CliqueClack TV

Someone dies on 24!


Yes, a major character did, in fact, die on this week’s episode of 24. To appease all the poopypants readers who always snipe at us about posting spoilers either in the title or on the front page (you know who you are), I will not reveal who died until after the jump. There, you happy now? That would be my alter-ego Flame who wrote those first few sentences.

But let me just say that this was the best episode of 24 so far this season. It was action-packed, a major character DIED, and it brought together several storylines that had henceforth been sort of dangling out there by themselves. And Jack is once again a rogue agent on the run trying to save the world.

Bill Buchanan died! At first, I thought maybe he was, in fact, still alive. But then there was that non-ticking clock, which we all know means a character has truly died and won’t come back to life in a future episode.

But I’m really sad to see Bill go. He was like the zen agent of the group, always calm, always knowing the right thing to do — even if, as in this episode, he had to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Still, I’m thinking there must have been some other way, one that involved neither Jack nor Bill dying. Larry Moss bugs me with his sweating and panicking. Now I suppose we’ll have to put up with more of him being agitated that things aren’t going his way.

But I really liked the way things ended, with Jack being framed for the death of Ryan Burnett and having to go on the run and figure out what’s going on. Plus, with Larry telling Renee to clean out her desk and turn in her badge, I’m sure she’ll end up working with Jack to save the world. And then, Tony is still out there milling about, too.

Still, awwww … Bill’s gone!

What are your thoughts on this week’s episode? Did Bill have to die? Did you think it was the best episode yet this season?

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Someone dies on 24!”

March 11, 2009 at 9:49 AM

Jane, in Feedreaders the jump isn’t there. Trust me – there are people out there who can shake their little fists at you for this post ;-)

March 11, 2009 at 10:07 AM

Did anyone catch Hodge’s target map when he and the soldier were looking at it? I spotted Batavia, IL which is home to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Lots of nuclear and physics experiments going on there.

Any ideas on why this is a target?

March 11, 2009 at 3:22 PM

I heard them say that the targets that were picked were within range of the base from where the weapons were at. They said all the targets had populations of around 15,000 with an 80% casualty rate. You would think they would go after bigger targets like NYC, Boston, Pittsburgh, Philly, or D.C. to name a few. It doesn’t seem like it would be worth the trouble to go after smaller cities. I am gonna miss Hobo Bill. I hope Renee hooks up with Jack now to get back at him for suspending her.

March 11, 2009 at 10:50 AM

When I heard someone was dying, I figured it was Pierce. I made my peace with that, but then when Bill started in on his speech to Jack, I was pissed. I had hoped we’d get a “I’ve gotta call his wife…” moment from Jack, but, alas…

March 12, 2009 at 9:43 PM

Yay! We love it when you insult your readers! It makes us feel happy that we continue to read the site!

March 13, 2009 at 3:09 AM

Poopy – Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! We can only take so much reader abuse before we snap, and for me, that means Flame emerges and takes over, as she did in this post. Wait’ll she gets her hooks into See Flame Clack. Take cover. That’s all I’m sayin’.

But thankfully, she’s retreated, and mild-mannered Jane is back in control. For now.

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