CliqueClack TV

The Wire virgin’s diary – Getting the old team back together

The Wire(Season 2, Episodes 1-4)

During my diaries from season one, more than one commenter warned me about season two. I’m enjoying the season so far and there is a lot going on, but it is very different than the first season. All the characters that we got to know and love from the case during season one are split up at the beginning of season two, and during these first four episodes they’re just sort of floating along.

Aside from that we have a whole other group of characters from the port to get to know. I’ve been enjoying them so far. It seems like there is a lot going down on the port, more than just a little rivalry between Major Valchek and Sobotka. Sobotka’s clearly throwing around a lot of money, and it has to be coming from somewhere. You know how the old saying goes: “It’s all fun and games until someone stumbles upon thirteen dead Eastern European hookers.”

The one thing that has really struck me about The Wire is the ultra-realistic presentation. I love that there is no music on the show. Well, there is no score. Music can be heard on stereos and car radios, but there is never any background music. This is such a small thing, but it is really a brilliant production decision.

“Ebb Tide”

I was glad to see a few things in the premiere of the second season, not the least of which was Amy Ryan. Before her Oscar nomination for Gone Baby Gone and her stint on The Office, she was officer Russell from the Port Authority. I had no idea she was on The Wire until I picked up season two. That was a pleasant surprise. It was also refreshing to see that even though they are no longer under investigation, all the drug dealers that we invested so much time in as viewers are still being featured on the show.

“Collateral Damage”

Now why didn’t I think to put some raw eggs in a pint of beer? That’s the breakfast of champions right there. We’re spending a lot of time with the port folks in the first batch of episodes, but it’s not bothering me, they’re interesting and I know it will lead somewhere. At this point the battle between Valchek and Sobotka is fairly amusing. I have no idea if it is going to get more sinister before it’s over.

A few other observations from this episode:

  • Carver got that nice promotion from being the deputy’s mole during the first season and he looks pretty miserable.
  • I think the mobsters are officially more terrifying than the drug dealers ever were in the first season. Slitting a dude’s throat and then removing his face and finger prints? That’s cold man….
  • McNulty setting up Rawls in this episode was awesome. That Rawls is one mean bastard, it was fun seeing him get screwed.

“Hot Shots”

Omar is back! Great to see this crazy bastard back in Baltimore, stirring things up. I still think he is one of the better characters on the show. He stands out as larger than life (along with Ziggy Sabotka this season), which is a nice counter to the average Joes that populate the show. Also returning this episode was Senator Clay Davis, who appears even more corrupt than we thought in season one.

“Hard Cases”

There has been a tremendous amount of character development in the early part of this season. I feel like we’ve seen more of McNulty and his wife, and a ton of the Sobotkas in the early going. By this time in season one we were deep into the case. I’m not complaining, just observing.

It was interesting seeing how easily Avon was able to manipulate the system from inside of prison. With very little effort he was able to cut a deal with the Attorney General to reduce his prison time by setting up a dirty prison guard.

I’m excited for the team from season one to finally reunite and start digging in to the case. It should be fun to see if and how all the different parts are going to tie into each other before the season ends.  I’m still wondering if they’re going to be setting up a wire this year….

Photo Credit: HBO

7 Responses to “The Wire virgin’s diary – Getting the old team back together”

January 3, 2009 at 8:41 PM

It is really enjoyable reading these entries. Brings back memories of the first time I watched and fell in love with the show… staying up until 4:00 am just to watch one more episode.

January 3, 2009 at 8:46 PM

Thanks, glad you’re enjoying them, I’m really digging the show. I’m so excited I have 5 seasons to go through.

January 3, 2009 at 9:58 PM

Yep this is making me want to watch them again lol

January 4, 2009 at 4:45 AM

Just found your diaries, I’m going to have to go back and read your previous entries. I just got the complete set and I’ve just re-watched S1 and S2 and am now half way through 3. I’m totally loving going back.

Honestly, I don’t agree with the bad rep that Season 2 seems to get (keep in mind that this “bad rep” is still relative to the other seasons) with some Wire fans. Season 2 is certainly the most self contained season because of the Port storyline, but I also think, as you’ll see (I really envy you seeing all this for the first time), that it’s conclusion and the build up to it is really the best of all the seasons.

I really believe that some people just say they don’t like S2 because there is less of the West Side storyline then in other seasons as well as less Bubbles and Omar, but they, IMHO, are not really focusing on how great a character Sbotka is and how the Port storyline is extremely important to the overall story that The Wire is trying to tell.

I’m looking forward to returning to see your thoughts on the rest of the season(s).

January 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM

Tito, I don’t think S2 gets a bad rap around here. Not all all. I think many of us think it’s one of the best seasons on the show. When Bob indicated he was “warned” about S2, he was talking about the transition from S1 to S2. More than a few of us noted that it’s a very abrupt transition, and some of us had a tough time understanding and liking what we were watching. But S2 pays off hugely in the end, and most of us look back on it very fondly.

January 5, 2009 at 7:54 PM

I’ve been making my way through the Wire for the first time as well, though about halfway through S3 at this point. Such a great show. It really takes the time to flesh out the characters and their world. The seasons unfold like novel and are littered with commentaries on both sides of the law and the parallels between them.

The impatient should be warned that (at least so far) the seasons start out slow as the foundation of the stories are laid, but they quickly pick up steam and there is a big payoff if you stick with it.

January 7, 2009 at 3:43 AM


Yeah, I’m sorry. I wrote my comment before I went back and read his previous entries and their comments. So, it’s cool to see the S2 love going on over here. But, what I was refering to does seem to happen with other Wire “fans” and some critics too.

Thanks for the response.

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