CliqueClack TV

Kyle XY – Are Kyle and Amanda really over?


(Season 3, Episode 3 – “Electric Kiss”)

This week’s episode of Kyle XY, reminded me of how I felt towards the character of Will Tippin (played by Bradley Cooper) during the first two seasons of ABC’s Alias. In short: I hated Will and wanted him gone from the show asap. Why? Because he kept putting Sydney Bristow in danger with his researches and constant questions. It wasn’t totally Will’s fault since he didn’t know Sydney’s secret but as a viewer of the show, the Will character was getting really annoying because he wasn’t in the loop and didn’t fully understand Sydney. Eventually, fans like me bombarded bulletin boards with messages explaining why Will needed to exit the show. Thankfully, Alias‘s creators decided to have Will discover the whole truth, which had fans change their minds about the character and actually embrace him.

How does this relate to Kyle XY? Well, I hate Amanda and want her gone from the show asap. Why? Because with her not being in the loop, it hurts Kyle and makes her sound like a brat. It also puts Kyle and Jessi in jeopardy at times as she doesn’t know why they are doing certain things; thus, she can crash their master plan of the week without knowing it.Personally, I hope Kyle and Amanda are really over. I understand why Kyle doesn’t want to tell Amanda his secret but it’s hurting the couple and it’s making me truly hate lovable and sweet Amanda. She sounded like a brat throughout this week’s episode. If she had known the whole truth about Kyle, Jessi and what really happened to her on prom night, Amanda would have acted totally differently and could have even ended up being useful. Kyle needs to tell Amanda his secret if the show wants fans to keep rooting for the two of them. Otherwise, I think we’ll start seeing “Amanda haters unite!” posts here and there on the web.

Even if I’m not rooting for Kyle and Amanda anymore, it doesn’t mean I want Kyle and Jessi to hook up. The latter once again showed us how manipulative she can be. Did you notice all the little hints she threw at Kyle so he would realize she is a better fit than Amanda is for him? She told him how they make a good team, hints at the fact that his relationship would be better if his girlfriend knew about her secret and that she, Jessi, knows it, etc.

Jessi may be manipulative but she is also naive. How fun was it to learn that she decoded the ‘special’ channel for Josh?! Having Jessi stay with the Tragers is bringing a lot of fun and awkward moments. Jessi never lived with a real family before so she has a lot of learning to do. She needs to learn to lock the door when she is in the bathroom, to not tell everything she ‘hears’ to everyone, etc. Lucky for her, the Tragers went through this learning phase with Kyle so it’ll be a tad easier with Jessi. Then again, Kyle didn’t have Jessi’s attitude when he first joined the family!

We didn’t learn much more about Latnok this week. We do know, however, that Cassidy is their front man and that Mark better stay away from Lori if he wants a future. Bummer because I really enjoyed Mark and Lori together. I think that Mark really wants to be with her… maybe he’ll try to find a way to run into her again?

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Kyle XY – Are Kyle and Amanda really over?”

January 28, 2009 at 3:38 PM

The Amanda character has never been likeable for me. The blame goes to the writers who, I think, have written her very inconsistently. In some episodes, she’d have faith in Kyle, and no matter what happened, she would believe him. In other episodes, like this week’s, she acts like a 10 year-old.

Like Josh, I want my Andi back — such a better character than Amanda.

I thought they did a good job with the Lori/Steven/nerdy-student-boyfriend-guy storyline.

January 28, 2009 at 4:19 PM

Ditto to all … I wrote in a recent review that maybe Kyle and Declan would be a good couple b/c he supports Kyle no matter what, unlike Amanda. And please, what chemistry does she possibly see with Jessi and Kyle? He didn’t even flinch when he saw her naked.

February 1, 2009 at 4:12 PM

Too bad it doesn’t matter anymore. Kyle XY has been cancelled


February 22, 2009 at 3:19 PM

kyle and amanda forever b*tches. and they will be together 4 ever no matter what even the stupid jessi cant stop them. she is wayy to manipulative

March 3, 2009 at 1:53 PM

I think Amanda and Kyle are great. He has loved her from the first moment he met her–how can you argue with that! They do need to write her a little better. I can’t get into Kyle and Jesse because I view them as brother and sister for crying outloud!!!

March 3, 2009 at 7:41 PM

Amanda is just the neighbor girl. It’s already been established that Kyle can’t tell her anything and without telling her she won’t be able to trust him as much and will see the things he does in different ways. They have no chemistry and ditto on the Amanda thing with her being badly written. Besides all that, Jessi is completely compatible with Kyle! They were *meant* to be together. They are exactly the same and Jessi knows everything allready. They’re like Adam and Sarah (though both are dead and they broke up, still). I think Amanda will fade into the background and Jessi will get Kyle and they’ll be together forever!

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