CliqueClack TV

Burn Notice delivers a sizzling season finale


Damn! Where do I start? The season finale of Burn Notice had a little bit of everything: fistfights, car chases, shootouts, multiple explosions and a high body count. Whew! Sounds like a Will Smith action flick, eh? I was beginning to wonder if the writers had it in them to produce an action-packed bloodbath without sacrificing the show’s signature sarcasm. Well, color me impressed, because last night’s season two swan song was – as the kids are fond of saying – the BOMB.

Right off the bat we discover that sultry spook Carla was once burned herself. Really? Now she works for an elusive government group known simply as “management.” That’s just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Turns out Carla is more of a ruthless bitch than we first imagined. In order to recruit Victor into her stable of black ops assassins, she murdered his wife and son and burned him, all in the same day. Quite a gal. Easy to see why Victor wants her six feet under. What wasn’t clear was why Carla was so eager to vanquish Victor. Good ol’ Vic was smarter than I gave him credit for.

Victor got his hands on a very thick, very damning file on Carla. Mike and Victor call a truce after realizing they have a common enemy. As Mike says, “You don’t last long as a spy if you don’t trust anyone.” Together, the burn-buddies get medieval on Carla’s lovely ass. Not deterred, Carla sends a hit-team to dispose of Maddie. Luckily, reliable Sam is there to spring momma Westen. I could blather on endlessly about this kick-ass episode. Instead, I’ll list a few memorable moments.

  • Mike’s Dodge Charger burnin’ rubber to elude the bad guys. Cool car for a cool dude.
  • A nail gun firing into a car door. A simple, yet effective way to lock the bad guys inside.
  • Pepper spray bombs. Self-explanatory.
  • Sam and Maddie getting festive and transforming Christmas lights into a lethal weapon.
  • A rear-view mirror covered in a pink cozy. Hey, spies take what they can get.
  • Bullets ricocheting into the floorboards of a car. Best way to panic the driver.
  • “It’s a little hard to trust someone when they try to kill you four times.” Quote of the night goes to Michael Westen.
  • The agonizing look on Mike’s face after he kills Victor. Brothers in arms.
  • Fiona Glenanne stealing the episode. She drops Vic with a bean-bag round, blows-up a pair of cars, kisses and slaps Mike, then shoots Carla with a sniper rifle. Fi is my kind of gal.
  • Maddie pleading with Sam to help save her son. There aren’t many touching moments in this series. This was a good one.
  • John Mahoney (aka Frasier‘s dad) as “management.” I kept waiting for Eddie to pop out of that chopper.
  • Mike essentially telling the old man to fuck off. Haven’t we all been waiting for this?

So, Mike is now out from under the puppet masters who have been manipulating his every move. At least that’s what were supposed to believe. If he is free, he still has a long list of enemies hungry for payback. This could make for some thrilling episodes this summer with all matter of villainy heading to Miami. June can’t get here fast enough. What did you guys think? Yea or nay on the season closer.


Photo Credit: USA Network

10 Responses to “Burn Notice delivers a sizzling season finale”

March 6, 2009 at 11:51 AM

The only BAD thing about the season finale is that it was the finale and now no new episodes till June :-(

But what an awesome finale it was. I can’t wait to see what direction the show takes in season three. Favorite moment – Fi nailing Carla. What they revealed about Carla’s character in the finale brought to mind the Susan/Gretchen character who put the screws to Michael in Season 3 of Prison Break.

March 6, 2009 at 12:39 PM

Dammit I really REALLY liked Victor he was such a cool guy as cool as Michael I must say. I wanted him to stay as regular!

Loved this episode LOVED IT

best line had to be
Victor to Michael:
“Where did you meet her?”


March 6, 2009 at 12:58 PM

This show just screams cool. I dont watch it on a regular basis but when I do I love it.

March 6, 2009 at 2:25 PM

Hot DAMN!!! That was one of the most satisfying finales I’ve seen in a long time. Bravo!!!

March 7, 2009 at 12:19 AM

That was awesome.

My favorite bit was Sam saying “No, Madeline, I DON’T want a beer,” and her shocked look when she realized how serious the situation was. That’s the kind of great line that takes whole seasons of character development to set up.

March 7, 2009 at 11:15 AM

I also hesitate to think that we’ve seen the last of John Mahoney. You don’t get a name like that for a 3 minute appearance, so my guess is that we’ll see him back next season.

March 7, 2009 at 7:59 PM

Only if he brings Eddie along for the ride ;o)

March 8, 2009 at 5:53 AM

Wow, I did not recognize Mahoney at all. After making me love Martin for so many seasons, he was certainly menacing here.

March 15, 2009 at 9:08 PM

I would like to know how to make the pepper bombs.I have a paint sprayer and would like to know how to make them.

The show was great I liked the music at the end. It was cool how the music got loud and she started singing again as soon as he broke the surface of the water. Crap! He has a long way to swim

March 15, 2009 at 9:10 PM

I would say the best line is…
Micheal- “I’ll take my chances”

then he jumped

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