CliqueClack TV

Greek takes us home to Cyprus-Rhodes

greek season 2 episode 11I have no idea why Greek and random songs keep on meeting in my head, but I guess joy leaks out of us all in different ways.

So, wow! The great thing about cable shows is how, even when you’ve already seen the episodes, you can watch the repeats marathon again before the new season’s premiere. For the past few days, I’ve immersed myself in Greek row (you know, between the baby, wife, and work), and it’s been fantastic. Like a visit with old friends. I love not going into these new seasons cold, and Greek did not disappoint.

And it all led up to a tremendous level of excitement last night, as I sat down to watch this season’s premiere. I was actually kind of enticed by the addition of Jesse McCartney to the show. I mean, I’m not a fan of his music, and I always think of a girl when I hear his name, but something about the match seemed to click for me. And, boy, was I right!

For the first time since the series premiere, the kids at Cyprus-Rhodes began a new school year. I’m not really sure what season we’re technically up to, as different sources count things differently, but suffice it to say that we’re experiencing a new beginning. We caught a quick glimpse of Rusty (Jacob Zachar) and Casey (Spencer Grammer) at their summer jobs (Rusty kept on talking about “spreading his seed” in front of the kids at camp!), and then we were back home on campus. For some reason Cyprus-Rhodes lets students move in weeks before the semester starts, but whatever.

Just like that, we were back into things, as the drama never rests on Greek Row. Frannie (Tiffany Dupont) and Rebecca (Dilshad Vadsaria) and their new Iota Kappa Iota (IKI!) house moved in downstairs from their landlady, Joan. Rebecca may have turned out to be a mole, but I still think that Casey and the gang need to cut her loose already. I really can’t stand her.

Calvin (Paul James) was the vehicle used for the introduction of Andy (McCartney), a freshman, and Calvin’s high school football teammate. It was no surprise that Andy would be sucked in by the rollicking fun at the KT house, but I did enjoy how the episode let us in on the secret. When the KTs stole the Omega Kai’s bus, and McCartney was still onboard, doing a little wave, I had to laugh at the ingenuity. Clearly, he’ll fit in well with Cappie (Scott Michael Foster), Beaver (Aaron Hill) and the gang.

For all that the episode spent time on every major character, I was left feeling a bit cheated. I suppose it’s because they need to build up to the various story arcs, but it wasn’t until the scene in the shed, when Dale (Clark Duke) wakes Rusty up, that I really felt some of the old magic returning. Duke is so funny, and I loved the Canadian roommate bit. When he started waving the Maple Leaf flag around, images of his Confederate standard started dancing through my head. We never met the man himself, but that “Crazy Canuck” helped Dale steal the show.

Not that that was Dale’s sole moment in the sun. Waiting on line, with the rest of the honors engineers, to get his textbooks early? Making eyes at the realtor at the end of the episode? I bet cougars love him! Duke and Zachar are really a great pair, and I’m relieved that they’ll be living together again this year. In off-campus housing! Get ready for some jamming Christian rock concerts and purity pledge brother mixers.

There’s still a lot that’s messy and unpleasant. Max (Michael Rady) was re-introduced poorly; Evan (Jake McDorman) has gone from savvy to sap, what with paying rent on the IKI house; Ashleigh (Amber Stevens) is definitely not suited for the sorority presidency, and I don’t think Stevens is suited for that type of role, either; and Cappie has yet to be given even the inkling of a story, though I imagine it will have something to do with growing up. I also find it strange that Casey took such a warped lesson away with her from her internship in D.C. “Life sucks, but just put your head down and take it because that’s all there is for you?” So she has to distance herself from ZBZ? I didn’t follow the logic at all, and I fear her becoming less enjoyable to watch. We’ll see what happens.

But the best thing she brought back from our nation’s capital? She picked up the nickname Elle Woods … how perfect!?!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Greek takes us home to Cyprus-Rhodes”

April 3, 2009 at 5:07 PM

Great Show and this is the second half of season 2.

April 3, 2009 at 5:55 PM

Right, I’ve seen that too. But how weird is it that they’re starting a new school year technically mid-season? That’s one of the big minuses to cable series – the way they count their seasons. Why not just let each airing of a run of episodes be a season, be it 8 eps or 12?

April 4, 2009 at 1:41 PM

Well what drives me in sane is that ABC Family releases the DVD sets as “Chapters”, meaning each DVD sets will only have 8-10 episodes. I hate that.

I like the fact because of the messed up “seasons” that we will see these characters for longer, at some point they will have to move on and leave the show, and I don’t want to say bye to any of them yet, besides Evan. Along I think that maybe they were going to structure the show differently, but the writers strike came. I don’t remember if there were supposed to be 10 or 13 episodes then when only 8 got made last season/chapter.

Are you going to be reviewing the show every week or just the special episodes?

April 4, 2009 at 9:26 PM

Yes, I definitely like that the season breaks extend the life of some the characters. Hopefully it will last for a long time.

I’m planning on covering the entire season … hopefully in a more timely fashion from now on! :)

April 3, 2009 at 9:10 PM

Casey is my least favorite character on the show. I think the actress who plays her does an admirable job trying to make her sympathetic, but Casey is sometimes too unbelievably whiny and mean/ takes things too far. For example, in this episode when she brought up Rebbecca’s daddy issues out of the blue. I caught myself gasping out loud.
I can’t believe you don’t like Rebbecca, Aryeh. I thought she was a pretty stock character until she started going out with Cappie. I liked that they lightened her up and I thought that her relationship with Cap was a solid source of humor and entertainment.
I’m not sold on the new guy yet, but I’ll wait and see how they make his character more than just a rebellious football player.
I think Ashley as president is a good thing for the character. They needed to give her a bigger role than “support Casey” or “Learn lesson about long distance relationships/credit card debt”. I guess you can tell from my comments that my favorite moments on the show come from when the writers put the characters through the ringer, with a healthy dose of humor.
Also, I agree that the episode just seemed like an extended excuse to get Rusty and Dale into that apartment together. More Clark Duke!

April 4, 2009 at 9:31 PM

Casey drew me in at first, but I can’t really make a connection with her any longer. Rusty and Dale, together or apart, are my favorites, with Cappie riding a close second.

I don’t know, I’ve just never been able to get comfortable with Rebecca. Maybe I just prefer Cappie with Casey, so she’s the enemy. I just think she’s a little too mean, dirty, selfish, dark, etc. Turn each characteristic down a notch, and maybe.

I agree 100% that Ashleigh needed and deserved a more complex role, but her old self playing president just doesn’t mesh. She hasn’t grown with her new role, and I fear that the reason is it’s simply not suited for the actress. But hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised this season!

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