CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Are Lynette and Tom like a normal couple?

desperate_housewives_030809Out of all the couples on Desperate Housewives, Lynette and Tom have always seemed like the most normal couple. And by normal, I mean like the rest of us out here in the real world. They fight, they make up, they have real emotions, and they’re flawed and scarred just like the rest of us.

That was never more evident than tonight, when they went to dinner at Bree and Orson’s to meet Bree’s publisher, who was looking to fill a marketing position. Tom was depressed over having to sell the pizzeria and not really up for any kind of job interview, especially one he’d just heard about and was sort of being tricked into doing. I know Lynette’s trying to help — and they need some income fast — but I think she should have told him about it sooner than ten minutes before they met the guy. OK, that doesn’t seem all that normal to me.

Anyway, so Tom sulked and drank and behaved badly in front of this poor guy, while Lynette tried her best to get Tom to shape up. But it was clear to me that, in fact, Lynette was the perfect person for this job. She’s a go-getter, really smart, knows advertising inside and out, and seems ripe for a job she can call her own, especially after living Tom’s dream at the pizzeria for seven years.

So, realizing that Tom wasn’t into it, Lynette jumped in and started trying to impress this guy — which, of course, made Tom mad and made him start trying to impress the guy. That part seemed a little weird, especially when Tom and Lynette started running each other down, and Tom ending with “Gee, I just hope the cancer doesn’t come back!” OK, you crossed way too far over that line, buddy. Maybe not so normal on that score either. I’m not making a very argument for Tom and Lynette being normal, am I?

But later at home, they made up and both apologized for their weird behavior, and realized what I’ve known all along: Lynette belongs out there in the corporate world. I don’t know what this means for Tom. The kids are getting older, so they don’t need quite as much attention as they once did. Maybe Tom will figure out a job of his own. Or maybe he should get the band together and play at a club a few nights a week. He seems to love that. He could do that and be a house-husband during the day.

What did you think about the Tom-and-Lynette storyline in this week’s Desperate Housewives? Did it seem realistic to you? And are you with me on Lynette being the one who belongs in the corporate world?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – Are Lynette and Tom like a normal couple?”

March 9, 2009 at 3:34 PM

I thought the whole exchange between Tom and Lynette seemed a little forced and out of character for them. I know Lynette can be quite a bitch sometimes, but they seem to love each other too much to stoop to that level.

Also, please make Susan grow up before I stop watching this show because of her.

March 9, 2009 at 4:26 PM

the desperate housewives and their loser husbands…
lets see, what’s new this week, Susan continues to be the most unreasonable character on tv, Tom is still as childish as his kids (“oh, i don’t want the job but i don’t want my wife to get it either” mentality and that cancer remark were just too much) and needy Orson…stealing now!?!? wtf?
either the writers go out of their way to make me hate all the characters or they honestly find their writing funny, i don’t know which is worse.

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