CliqueClack TV

Bones – Wow, that was gross!

bones_boothaTo the special effects geniuses over at Bones:

Well done, my friends…and, Ew!

Over the last four seasons you have given us some truly horrid dead bodies for Bones and the rest of the Squints to probe and pick at, deciphering clues along the way find the murder weapon and killer. Some of the most memorable were the bodies that were eaten raw by maggots or rats. Your coup de grâce was the liquified body in the bathtub way back in season two. That one was a definite meal stopper!

Those were child’s play compared to this week’s carcas! You really outdid yourselves this time around. I mean, I’ve seen plenty of decomposing bodies before but not one that, uh, foamed as much as this one did.

Here’s what made it work: the movement of the foam right under the skin. That little touch just before the Squints cut the body open made the foaming effect creepier than it would have if it just started to slowly ooze. Once the cut was made it was off to the races. It just got more and more disgusting as the body continued to decompose and more holes opened for the foam to spill out.

That was just the icing on the cake. Even before the body started to degenerate it was pretty gruesome. Particularly the face. I’m not the only one who felt this way; Angela was equally repulsed by his visage. Now, Angela is one tough cookie who has seen dozens of these corpses. If she was creeped out by what she saw then it must have been okay for us to be skeeved out as well.

So, again, congratulations on grossing out the fans of Bones once again. I don’t know how you’ll outdo the next time around, but I’m sure you’ll find a way to make us think twice about eating meat again.

Pushing away his dinner plate,

Rich Keller

Photo Credit: FOX

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2 Responses to “Bones – Wow, that was gross!”

March 13, 2009 at 12:55 PM

Aside from the grossness which was cool, it was a good episode. Lots of humour and kudos to David Boreanaz who directed it.

March 14, 2009 at 3:24 AM

Makes you want to thank [fill in appropriate name] that they never figured out Smell-O-Vision, eh?

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