team after all, if they keep interacting the way they did this week.

It started off with Kutner, who has more gumption and more brains than I would have given him credit for, with his creation of the “Dr. House’s Second Opinion” website. That little venture brought us some light character development in the supporting characters this week, which was a real treat.

So we’ve learned there is a little meat to Kutner, and we’re thinking that’s pretty cool, when Taub trumps him with the blackmail. A 30% cut of the site’s profits and he won’t tell House. Way to show some spunk, Taub.

Taub continues to unveil his personality in his interactions with the patient this week. One of my favorite quotes, when Taub is asking the hypocritical patient for a stool sample: “Put some of what you’re full of in here.” I liked how Taub’s relationship with the patient progressed, once he understood her and once she called him on never doing anything hypocritical himself. When he said please to her after being so rude, it was very telling.

Thirteen developed more this week too. We’ve known about her all along, but learning about her past with her mother really shed some new light on why she’s been self-destructive. I’d probably hate myself a little bit, too, for treating my mother that way, even though in retrospect, you can’t get that stuff when you are a kid.

Finally, we even saw some glimpses of playfulness when Chase and Cameron were brainstorming with Kutner about how to help his patient. Chase and Cameron have gone by the wayside this season, and it was nice to see them back, personalities intact, asking for a 25% cut of the website profits.

Poor Kutner: smart enough to think he can capitalize off of House, dumb enough to underestimate the greed and ruthlessness of his colleagues. But it sure was fun to watch!

Do you feel hopeful that House’s team will grow on you after this episode?

Photo Credit: FOX /

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “House’s new team finally gets some personality”

December 4, 2008 at 1:08 PM

Debbie… I agree with what you wrote. I almost think that Kutner/Kumar is book smart, but people dumb. Remember the girl a few weeks ago, who said she was raped. K believed her story hook, line, and sinker, and was appalled when it turned out she was lying. I think that he is the “Cameron” of the new group, always trying to see the good in people, 13 is the “Foreman,” trying to prove House is wrong, and Taub is the “Chase,” brown-nosing and sucking up. I think, overall, I am liking the direction of the show, although, I agree with the complaints of its predictability.

December 4, 2008 at 4:07 PM

I think we now know more about Thirteen than any of the original team. The writers definitely love her. As for Taub and Kutner, I still don’ think they are being fleshed out to the degree they should.

I’m beginning to wonder if we will not end up, in the long run, with a combination of the two teams. I can see Thirteen joining for the long haul, but I’m still skeptical about the other two.

It was a decent episode, and I am so glad that Foreman is still a mainstay. Just love that guy.

December 4, 2008 at 7:25 PM

Until I read your review, I could not have told you what “Plastic-surgeon Doctor’s” name was. That’s pretty much a summary of how I feel about him. Exciting.

December 4, 2008 at 8:25 PM

That’s really funny that you say that, because I can never remember his name, either, and this episode I finally got it! Hopefully he’ll keep showing some spunk.

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