CliqueClack TV

Does Faye Dunaway look a little ghoulish?

faye_dunawayI love old-timey movie stars as much as the next girl. I write a movie blog, and love doing it. And I really appreciate it when a star can go the distance and stay in the business decade after decade.

But sometimes you see some of these older stars and go, hmmm, something doesn’t look quite right here. Such was the case when I saw Faye Dunaway on Grey’s Anatomy this week.

Here’s a woman who’s been working steadily since the 1960s, and that is awesome. But there’s such a thing as aging gracefully. Isn’t there? Even in Hollywood?

I mean, we all know Faye Dunaway has been working for 40-some years in the business, so it’s no secret that she’s on the other side of 60, possibly 70 given the fact that most stars lie about their age (not saying she’s lying, just that I hear things, and many stars are a good 10 years older than the age listed on their IMDB page).

Faye Dunaway looks ghoulish. I can’t think of any other way to describe it. Like she’s trying to recapture her lost youth by getting every procedure in the book. And Hilary Duff isn’t the only one who thinks so.

But here’s the thing: on Grey’s Anatomy, Dunaway played an aging doctor who by the end of the episode, decided she shouldn’t be doing surgery anymore. So it’s not like she’s playing a spring chick. She’s playing an old person.

So what’s my point? I dunno. Maybe that it’s not such a sin to grow old and look old, even in Hollywood. Maybe that we live in a sick society that encourages people to do all kinds of sick things to their bodies.

Ok, let me have it. Any thoughts on this?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | Grey's Anatomy | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Does Faye Dunaway look a little ghoulish?”

February 23, 2009 at 10:17 PM

In the picture you posted she looks good.

February 24, 2009 at 3:50 AM

I agree with you – I was thinking the same thing throughout the show.

I think it’s her nostrils – there’s something not quite right about her nose and it’s kind of scary.

February 24, 2009 at 7:11 AM

I think her nose is scary too – but she did a good job as an old doctor who should retire, and I liked her interaction with Cristina

February 25, 2009 at 3:12 AM

She looks pretty good but I think they photographed her using some unflatering angles. The shot directly aimed at her nostrils was strange. Looks like she takes good care of herself and she still looks like the Faye Dunaway we all know and love. She gave a terrific performance. The ratings were the nights winner and the best the show has had in years.

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