CliqueClack TV

Five reasons why I hate How I Met Your Mother (and why I watch anyway)


The fans of How I Met Your Mother baffle me. They’re hardcore, that’s for sure, and their incredible love for the show has permeated the Internet, triggering enough curiosity in me to tune in for a few episodes over the summer. As it turns out, this show makes me groan more than laugh and cringe more than chuckle.

Despite numerous attempts to enjoy them, CBS sitcoms just don’t float my boat. I mean, seriously, how does Two And A Half Men consistently show up at the top of the ratings? HIMYM was over-hyped, to say the least. Overall, I don’t care for it, but … I watch it. Every week. I’ve seen every episode. Why do I hate it? And why do I keep putting up with it? Well, let’s start with the former.

Zero chemistry between Marshall and Lily: On paper, I’m sure Marshall and Lily are super-cute together. Yes, they’re good in theory, much like Communism and chocolate pancake corn dogs, but, also like the aforementioned corn dogs, they’re tough on the bowels. When I see them touch, I am watching Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segel awkwardly rubbing each other, not a couple interacting.

Danger of plunging into a diabetic coma: That sickeningly sweet super-extra-speedy date with Sarah Chalke’s character almost made me stop watching the show. Even those less bitter than I could hardly stand it. It is entirely possible to have sweet, endearing moments without getting saccharine. Admittedly, HIMYM has occasionally achieved this but not often enough.

Ted’s no fun: He’s the main character, right? Oh.

Horribly predictable jokes: I have this terrible habit of trying to predict punchlines before they happen with just about any show that I watch. Normally, I’m extra-horrible at this game, but it’s insanely easy when I’m watching HIMYM. In fact, it’s so easy that being a winner actually feels pretty awful. Shake things up, HIMYM writers! Surprise me! Beyond various “shit happens” sort of plot twists, of course.

Alyson Hannigan as Lily: My God! I don’t understand. She delivers every other line with the inflection of “This one time, at band camp….” She was one of the main reasons I had trouble getting through the first season of Buffy, but I thought that was just a weird Willow thing. As it turns out, it’s all Alyson Hannigan. At least she has pretty hair and looks rather becoming as a college goth girl.

And the one reason that I keep watching, putting myself through this torturous mediocrity week after week:

Neil Patrick Harris as Barney: I must throw in another “My God!”, but this time, it’s totally positive. It often feels like the writers reserve the best lines for Barney, and for good reason, because I’m constantly in awe of NPH’s delivery. He’s the only player that is consistently strong and hilarious. I think the GIF at the top of this page sums it up perfectly. Look at those other chumps. NPH owns all.

Photo Credit: CBS

9 Responses to “Five reasons why I hate How I Met Your Mother (and why I watch anyway)”

December 28, 2008 at 7:00 PM

Finally someone else thinks that two and a half men is a terrible show. i was forced to watch this show in school, i decided to read a book instead. and i hate reading.

December 28, 2008 at 9:09 PM

Two and a Half Men could be a decent show, but it’s just boring and needs to expand more.

I think ALL of CBS’s “comedies” are boring and old.

December 29, 2008 at 4:40 AM


Did you start with this season, or from the beginning of the show? I felt that the first two seasons were far superior, and agree it’s fairly lackluster now. NPH really is the only reason to watch this over Chuck or Terminator.

And Ted was always a tool.

December 29, 2008 at 1:39 PM

I started from the very beginning of the series, which I always try to do. I actually didn’t notice a shift in quality through the seasons, which I suppose is a positive. It’s always been “yeah, okay…” for me.

December 29, 2008 at 5:35 AM

You could really make this list short and just say you watch HIMYM because of Barney/NPH.

Funny thing though is that what stands out here is people agree more about Two and a Half Men :-)

To be honest I kind of agree with everything except Alyson Hannigan. But I guess that’s just because I like redheads (I grew up when all the John Hughes movies came out and you can guess why).

December 29, 2008 at 7:23 PM

I saw Alyson Hannigan perform live on stage in London, and yes, that’s just her acting. That’s why her funniest scenes are the one where she freaks out – unless she’s playing “wild”, she plays “dull.” Ted’s a sap, but at least they’ve back off of whinyTed from Season 1. NPH is the show. I watch because of all the great Barney lines and the overall flow of the story lines (especially during flashback episodes). So I guess I’m a fan of NPH and the writers….

Two and a Half Men can go away anytime they feel like, but The Big Bang Theory has grown from a groan-inducing embarrassment in the first few episodes into a genuinely funny( albeit simple, predictable and again entirely reliant on a single character) sitcom.

December 30, 2008 at 7:54 AM

Dude I am a girl who freaking hates HIMYM. When I tell people that I think it is a horrible show they literally gasp in horror. Finally someone who hates it too. It’s refreshing.

December 30, 2008 at 8:18 PM

Wait, you tuned in for a few episodes over the summer, but started from the beginning?

I’m confused. Did you watch this serialized romantic comedy from the beginning or not?

December 30, 2008 at 8:28 PM

Out of curiosity, I watched the first few episodes over the Summer and ended up watching the rest later, all in order (on friends’ DVDs). Sorry if that confused you somehow.

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