CliqueClack TV

Is 24 jumping the shark this season?


Each episode of 24 this season has been getting better and better, but there have been several things that have made me think, okay, that would never happen. I mean, with a show like 24, obviously, you’ve gotta think that Jack Bauer wouldn’t keep having these Really Long Days year after year. He must be afraid to wake up every day, wondering if he’s going to have one of “those days.”

And clearly, the guy must have a superhuman chip. In past seasons, he’s emerged from solitary in a Chinese prison to jump back into saving the world. He’s been tortured, beaten, and shot, and continued to save the world. At one point, he even died, for cripes sake! And yet somehow he managed to spring back to life and save the world.

And let’s not even get into how many of his friends, family and coworkers he’s seen perish, only to shake it off and jump back into saving the world. Heck, some of them he even killed himself.

But a couple of things in this week’s episode made me wonder if the show is really starting to jump the hypothetical shark. What kind of inner resolve must a guy have to see one of his best friends die before his eyes, and then continue on with the business of saving the world? Sure, it’s happened before, but this time seemed different, maybe because Bill Buchanan was such an integral part of the show from way back.

Then there’s the White House staff. I understand that there must be systems in place to carry on if something disastrous happens. But the White House was under siege, the staff held hostage, the President and her daughter nearly killed, and explosions and fires and such. And yet, just a few minutes later, things seemed to be completely in order. The President was back behind her desk, her newly-employed daughter running damage control with the press, and neither seemed to have a hair out of place.

But what really did it for me was seeing Jack behind the wheel of that big tractor, pushing over the building with the bad guy inside. I’m not sure why this particular thing put me over the edge. I guess it should come as no surprise that Jack Bauer can operate anything from a plane to a helicopter to a big tractor. Heck, I’m sure if he got behind the controls of a space ship, he could safely bring it back into the Earth’s stratosphere to land calmly on land or sea.

But the scene with the tractor made me throw my hands up in the air and go, “Come on! Really?!” Maybe it’s not so much that he could drive the thing — that’s no big feat. I grew up on a farm and could probably figure it out in a matter of seconds. I think it was just the fact that the tractor was there at precisely the right location for him to hop in, start it up, and push that building over.

What do you think? Is 24 jumping the shark this season moreso than previous seasons? Or is it just the fact that these preposterous things keep happening year after year?

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

12 Responses to “Is 24 jumping the shark this season?”

March 19, 2009 at 1:38 PM

It’s funny you say this because I told my husband that I could pin point the exact second when it jumped the shark for me. It was earlier this season when the president told Jack she wasn’t sure where his loyalties lie and he said something like “with all due respect, ask around.” That was it for me.

March 20, 2009 at 10:55 AM

That was the best line on 24 ever.

March 19, 2009 at 1:50 PM

Nope…best season EVER.

March 19, 2009 at 3:50 PM

Hm. I’m fine with all of this. But let me ask you in return how did you get past the Senator opening the door to the assassin? To me that was way more ridiculous and another easy out. Just let a person die. And don’t expect the security system to include a door camera *eyeroll*

March 19, 2009 at 4:25 PM

Funny all the tractor thing made me do was laugh.

March 19, 2009 at 10:08 PM

I found this season unwatchable… at this point they are just boringly retreading old ground over and over again. I was hoping that with the big shakeup they would do something new this season, but was sorely disappointed by the lack of results.

The only thing that could save this show now would be to kill Jack.

March 20, 2009 at 1:50 AM

“24” has jumped at least 10 sharks per season for its entire run. Remember the cougar? So many characters dying and coming back to life? Jack’s magic bag, or his magic phone that can remotely trigger terrorists’ bombs? LA being struck by a nuclear device and everyone forgetting it happened 5 hours later? Jack pulling his gun and taking hostages in a gas station to delay the bad guys, when he could have just sabotaged their car?

And THAT’S WHAT’S FUN ABOUT IT. It’s a silly action show. If you’re looking for realism, find a show where it takes longer than 6 seconds to hot wire a car, or one where it takes more than 10 minutes to drive from one end of LA to the other.

I personally think this is the best season of 24 yet, and it certainly isn’t because they’ve focused on realism.

March 20, 2009 at 8:16 AM

Agreed, and with all the massive plot holes in every season of this entertaining show, I found it kind of silly that the one Jane focuses on is the implausibility of Jack finding an industrial loader at the construction site he fled to. It’s not like it was parked behind Senator Mayer’s house. And the building he knocked over was the site office trailer, so the only moderately lucky part for Jack was that the loader wasn’t parked with its back to the trailer.

March 20, 2009 at 10:58 AM

I am really loving this season. Did they guy that was sent to frame then kill Jack look a lot like Gordon Ramsey to anyone else?
The tractor didn’t bother me at all. The placement was lucky, but they aren’t that hard to figure out.
Best season in a long time.

March 20, 2009 at 3:34 PM

Ryan – I agree. I thought it was silly of me, too, that the tractor was what put me over the edge amongst all the other implausible madness. I have no idea why, when there are so many other things about the show that are just, “Really?!”

Joe J – My daughter said that same thing as she was walking by! “Is that … Chef Ramsay …?”

BL – We had a lot of discussions in this house about the “Ask around” line. We’re like, who would they ask…?

Michael Moncur – You’re right, we should just enjoy it. But, argh…!

March 20, 2009 at 6:27 PM

Straw. Camel. Back. Understandable.

As for “Ask around,” perhaps Wayne Palmer only has slight brain damage. Maybe the EMTs were able to resuscitate Charles Logan, or Martha is only in an institution. If Audrey were sane, or Secretary Heller didn’t blame Jack… hmm.

I guess the only ones left standing are President Daniels, Mike Novick, Karen Hayes and Aaron Pierce.

March 24, 2009 at 2:26 AM

I thought exactly the same thing about Quinn. “Gordon Ramsay sighting!”

This is kind of unrelated, but I love to spot the many Sci-Fi actors who get cast in 24 each season. I spotted Connor Trinneer (from Enterprise and Stargate Atlantis) in the latest episode. Someone should compile a list of all the Sci-Fi alumni who have been cast in 24 – I can think of Michelle Forbes (Start Trek TNG), Penny Johnson (Star Trek DS9), Gregory Itzin (DS9), James Cromwell (TNG), Tony Todd (DS9), Alexander Siddig (DS9), Michael Shanks (Stargate), Zachary Quinto (Heroes), William Devane (Stargate), Julian Sands (Stargate), Gina Torres (Firefly)… that’s all I can think of…

Sorry for going off topic. :-)

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