CliqueClack TV

Does Derek Shepherd need to grow up?


Just when I think Derek Shepherd has decided to grow up and be a man, he does something to remind me that he’s still a spoiled brat.

In this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy, one of Derek’s surgeries went horribly wrong, so what does he do? Takes it out on his former (and possibly current?) best friend Mark Sloan by punching him in the face, causing the two grown men to roll around like boys in a schoolyard. In the middle of a crowded area of the hospital.

That’s so good for patient and doctor morale, isn’t it? It’s a mystery why Seattle Grace has even made it to 12th best hospital in the country. The lawsuits must be flying fast and furious by now.

Anyway, you might think Derek punched Sloan out because Sloan picked just that moment to tell Derek he was sleeping with Lexie. Ok, first of all, why should Derek even care if Sloan is sleeping with Lexie? After all, HE’s not sleeping with her. What does it matter if Lexie is the half-sister of his girlfriend? Meredith and Lexie aren’t even all that close.

Which brings me to my next point: why should Meredith care if Sloan is sleeping with Lexie? Really, why should anyone care? Aren’t Sloan and Lexie allowed to form relationships and grow as human beings? Just because Derek and Meredith are mental cripples doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.

But back to Derek. I’ve mentioned before that maybe he should take a good long break from doctoring. Maybe go hang out on a beach in Bali for a year or two. Take Meredith with him. They’ve had some rough times in recent years, and they deserve a break.

Derek is really close to the edge, and if he doesn’t take a break soon, Meredith will be visiting him in the hospital’s psych ward. In fact, they could check themselves in on the buddy plan.

What do you think? Is Derek a spoiled brat? Does he need to grow up? Or does he just need a good long sabbatical?

Photo Credit: ABC

5 Responses to “Does Derek Shepherd need to grow up?”

February 21, 2009 at 9:33 AM

Just reading the first two paragraphs reminded me why I stopped watching this show one season ago. Why I was reading it anyway? To see if i was missing out…

February 21, 2009 at 2:11 PM

I think Shonda writes very poorly for her characters at times.

If I was a patient or a family member at that hospital if saw those two idiots fighting like that, I’d walk out the door. And if I was the Chief, I’d force them to take a sabbatical, at the very least Mark for thinking he was God and trying to take out half a woman’s brain. Jerk.

I still don’t like Lexie so I could not care less who she sleeps with, or not. Sloan’s the only one who calls her little Grey – he is obviously jealous of Mark and wanted big Grey, so it isn’t a surprise he’s sleeping with her. He’s just as confused as Mark. Off the island, pal!

February 22, 2009 at 1:01 AM

you mean Derek, not Mark

Mark Sloan & Derek Shepherd

February 24, 2009 at 7:18 AM

I don’t think he needs to grow up – the man has proved several times in the past that he’s a grown up, with decisions about going back to his wife and trying to fix a 10 year marriage, then realising it wasn’t possible, trying to be there for a suicidal mentally unstable girlfriend and understand her strange ways, being a good doctor and a good friend (any other would have stopped talking to Marc, full stop). So he’s been more than patient and calm all this time – he was close to a nervous breakdown with the clinical trial, no wonder, he kills people as well as saving them so that’s a lot of stress and he always seemed ok, now he’s not, what’s so strange about it, he just lost it and he’s paying it with the wrong person at the wrong moment. He doesn’t give a damn about Lexie, he cares about the patient he lost that considered him a friend, and he’s sick and tired of everything, it happens, it’s not bad TV and it’s not boring or impossible… honestly, if people hate this show just stop watching and therefore stop complaining. I liked it. I love Owen and Cristina.

March 22, 2009 at 12:08 AM

I agree with you. Derek’s had a breakdown and as Grey said, he takes on impossible cases. That would break anyone down. I would agree that Derek let his ego get the best of him, but that can also happen to anyone.

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