CliqueClack TV

24 – Really, Chloe? A stay-at-home mom?


(Season 7, Episode 6 – “1 p.m. – 2 p.m.”)

Still loving this season, but still standing by my comment from a previous review that there are only so many things you can do with this show. Divided loyalties, a President who refuses to negotiate with terrorists, Chloe as a stay-at-home mom … ok, maybe that last part is new! And Chloe, you’re not really a stay-at-home mom if you’re doing first aid on the leader of a foreign country. That was actually my favorite line of the episode:

Ule Matobo: “Are you with the FBI?”

Chloe: “No, I’m a stay-at-home mom.”

Followed closely by this:

Jack: “You ok?”

Renee: “What do you think, Jack? You shot me and buried me alive.”

In fact, let’s just take this episode quote by quote:

“We don’t know if she’s dead yet!” Larry said this to the FBI office crew at the beginning of the episode. It’s clear (to me) that there’s something going on between Larry and Renee.

“We’re working with Jack. He told us where to find you.” Bill said this to Renee after he and Chloe dug her up. Still, I’d be ticked if I was Renee. It’s not every day someone shoots you and buries you alive in order to save your life.

“Something bothering you, Jack?” Emerson said this to Jack, and then explained that Anderson never intended to kill Tony. He purposely missed Tony’s artery, and it was Emerson’s job to extract Tony and use him against the U.S. But Tony chose to stay with them, because he was consumed with hate over Michelle’s death. For this reason, I still think Tony is a live wire, even though he shot his friend and “brother,” Emerson.

“Take the shot, Tony!” Jack had to say this a few times before Tony shot Emerson and Jack was able to free himself from Emerson’s grasp.

“Who’s running this operation?” Renee said this to Bill and Chloe after they dug her up. She was desperate to call Larry and let him know what was going on. But Bill told her she couldn’t, because otherwise, it would blow Jack’s cover.

“We’re here to help you” and “We don’t have much time.” Jack said this to the Matobos, who decided they needed to go along with the plan to find Dubaku.

“Don’t do this.” A paralyzed Henry Taylor said this to Brian, right before Brian tried to hang him and make it look really bad for the President’s hubby. Really nice fighting-fall over the balcony!

“We’re out of options.” Ethan said this to President Taylor, who refused to withdraw troops if there’s still a chance that Ule Matobo will be recovered. I wonder how many planes will collide, and how much chaos the U.S. will have to endure before President Taylor takes action. Is she President Bush or President Obama? Discuss.

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “24 – Really, Chloe? A stay-at-home mom?”

January 27, 2009 at 6:41 PM

A-doy! Since the first episode it’s been clear! That was a great stunt fall!

January 27, 2009 at 6:42 PM

Hmmm, that was supposed to have your quote attached – “It’s clear (to me) that there’s something going on between Larry and Renee.”

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