CliqueClack TV

How I Met Your Mother – We wish for some stellar writing …

(Season 4, Episode 11 – “Little Minnesota”) How I Met Your Mother - How I Met Your Mother, Season 4 - Little Minnesota

OK, I have to admit, when I first saw the title of this episode, I thought maybe they were writing Alyson Hannigan’s pregnancy into the show and we were going to find out Lily was pregnant. You know, Marshall’s from Minnesota, “Little Minnesota;” it was a clever connection — admit it. Much more clever than this episode turned out to be, unfortunately.

Oh, don’t get me wrong; it started off so strong I thought I was about to witness the funniest episode of HIMYM to date. In fact, after the jump, enjoy with me again the stellar holiday songs Barney composed about Ted’s sister ….

(to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)
Pulling down her pants, yanking off my own
Underneath the mistletoe, I’ll make your sister moan!
Oh, Heather’s hot, Heather’s hot, we’ll go all the way ….

(to the tune of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”)
I wish I could see her naked
I wish I could see her naked
I wish I could see her naked
and down on all fours

(to the tune of “The Dreydl Song”)
Ted has a little sister, gets hotter every day
And if I ever meet her, with her boobies I will play
Sister sister sister ….

OK, then Barney follows up with the swivel chair entrance: hilarious. So you can see why I was expecting the laughs to continue through the rest of the episode. Instead, it just fizzled.

First of all, the episode wasn’t even really about what we thought it would be about (no, not the pregnancy thing; the Barney going after Heather thing). This is one time that HIMYM didn’t get it right. I’ve said in past posts that HIMYM is strong at knowing just how far to take a joke without crossing the line. They didn’t get near the line tonight. I craved more Barney, and he just went away.

Alright, not completely away, because the scene in MacLaren’s, when Barney and Heather (played by Erin Cahill of On the Lot fame, and of course none other than the Pink Time Force Ranger — go Power Rangers!) were inserting sexual innuendos into their conversation to piss Ted off, inspired a chuckle or two in me. The tight writing and “come full circle-ness” that I love about the really good episodes of HIMYM just weren’t there.

Sure, there were a few more laughs:

  • I loved Robin’s line about the New York guys being 10% girl, and then the cut to Barney ordering the sissy food.
  • I almost believe that Canadians are afraid of the dark.
  • Marshall outing Robin as a Canadian in the Minnesota bar, and then feeling bad and taking her to the “Hoser Hut.” Did we get a reference to the McKenzie brothers, with the guy with the tuke and Robin mentioning the “Great White North,” or are all of those things so stereotypical Canadian that they would have been in the episode anyway?
  • Robin’s Canadian accent makes me giggle every time.
  • We all saw it coming … “Let’s Go to the Mall” works well as karaoke, doesn’t it?

But all-in-all, not the episode I hope to tune into every Monday night at 8:30. How’d you all feel aboot it?

Photo Credit: CBS

7 Responses to “How I Met Your Mother – We wish for some stellar writing …”

December 15, 2008 at 10:51 PM

I actually really enjoyed this episode. I found myself laughing out loud numerous times, particularily at the Robin and Marshall scenes. I thought the whole “set up Ted” thing was kind of stupid and I agree it seemed to fizzle out. Being Canadadian though I always love when they incorporate Robin being from Canada into the show. And like you, her accent gets me everytime. When they walked into the Canadian bar and the karaoke song was “Mmm mmm mmm mmm” by the Crash Test Dummies, I lost it. And of course anytime I get to hear lets go to the mall, im satisfied.

December 16, 2008 at 9:16 AM

I’m wondering if HIMYM’s standout episodes really hurt our viewing of everything else. I only caught the second half, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Go back and look at the last couple reviews of this show. In tonights, and in the last three (or at least the three referenced at the bottom of the post), the phrase “best episode” is used in just about every one. Whether you or we thought it was, or wasn’t.

Is that fair? In my opinion, this is the funniest show on TV right now (I love BBT, and I love Scrubs, but this is tops in my book). But they can’t knock it out of the park every time. Do we expect too much out of them?

December 16, 2008 at 10:12 AM

You know, this is a really good point. I agree with you that HIMYM is the funniest sitcom on TV right now; in fact, it’s the only one I will even watch (although there are lots of funny dramedies that give way more payout than a sitcom).

I don’t know if we expect too much out of them or not. The thing is, they showed us they could do it, so now we want it every week. Although I suppose not every review of HIMYM that I write is the “best review.” ;-)

One thing they do deliver — laughs every episode, some even falling-off-your-chair laughs. Oh, and Dorv, the first half of this episdoe was much funnier than the second half — hope you DVRed! :-)

December 16, 2008 at 3:21 PM



December 16, 2008 at 4:39 PM

I enjoyed it, but after Barney’s Dr. Evil chair moment, the Heather subplot, well…I barely remember it was there. “Little Minnesota” was far more interesting. I loved that Marshall and Robin got paired up in an episode.

Also, the singing! “Let’s Go To The Mall!” Dirty carols! Yay! Thanks for transcribing the lyrics- I knew someone on the Internet had to do it.

December 17, 2008 at 10:06 AM

i loved the episode!!!

December 19, 2008 at 1:51 PM

What Kal said, and I liked Barney’s holiday songs.

I like that everyone at the Hoser Hut knew Let’s Go to the Mall and that the karaoke machine had the song. To me, that would be like going to a foreign country and hearing early Alanis’ mall-pop or seeing it on karaoke.

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