CliqueClack TV

Ghost Whisperer – Melinda throws Jim in the deep end

Ghost Whisperer's Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) and Jim (David Conrad)Dear Melinda,

That’s not how you do it at all!

Your friend,

Last week, Melinda told Jim one of her big secrets; surprisingly the easier one for him to probably handle. This week, Jim/Sam decided to take Melinda at her word and get involved with her next spirit quest. Unfortunately, said spirit quest wound up involving “Lower Grandview” and introducing yet another nasty spirit. Hey, whatever happened to the last nasty spirit who was stealing souls a season or so ago? That led her under the city for the first time. I don’t recall a resolution on that one, nor any follow-ups in quite awhile. But I digress.

As far as hauntings go, this was a pretty good one. The story of the poor mental patient who was in turn haunted by a crazed doctor from thirty years earlier while institutionalized got pretty complex pretty quickly. No boy who ran away from home and died but now has to tell his parents he didn’t hate them and everyone hugs and into the light for Jim’s “first” go?

Instead we have Melinda breaking into a private school, no less than four spirits directly related to the case, and myriad others floating about the periphery. No wonder Jim cracked and lost it. What I don’t get is why Melinda snapped and told him EVERYTHING!

Is the moment that he’s doubting that you’re really seeing and talking to spirits the right time to tell him that he’s possessed by the ghost of your dead husband and that he is, in fact, really dead? Of course, looking at it laid out like that, is there a right time? Still, it was savagely cruel the explanation that he returned to her with. Cruel but at the same time a rational and logical explanation for everything.

The question on my mind is if Dr. Whisper had anything to do with it. Since Sam/Jim is an earthbound spirit inhabiting a body, is he susceptible to suggestion as the mental patients were? Or was the doctor’s presence just foreboding danger for Melinda and no real connection to Jim at all?

We know these kids are going to work all this out and get back together, but there’s only four episodes left this season. Is it going to happen this year or are we looking at an emotional cliffhanger ending? And what of the rumors going around that Melinda may find herself in a “condition?” How would that play into things; I could certainly see it making things worse.

On a completely unrelated note, when did I stop getting annoyed by Eli? I even laughed when Melinda shoved him into the tunnels and he lit himself up like a Christmas tree, god help me.

Photo Credit: CBS

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