I confess … I am a virgin — a Supernatural virgin, that is. Reading Brett’s reviews for Supernatural, I was so enticed, I was dumbfounded as to why I never gave this show a chance. Then, after writing my post, asking if Supernatural is as good as Buffy, there were so many comments that it was possibly better, that I had to check it out.
So I’ve begun the deflowering process (thanks to Amazon’s great deals we picked up the first three seasons for about $50.00 total), and I’ve seen the first four episodes so far.
It came back to me right away why I didn’t give Supernatural a chance. If you’ve seen it, you know what happens to Dean’s and Sam’s mother in the first fifteen minutes or so of the pilot. I had a baby about Sam’s age then, and it was just too sad. I made the decision that I wasn’t going to like Supernatural and never watched another episode again.
Now that my kid’s four and the world has convinced me I can’t miss Supernatural, here are my impressions on the first four episodes, in no particular order:
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s dad makes Grey’s Anatomy‘s Denny look a bit two-dimensional.
- Amy Acker’s performance was the saving grace of episode three, “Dead in the Water,” which I found to be the weakest of the first four episodes. Dare I say I liked her better in this role than I did as Angel‘s Fred?
- Somehow it is totally believable when the brothers’ fake IDs work, even the homeland security ones in “Phantom Traveler,” episode four. The looks they exchange, though, when they actually do gain access, are priceless. The Winchester brothers surprise themselves, I guess!
- The soundtrack is perfect, for the mood and for the “guy” bonding that happens between the brothers.
- I’ve heard criticism that the two leads are too pretty to be taken seriously; I disagree and don’t think they are so handsome that they lack character.
- Will Jensen Ackles always be Eric Brady (Days of Our Lives) to me? I suspect by the end of the series — or possibly quite a bit sooner — I’ll think of him as Dean Winchester.
- I’m so glad Dean stopped whacking Sam for emphasis by episode three. That interaction between brothers didn’t ring true to me.
- I like how the case of the week is a form of a traditional ghost story that we all have some familiarity with.
- For the most part, they haven’t dropped the ball on the story arc. I’m a little anxious to find out what’s happened to the dad, but there is a bit of movement on that in every episode.
- It’s very meaningful that they are working from their dad’s journal, isn’t it?
- Sam grew up very quickly after his traumatic experience in the pilot, and since it was the same thing Dean went through with his mom years earlier, it was an instant bonding experience for the brothers. I think Sam understands Dean’s darker side a bit more, and I think we’ll see more of Sam’s come out, now that he’s living this hunting life again.
- The people involved with the case of the week accept the supernatural things that are going on. Cool. So many shows have the disbelievers fighting it every step of the way, but I think if this were happening in real life, people would tend to know it was something other-worldly. A neat take!
So far, my overall impression of Supernatural is that it is entertaining and has the potential to really come together and find itself. I know many people said that once you get through the first half of the first season, it raises the game, just like Buffy did. I’m also getting the X-Files similarities that have been mentioned.
I’m anxiously awaiting the moment Supernatural clicks for me. It hasn’t done so yet, but I feel it coming, and it’s exciting. Another Supernatural addict is being born ….

Photo Credit: CW
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IIRC, I gave Supernatural a shot when it first came on, but it didn’t pull me in the way I’d hoped. With all of the discussion about the show, I’ve been tempted to give it a shot (I’ve been giving another cult favorite I missed a shot recently, and I’m embarassed to say its not pulled me in either… But in order not to start a flame war, I won’t say what). I’ll be following your posts through the first season at least to see.
This is pretty much what happened with Angel for me, too, ironically. I was never an Angel fan on Buffy (I always thought, and still do, that their relationship was forced and never seemed real), so I only gave the show a cursory shot when it came on. The first couple of episodes didn’t do anything for me, so I was out. Then, I managed to get caught in a S3 marathon on TNT, seeing that they’d added Wesley, and how he’d changed, and I was hooked. I think I purchased each of the seasons, and had gone through the entire run in about two months.
Will Supernatural catch me the the same way?
Whee! I can’t wait to hear what you think as you keep watching. This show grows on you. Just as you think you’re starting to be able to predict what’s going to happen, they go and surprise you.
It IS very meaningful that they work with their dad’s journal. It’s a symbol of the incredibly strong bond that they have as a family; even when they have no idea where their Dad is or if he’s ok, it keeps them connected. You can tell the journal was not just written to keep track of the various demons and whatnot, but because he knew one day his sons would need it.
Don’t want to spoil anything for you, but that’s a very astute observation you made about Sam’s dark side.
i strayed away from supernatural at first too. i did tho cuz my roommate had the first season & said parts were freaking him out. coming from someone who doesnt get scared easily i thought “fuck that, im definately not watching it now!”
anyway, after he convinced me (or my boredom during the summer, i forget which) i watched it. its an awesome show with story arcs that last the whole season & great mythology.
since you have the first 3 seasons you should just dvr/shelve everything else & have a supernatural marathon. it’ll be worth it! we’ll wait for you to report about your new love of the winchesters.
oh yeah, & i dont know about you, but everytime i see jeffrey dean morgan, i think of him as john winchester. he’s not denny duquette or anyone else, he’s badass john winchester!
I’m kind of in the same boat… based on some of the comments here and other places (other sites, friends, and family), I decided to start up with season 1, now that winter break has caused most of my shows to stop airing for a few weeks.
I’ve only watched the first 3 so far, and am liking it. Not addicted (yet) but it sounds like the mythology of the show gets richer as time goes by, so I’m looking forward to more.
I only know about Supernatural because my brother watches it and because of the blogs. I never tried to watch it.
I might watch it soon but at the moment I’m forcing myself to watch every episode of “Fringe” and still have the whole X-Files and Twin Peaks standing here. I guess I’m not into all things supernatural.
I watched Buffy because of the romance. Yeah I know I’m a sucker. But Alyson Hannigan is so darn cute…
Yeah, I remember seeing the first promos for Supernatural and rolling my eyes. It looked like the WB was doing some teenie-bopper version of the X-Files. I practically made a point of not watching it. Then I caught the episode Faith in reruns and found it surprisingly entertaining (yay, Layla). So, I’d watch it whenever I remembered to (which was infrequent).
Then, somehow…I caught the last two episodes of Season 2 and that was it. Hooked. Crazy fan.
I love it that supernatural is starting to really get the love it deserves.
i myself did not watch the first season. actually, i don’t even think as of today i’ve seen the first season. i started watching mid 2nd season out of curiosity and boredom and have been competely hooked since. it is my favorite show on tv today. bold statement, i know, but definitely true. somehow you start rooting for all the winchester boys…
The first season is definitely the weakest no matter what you might hear to the contrary. Keep watching. The second half of season one is *much* stronger and then season two really, really gets it together.
Yes, you will see Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester very soon. Eric Brady may as well have been a girl.
Can’t wait to read your further reviews for this great show! True, the second half of the first season is when the mythology really starts to take center stage but the first half has some great brother chemistry and bonding before they have to deal with all their greater problems.
Episode 6 “Skin” and Episode 9 “Home” were the episodes that really hooked me into the show.
I watched the 1st two seasons the summer before S3 just from what I had read online and have never looked back. The best way to watch any show that has a mytharc is on DVD. This show taught me that. I watch every week now but it’s one of the few shows I watch live. I have watched S1 & 2 so many ti,es now I have lost count. Keep watching. You won’t regret it!
I’ve been introduced to Supernatural fairly recently and marathon-ed the first 3 seasons. S1 was great but definitely the weakest. It picks up tenfold once you get into S2. It might seem like a good idea to only watch the mytharc heavy episodes of S1 but even the mediocre episodes on this show have moments that are too good to gloss over.
I don’t know if I’m jumping the gun, but Dean Winchester deserves a spot with the best tv characters of all time. He’s hilarious, cocky, and hedonistic yet is always the self-sacrificing, tragic hero. The actor playing him is wonderful, especially in later seasons.
Like a lot of other fans who came into Supernatural late, I watched the first episode and liked it, but it didn’t grab me enough to stick with it. I rediscovered it in season three and have loved it and tried to watch it every week since. I now have all three seasons on dvd and watch the eps multiple times. For me, season three is the weakest, but it’s still top-notch compared to many other shows on TV. Keep with the show. You won’t regret it.
I´m a fan since episode 1, and these is the only show on tv that keeps getting better and better as seasons past.