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Grey’s Anatomy – Lexie breaks Sloan’s penis, Denny makes sense


(Season 5, Episode 12 – “Stairway to Heaven” Grey's Anatomy - Grey's Anatomy, Season 5 - Stairway to Heaven)

“I believe in Heaven … I also believe in Hell. I’ve never seen either, but I believe they exist. They have to exist, because without a Heaven, without a Hell, we’re all just headed for limbo.” – Denny’s voiceover

Holy Talomey, what an episode! We had people cracking up all over the place, and I was gripped, GRIPPED I tell you. And Denny’s ominous words, “I’m here for you, Izzie Stephens,” now make sense. I think.

So it’s looking like maybe Izzie’s got that brain tumor … or something … we’ve all been speculating about. But whether she’ll actually succumb to it or not remains to be seen. You know, Denny could have helped her figure it out sooner. It might be too late now.  I totally understand why she was ticked at him.

And seriously, Bailey needs a vacation or an extended leave of absence. That girl can’t take anymore, especially after losing it over the boy needing the organs. She did the right thing, though, having Derek continue with the surgery on the death-row prisoner. No, none of it makes any sense whatsoever, but that’s how life is sometimes. And a miracle happened for the boy, and he got the organs he needed, thanks to The Chief crossing a line with the other brain-dead guy and his grief-stricken wife.

Thank goodness Derek has grown up emotionally and sees that not everything is black and white. As his mom said, he truly does need Meredith and she needs him, as evidenced in the last scene when Meredith comes out of the prison after seeing the guy executed. And what a way to bring her and Cristina back together! Derek is one smart guy to go get Cristina that way.

There were some great lines in this episode, but my favorite was when Derek said to Cristina, “When I propose to her, she’s going to need someone to freak out to.” Who knew that Derek and Meredith would be the couple who seemed the most together in this crazy crew?!

I loved it when Sadie took the fall for Lexie with the other interns, then stood guard over the door while Lexie laid down with Sloan and his broken penis. What a story.

Also loved this exchange:

Cristina: “You’ve got some problems. You’ve got some big problems.”

Owen: “Yes. Will you go out with me anyway?”

Cristina: “Yes.”

This is not only the best episode this season, but may be the best episode of the entire series. What do you think?

Photo Credit: ABC

7 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Lexie breaks Sloan’s penis, Denny makes sense”

January 24, 2009 at 12:39 PM

I totally agree; I adored this episode, and last week’s too; GA is really stepping up the game. To think I almost dumped this show at the beginning of the season!

So glad you made that point about Derek and the reason he brought Cristina in at the end. I was thinking that it was a little lame, b/c if they are in a lasting relationship, he ought to be enough for her, but now I see what he was doing.

January 25, 2009 at 6:22 PM

Oh, but the best episode ever may be the one when the two people were stuck on the pole together … season one, I believe — remember that one?

January 24, 2009 at 1:21 PM

Agree. Definitely the best episode of the season.

January 24, 2009 at 1:58 PM

Great episode, but I’m not sure it’s the best ever for a specific reason:

I consider myself a smart enough guy, but am mystified on the difference between Denny being HERE for or here FOR Izzie?

Can someone please walk me through it? You’ll apparently need to use small words.

January 24, 2009 at 2:40 PM

Don’t worry bro, I was confused too until I read the comments on the tvsquad review & pieces it with my own theory.

What i/they took iit as is this:
HERE for you means here for you emotionally or for support.
here FOR you means I’m here for you to help usher you in to the next life.

I kinda picked up on that when denny was talking about being chosen to come back for her or something like that.

January 24, 2009 at 2:34 PM

Definitely one of the best episodes ever…at least of this season. I also liked how the themes from GA kinda carried over to PP.

I like the pairing of these 2 shows. (Though, I watched them online this morning, but back to back like shown Thursday).

January 27, 2009 at 7:47 AM

Fantastic episode, I loved it all. Great great episode. More day I!

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