CliqueClack TV

Do we want Hiro to be a ‘super’ Hero again?

heroes-hiroIvey’s back Guest-clacking about Heroes again this week….

Hiro Nakamura has been a fan favorite since the very first episode of Heroes. He was the only Hero early on that was excited about his powers. However, it’s this very power that’s been central to to some of the main complaints about the show. Do we really want Hiro to get his groove back? (Yeah, I went there… Sorry.)

Hiro’s ability to travel through time was introduced in the first episode, but it really began to affect the course of the show in the episode “Collision,” where it was a Hiro from the future that traveled back to tell Present Peter, “Save the Blah Blah, Save the Blah Blah Blah.” (That’s a direct quote. You might remember it differently because of the Ad Campaign, but I’m right. Trust me.)

Since then, Hiro’s time traveling gave us a wonderful plot arc in old Japan (It was great… You didn’t like it? Well, you’re wrong, it was great….), Peter in a post apocalyptic future (where he left his girlfriend… I thought losing my car keys was bad), and Hiro getting left in the past trying to find the catalyst (Yeah… What was the catalyst again?). All of these plot lines have been increasingly confusing, and a large part of why this show has gone off the rails.

Now Hiro is without any powers. He can’t teleport, freeze time, or travel through time. I’m not sure its a bad thing. I’d like to see Hiro back with just the ability to teleport (And freeze time. That was always a cool effect), but I think we can all live without Hiro (or Peter) time traveling.

Other shows on TV right now are doing time travel right. Lost I think is nailing it, and the Sarah Connor Chronicles is (for now… If they bring back Kyle Reese for real, I might have issues). Despite his pop-culture acumen, Hiro doesn’t seem to be watching the rest of prime time. He did not learn the lessons from his Father, or Charlie even, that time travel can affect things that he can never anticipate. Including the ratings. What do you think?

Photo Credit: NBC

7 Responses to “Do we want Hiro to be a ‘super’ Hero again?”

February 18, 2009 at 10:45 AM

At this point I really couldn’t care less about any of the characters, they’re all morons.

February 18, 2009 at 11:10 AM

What Thomas said.

I dropped heroes a year ago because of the stupidity, they can’t win me back with this.

Nothing matters on Heroes, they don’t understand the impact of their rules and they don’t stick to them. They piled the powers on and then the only way to tell stories again was a total reset – which I expected from the minute I found out there was going to be a second season. That’s what you have to do in comic books when your rules (or the lack of them) prevent you from telling any more stories.

Lost does it right because they have the one rule of “you can’t change destiny”. Now THAT is a rule I love. I can even overlook the fact that objects seem to travel with the Losties at the will of the author (I expected the jump in the dingies to result in them landing in the water but what the hey I accepted it without problem).

No no. Heroes is gone for me and it will never come back.

February 18, 2009 at 12:09 PM

I say kill the whole cast off.

February 18, 2009 at 2:22 PM

When I watch any man on t.v behave like a child, I imagine the Godfather coming out of nowhere and slapping the man saying, “You can act like a man!”

This scenario applies to Hiro almost all the time lately, even after he regained his memory. It could also apply to most of the other men on the show. To be fair, the women are lame too.

My patience has worn thin, I’m giving this show only a couple more episodes, if it does not get better, it loses it’s position on the DVR.

February 18, 2009 at 4:05 PM

I’m not entirely sure Hiro is a man in the true sense of the word. I don’t know if the word applies to us twentysomething slackers in the classic sense :)

March 4, 2009 at 5:26 AM

it’s not hiro’s fault
blame the writers if you want

March 4, 2009 at 7:50 AM

Never said it was his fault, but I think the show might be served better WITH Hiro, WITHOUT Powers.

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