CliqueClack TV

Heroes – In Heroes land, it’s one punch and you’re done

(Season 3, Episode 13 – “Chapter 13: Dual”) Heroes - Heroes, Season 3 - Dual

The thing about tense situations in Heroes is that they kind of don’t matter. For instance, in tonight’s episode, nearly everyone’s life was in danger at some point in the episode. Since it’s Heroes though, even if they do die, it doesn’t necessarily matter, since no one on this show actually stays dead.

Of course, there are some exceptions to that: Arthur stayed dead throughout this entire episode, and Elle hasn’t gotten up from where Sylar left her on the beach a few episodes ago. But most of the main characters have cheated death so many times, it would be ridiculous to even try and count (I still can’t figure out how Niki got out of that warehouse fire at the end of last season).

Hiro, for instance, has managed to hang onto that conveniently-located flagpole for what seems like a really long time. Suresh made it out of the lab, even after Peter and his cohorts came in bent on destruction. Angela survived Sylar telling Claire to murder her, Sylar himself trying to murder her, and Meredith burning Primatech down. In fact, everybody survived Primatech being burned down — well, except for Meredith, that is. Sylar didn’t seem to make it out, but come on. They’re not going to kill off Sylar, so let’s not even talk about it.

My favorite part of this episode was how Angry Ando finally got his hands on some powers. Unfortunately, his power doesn’t make any damn sense. Even though Parkman busted out his high school Physics knowledge to explain it, I still don’t understand how Ando amplifying Daphne’s powers made her run so fast that she went back in time at all, never mind how they managed to get to the exact time and place where Hiro was.

Other items of note:

  • I had forgotten that Claire has an off switch, and I like how Sylar has one, as well. It would be nice if all of the heroes had one — that way, the annoying ones could be turned off periodically.
  • Was it just me, or did Sylar’s takeover of Primatech really seem like the way Carrie should have ended?
  • I know her life was in danger and all, but it still seems like Claire ditched her mother, leaving her to die, pretty quickly.
  • I don’t know why Nathan just hasn’t realized that the more powerful he tries to become, the more the world kind of gets ruined. Now he wants to put the heroes in a concentration camp? Come on, Petrelli.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Heroes – In Heroes land, it’s one punch and you’re done”

December 16, 2008 at 10:30 AM

“(I still can’t figure out how Niki got out of that warehouse fire at the end of last season).”

Jesus christ.. Really?

Kudos to the makers of this site for bringing the exact same quality to us here that already made tvsquad such a joy to follow.

December 16, 2008 at 10:58 AM

It’s not Nikki. Did you miss some episodes?? Tracy is the one with the freeze power..Tracy is one in a set of triplets along with Niki Sanders and Barbara.

Daphne going back in time was just like the first Superman movie, go fast enough and you can go back in time.

Why do you assume Claire’s mother is dead? Her fire doesn’t burn her.

On Arthur, didn’t Angela say you had to shoot him in the BACK of the head?? I see him coming back.

December 16, 2008 at 1:44 PM

I think it was a sarcastic remark. A smiley might have prevented any confusion.

December 17, 2008 at 9:21 PM

You’re right–it was a lame joke. A smiley would have prevented any confusion, but I loathe emoticons, so it wasn’t an option. I really just should have made it more clear. But hey, at least you got it!

But for real. Ali Larter has played 3 characters and I hate them all.

December 16, 2008 at 1:45 PM

Oh calm down you all. This show blows, so who cares?

All I’ve gotta say is that image at the top of the post is classic. I wish I was still doing ‘Subtle Subtitles’ …

December 16, 2008 at 7:54 PM

Usutu showing up at the end of the episode was as random as it gets. Suddenly he’s just standing there like, “Sup bitches?” Was he a vision or is he alive or what?

Ando’s power… huh!? The power to amplify powers? HUH?!

About Arthur, Sylar, Claire, and others with the healing ability… I think any foreign object prevents healing, so a bullet in the brain means Arthur is dead unless it’s removed. The specific location cited by Claire to kill Sylar was because it’s easy to “jab something in there.”

If there’s one character I can support coming back from the dead, it’s Elle. Way to go kill your best character who is played by your best actress.

December 16, 2008 at 8:20 PM

Keith… A little harsh yourself? I mean, the only crap I watched on TV last night was MOWE until I cut on the football game ;)

Unfortunately, even I thought this episode was underwhelming.

– The Peter/Nathan stuff was forced. I like them at odds, but it seemed they got where they were at way to quickly. I’m alone on this one, but I like Nathan as a bad guy more than a good one. This show could use a little more Cain/Abel, but done right.

– I don’t mind Ando’s power, and think it adds some interesting possibilities in the future. I think the commentary on Daph/Ando’s ability to pick and choose their “destination” was a bit off… I just got done listening to the audiobook of FastForward on my drive back this weekend, and I am so over Space/Time that I just accept what people tell me. You have to suspend belief so much on this show, that I will just leave the “science” out there… I mean, no one complained when Superman did it, when it made just as much sense.

– The Sylar bit could have interesting, but was just way over the top. I the concept of forcing a character to answer impossible moral questions, but, the cinematography just killed it for me.

– The prologue for next season was pretty interesting though. I’ve been waiting for a “mutants vs the government” storyline for a long time. Its been done quite well in the comics (I don’t read them much anymore, but the concept of Civil War in the Marvel Universe sounded outstanding).

– And Worf as POTUS. Two words: Bad. Donkey.

December 17, 2008 at 10:48 AM

My Submission for Subtle Subtitles:

“our lips first touch outside your doors
a whole night what we’ve got in store
whisper in my ear that you want some more
and I


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