CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Ancient pagan festivals, a hunky physicist and a hug

(Season 2, Episode 11 – “The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis”)

Hey, I didn’t know Leonard’s parents were in New Jersey. Has he mentioned this before? I wonder where in New Jersey. Oh, wait. He’s a fictional character. Never mind. He just doesn’t seem to scream New Jersey to me.Ah, but that’s not important. What’s important is the feeling of the ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia in the house! Either that or Christmas. Perhaps even Chanukah. Read on past the jump for all the festive doings!

So, tonight Leonard was agog over a fellow esteemed physicist — a man crush, a bromance of sorts, albeit unrequited. That lasted until his man crush target hit on Penny and Penny fell for his performance hook, line and sinker. But it wasn’t in the cards as Dave (Mr. Esteemed Hunky Physicist) was indeed already married and didn’t bother to take the naked pictures of his wife off his cell phone before trying to get Penny’s pics on there. Bad, nasty dog physicist!

Stuff which made me snicker:

  • Wii bowling night for the boys — matching bowling shirts and all the implements of destruction for the game. And, they played as poorly as they would in a real bowling alley!
  • Leonard wanting someone, anyone to ask him how his leg (smashed by Dave’s falling motorcycle) was doing.
  • Sheldon’s explanation of the ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia. Gee, so that’s how Christmas trees came about! I never knew that.
  • Sheldon’s gift conundrum. Unlike the Penny and Leonard gift exchange, he made it into an ordeal.
  • Penny’s gift to Sheldon. “I have Leonard Nimoy’s DNA! All I need is a healthy ova and I could grow my own Leonard Nimoy!”

But the best part of the night was the hug Sheldon gave Penny. In a way, it reminded me of Fonzie (Happy Days) trying to say he was wrong. “I’m wr … wr … you know.” For Sheldon to hug a woman, it goes against his very constitution. He probably has a personal contract allowing himself only to hug his mother or something. But Penny’s Leonard Nimoy napkin personally autographed for Sheldon made a hug necessary, even if it’s the end of the world as he knows it. Leonard said it all, “It was a Saturnalian miracle!”

All in all, I found the holiday storyline mixed with the Hunky Dave one a bit disjointed, but I had a good time. Was it good for you?

Photo Credit: CBS

7 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Ancient pagan festivals, a hunky physicist and a hug”

December 15, 2008 at 11:53 PM

Oh, dear God, I had to rewind and rewatch Sheldon’s reaction to the napkin twice more.

December 16, 2008 at 4:24 AM

Oh my god this was the best episode of BBT of all time. So much chemistry between the guys and the gal – marvelous.

Just goes to show that the new girl threw off the whole chemistry of the group. Better get rid of her sooner than later.

But again – how cute was that… awwwwwww…. who would’ve expected such an extremely awesome gift?

December 16, 2008 at 8:40 AM

I have to agree with Sharon, Sheldon’s reaction to the napkin gift was hilarious.

I also have to agree with Sebastian that Leonard’s doctor girlfriend was nothing more than a wrench in the works. She just doesn’t fit.

Absolutely loved Wii bowling night!

December 16, 2008 at 8:43 AM

Hands down I thought this was the funniest episode of this show ever. Sheldon looked like he was going to explode with all the excitement after he received that napkin. And the hug was classic. Penny definitely has a soft spot for Sheldon and I think the immense effort it took for him to hug her is truly the best present he could have given her. Although it goes against everything Sheldon stands for, I’d love to see him and Penny in a relationship in the future. The potential for comedy there is limitless.

December 17, 2008 at 11:10 AM

We laughed more at the episode than any other, I think. The hunky guy part was only good because it gave us funny stuff for Leonard and Penny to do and say. The whole bowling thing was just so funny and rang true. The gift dilema for Sheldon was just priceless. Haven’t we all done that in a smaller way?

I loved the gift exchange with Penny and Leonard. They looked like true friends as they laughed at their own foibles and the understanding of each other.

Of course, the highlight was Penny’s gift for Sheldon and his reactions. He was awesome … and the hug? Well, it almost brought a tear to my eye. Not the hug itself, but Penny’s line “look, Leonard, Sheldon’s hugging me” was said so sweetly and with such awe. That was a priceless gift!

December 17, 2008 at 8:41 PM

I agree that this was the best episode yet.

I laughed a lot and I also got a tear in my eye at the end!

December 19, 2008 at 12:47 PM

No Battlestar Galactica references? :)

Great episode, starting with the Superman discussion that ended with Raj saying, “I give up. You can’t have a rational conversation with this man.”
…Regarding Sheldon, who manages to trump all arguments about how Superman cleans his suit, a conversation that turns to Superman’s sweat and pit stains.)

I’ll be watching this one again.

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