CliqueClack TV

Survivor – The loved ones episode pulls the heartstrings … again!

(Season 17, Episode 12 – “The Good Things in Life Aren’t Easy”)

They do this to me every year. Even though I know it’s coming, it still gets me. Maybe because I can imagine what it would be like to be doing something so difficult and doing it completely out of touch with your loved ones. I don’t think my wife and I have gone more than two days without at least talking to one another in the past eight years. And spending that long without my young son … well parents know what I’m talking about.

Jeff switched things up this time around though, so as things progressed we weren’t sure how these connections from home were going to go down. Ultimately, though, it was hugely satisfying. As for the show itself, it kind of seems like things are lined up for Ken and Crystal toward the finish, doesn’t it? Corinne and Bob came into tonight scrambling to save themselves from the underdog juggernaut, but was it too little too late?

The Hail Mary play of the second fake Immunity Idol was well played, but it turns out that Ken was a bit too clever for them on that front. His idea was that while he was okay with taking out competitor Matty, he wanted also to flush out the Immunity Idol that he believed Corinne had. The bottom line is that while Corinne and Bob were able to dupe him and Crystal into believing that Corinne would have an Idol to play, they didn’t factor in the devious cunning of Kenny finding a win-win variation.

In the end, Corinne didn’t play her fake Idol, because that would have just been silly, and her days in Gabon came to an end. At this point, it doesn’t look like anything short of a monopoly on the Immunity Challenges can save poor Bob. It’s a shame because he’s one of the guys out there I’m rooting for. Bob’s a good guy.

But Ken and Crystal are playing an incredibly shrewd game. The only one I see outplaying them right now is Sugar. She’s quietly letting them pick off people all around her even though they know she has that Immunity Idol on her. At this point she seems almost a lock for the Final Three, unless Susie, Ken, Crystal and Matty are going to work to flush the Idol out as soon as Bob is gone.

She may be in trouble once she gets there, depending on how bitter Kota is, and particularly the incredibly hateful Corinne and Randy. Those two are some of the most unpleasant people to have ever played the game, so I’m not sad to see either of them go, but it could make for some very petty voting for the million from the jury.

Photo Credit: Love Ablan/Flickr

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Survivor – The loved ones episode pulls the heartstrings … again!”

December 5, 2008 at 10:46 PM

Actually Kenny didn’t fully think it out. He never really had to vote for Matty. Bob would have voted for Matty. If corrine had the idol matty still would have left. But i was really hoping for Crystal & Kenny to fall for bob’s tricks. I really wish him good luck though and he needs a lot of it.

December 5, 2008 at 11:00 PM

Bob rules. Unfortunately, he’s the exact kind of person who never wins “Survivor”. Too bad.

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