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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Sarah can’t sleep

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

They don’t call the show The Sarah Connor Chronicles for nothing! The past few weeks have certainly reminded us that this is Sarah’s show. Lena Heady carried this episode. Heck, she had too, she was practically the only person in it. Since Terminator has returned from (a way too long) hiatus, it has focused a lot on Sarah. I love Lena Heady as Sarah. To be honest, she’s my favorite part of the show, but even I’ve had enough at this point.

It’s time to see what’s been going on with Jesse and Riley. It’s time to give Cameron something to do, perhaps some asses that she can kick. It’s time to go deeper into the John Henry/Ellison/Weaver story. As much as I love mopey Sarah, it’s time for something else.

With all that complaining over with, I should say that this wasn’t a bad episode, it really wasn’t. I’m just a little frustrated. I was happy to see the voice overs return this week. I know some people don’t like them, but I think they add a little gravity to the show. It was also a very cleverly done episode.

I have to admit, I did sort of see the twist ending coming. As Sarah kept “dreaming” about Ed Winston I wondered if that was going to end up having actually happened. I didn’t think that the whole series of events at the sleep institute was going to be a dream, though. I really appreciate that Terminator is always trying out new and different ways to tell a story. So many shows rely on the same old techniques episode after episode, but I’m glad Terminator isn’t one of those. There is no formula for his show. Too bad nobody watches it….

So what did you think of this week’s installment? Ready for something different, like I am?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Sarah can’t sleep”

February 28, 2009 at 12:28 PM

Nice bit of sexy in this episode, made it all worth it.

February 28, 2009 at 1:47 PM

i love Lena Heady too, she’s a total hard-ass, and i agree it’s time to give Cameron something to do. at this point, the show cannot afford to give us any more slow episode, this is the problem with 22 eps season, way too much dead air. they need to move things along faster, and more action, i wonder why there hasn’t been more metals from the future chasing them.

February 28, 2009 at 3:17 PM

The timing of these episodes couldn’t have been worse. I could barely pay attention they were so slow for Friday entertainment (and I love the show); imagine what anyone just popping over to see what it was about must think.

I wish I was able to put it aside and just enjoy the episode, but the entire time I was just thinking of it as a show leading to the end because it was going to die on Fridays.


On behalf of the network, Goodbye Sarah.

February 28, 2009 at 8:27 PM

I was captivated by this episode, watched it right after the Swedish film “Let the Right One In” and last night’s BSG, so I wasn’t put off by the slow burn. It was high time for a meaty Sarah arc that gets inside her head, and I enjoyed it all, except for “Earthlings Welcome Here.” I agree with Bob that the Sarah voiceovers are a necessary part of the show, especially since endings like last week’s can seem too abrupt without her capping it off.

I don’t complain when an episode focuses almost entirely on one of the characters like Derek or Cameron, so I’m fine with Sarah’s character study getting a multi-episode treatment. It seems to be done, though, and we’ll be picking up the other plot threads next week.

It would be nice if John would get his own episode, but I suppose we’d need a third season for that.

I did not see the fake-out coming. Because of Sarah’s blackouts and weird sense of time in the van scenes, I thought those were the dreams, informed by experiences in the sleep clinic, not the other way around. Loved the coyote tattoo — “Does it have mystical significance? Does it protect you? Guide you?” “This? Nah. It’s just for my girl. She thinks it’s sexy.” Loved the “nurse” that seems to run the whole clinic, and thought the actress pulled off the concerned caregiver to cold scientist to killer robot transformation beautifully. Loved the crazy roommate, the vending machine, the blood and bone of the handcuff trick, the hypodermic in the eye, the bullet in the brain.

Interesting how Sarah views John and Cameron’s relationship in her head — much closer and more caring than they are in real life. Little jokes, flirtations, shy smiles. She walks around him in her underwear when Sarah’s not home. She makes him pancakes that are better than Sarah’s — liked that callback to the pilot.

This is not dead air or filler. Character is the heart of this show, punctuated by the brief bursts of horrifying violence. It makes me reluctant to look forward to T4, which looks to have all the depth of Transformers thus far.

March 1, 2009 at 12:40 AM

Roomate: Hi Tiger. That was so funny!

As soon as I saw the coyote, I knew there was a trick coming. The coyote is always the “trickster”.

Poor Sarah, the pancake/bra, underwear thing is amusing but also very sad that she is so off base in her perceptions.

I really hope we get all the episodes in this season.

March 2, 2009 at 2:51 PM

eh….weak episode. Boring for most of it.

March 2, 2009 at 3:26 PM

I really enjoyed it. I thought the three/four episode focus on Sarah was worthwhile and highly enjoyable. Last week’s “team episode” reminded me of how well the cast works together but after sidelining Sarah for the first half of the season, the show needed to focus on Sarah again. Sarah’s the through-character, the one who drives the plot and anchors the audience. I couldn’t care less about Jesse or Riley but anytime Sarah Connor is onscreen, I’m riveted.

March 2, 2009 at 6:04 PM

Ditto for me, but then I’ll watch anything with Lena Headey.

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