CliqueClack TV

Lost – John Locke: Worst. Convincer. Ever.

LostWell, we knew this episode was coming, and we knew that we would have a little diversion from Jack, Kate, and Hurley back on the island. I really enjoyed tonight’s episode — let me say that right now — but it did seem like it was a bit of a necessary evil. We sort of knew what was going to happen and a general idea of how it was going to go down. There were just a few loose ends that needed to be tied up, and they were.

Man, if I were ever trying to sell something (even boxes) or if I were about to jump off a ledge, I certainly wouldn’t look to John Locke for help. Seriously, could Locke have been more of a complete and utter failure in his quest to convince the Oceanic Six to return to the island? I suppose that was the point, though, wasn’t it? After all, Richard himself said that John would have to die. I just wonder who else knew this?

John told Widmore, but did Widmore tell Abaddon? Is that why he kept needling John about failing to convince everyone? Was he simply trying to get John to where he needed to be (i.e. hanging from a noose)? Did Ben know? Is that why he ended up strangling Locke, or was it simply out of hate or spite? Did his mention of Hawking trigger some sort of realization in Ben? I just don’t know. There are so many possibilities at this point.

I think my recent viewing of The Wire spoiled the character of Abaddon for me. Last season, before I had started watching Lance Reddick in The Wire, Abaddon was super creepy and mysterious. Now, he was just Cedric Daniels driving around Locke. Ah well.

I think by far the most interesting realization in this episode is that only a few of the people on the plane were sent back in time. Curious. At this point I have to assume that the “lady” that went with the pilot was Sun. I guess we’re going to have to wait for that Jin and Sun reunion. It will be interesting to see where Sayid ended up too.

Looks like next week is going to be a goodie!

Photo Credit: ABC

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10 Responses to “Lost – John Locke: Worst. Convincer. Ever.”

February 26, 2009 at 11:10 AM

I believe Ben was honest in his trying to save Locke. I felt he didn’t want Locke to die at that point. However, then Locke let on that he knew about Hawking and that made Ben realize that he knows too much and has to die.

Can’t wait to see how Locke deals with Ben once he wakes up.

As for who was pulled off the plane, it seems weird that only Kate, Hurley and Jack would have been time jumped. Ben I get since he wasn’t technically one of the 06. But based off the preview, I would say your assumption of the “lady” with Lepidus is Sun to be true.

February 26, 2009 at 1:37 PM

Lance Reddick is on “Fringe” too you know but – there he’s in the role of a government agent so he “works” for me in that role.

Now you know how it always was for me seeing him on Lost. Once you know how the guy looks with his shirt off as the head of police in Baltimore you kind of have a problem picturing him anywhere else… the guy has the waist of a wasp. I’d kill for that body – and he can act too. And that voice…

Yikes I guess I have a mancrush on him ;-)

February 26, 2009 at 3:54 PM

Strange, you don’t even mention, who and how led the survivors of Ajira airways to the Dharma Station. Neither do I think that it is only strange to me, that the Tunisian desert is the constant exit off the Island. We also know that we are before Sawyer and the others, including Locke have stolen one of the remainder canoos (or however they called, I have the right not to know everything;) and that it was probably Ceasar who shot at them.

That being said, John Locke is the worst conciever ever? Come on, just look at Benjamin Linus, the Pathety in person. He has so much money, so many people working for him yet the only thing he craves for is being the tyrant of the Fantasy Island and Jacob doesn’t let him even have the chance to be taken back by the Island. Like I predicted it was a flash and a crash, and he got only into the latter one while John came back to the living.

February 26, 2009 at 4:16 PM

The Hydra (the Dharma station the Ajira folks were at) is on the second smaller island. It also has a small airfield. Lepidus probably managed to do a controlled crash of the plane there. The island being smaller than the main island made it easy to find the station.

The real question is, why were Faraday’s notes there?

February 26, 2009 at 8:54 PM

Remember back when Sawyer was breaking rocks when imprisoned on the Hydra station island? He said he was told he was “making an air strip” or something like that.

February 27, 2009 at 2:51 PM

I actually wanted to say, even if they landed closer to the smaller island, we shall not forget the fact, that the discovery of everything on the main island was thanks to the inner character of the survivors. It is easier to find an exoplanet habitable for life than calculating how a bunch of other people will react.

As for Faraday’s notes, his mother, who admittedly moves back in time, created the background for the work of his son, Daniel who helped build the station after being thrown back in time.

February 26, 2009 at 6:32 PM

The thing that throws me for a loop now is time off the island.

At the end of Season 3 we learn that Jack has been taking multiple flights trying to get back to the island. Obviously, his conversation with Locke kick started that. In that same episode, Jack finds out about Locke’s death.

How much time progressed between Locke seeing Jack at the hospital and Jack taking his flights? The way Ben spoke to Locke before his death made it seem like it wasn’t that long.

Something doesn’t add up there. Why would Locke wait around for so long doing nothing before trying to kill himself?

February 26, 2009 at 9:09 PM

Yeah, if you look at it from that perspective, then the deterioration of Dr. Jack Sheppard happened damn quick. That math just doesn’t work.

February 26, 2009 at 9:19 PM

Has the math on Lost ever really worked? I still love the damn show ;o)

February 27, 2009 at 2:34 PM

Glad I’m not the only one who still sees Lance Reddick as Lt. Daniels :)

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