CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – An ode to the red shirts

LostLost is great at doing many things: creating mysteries, setting a mood, character development, etc, etc. There is one thing, however, that they really excel at, surpassing any other show on television. What is that one thing, you ask? Killing minor characters!

This week it was Caesar who met his untimely end, at the hands of (who else?) Ben Linus. Oh Caesar, we hardly knew you. I know that I, for one, thought that Caesar would be sticking around a little longer, but Ben had other ideas. Oh well, no real skin off my back, but it did get me thinking of some of the great minor/recurring character deaths that we’ve gotten on Lost. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Leslie Arzt: Dr. Arzt, the poor guy, never really stood a chance. He was the classic red shirt, going off on a dangerous mission with some of the main characters, only to blow up while handling a stick of dynamite. It was a classic Lost moment, not soon to be forgotten, and spawned the awesome Hurley quote: “Dude, you’ve got some Arzt on you.”
  • Nikki and Paulo: The viewing public can be a cruel and unforgiving populace. The writers wanted to see if they could introduce some of the background survivors into the show late in the game. Turns out they couldn’t. People hated Nikki and Paulo. It did, however, lead to a couple great deaths, as the two greedy diamond hunters were bitten by paralyzing spiders and then buried alive. Fun!
  • Tom the Other: Tom was a great antagonist early in the show, particularly through seasons 2 and 3. Having seemingly masterminded many of the difficult situations that the 815’ers were put through, it was fitting that Sawyer plugged him at the end of season 3. It was a surprising and brutal death.
  • Anthony Cooper: Cooper was a slimeball, there’s no way around it. His death, at Sawyer’s hand, was pretty spectacular though. It also gets bonus points because it was totally the Jabba the Hutt death: strangled by a chain on a boat. If I ever have to get brutally murdered, that’s the way I would want to go too.
  • Jason the Other: You probably don’t even remember who Jason was. I had to look him up to find his name. However, if I said “the guy who Sayid killed with only his feet in the season 3 finale,” I think you would remember him. It was just further proof that Sayid is a total badass.
  • Frogurt: He was mentioned more in passing than we actually saw him, but Frogurt went out with style. Yes, he was annoying and he tried to weasel his way between Libby and Hurley (as seen below), but does anyone really deserve a flaming arrow to the chest?
  • Mikhail: What was really noteworthy about Mikhail’s death was that it happened three times … at least. His brain was fried by the sonar fence, he took a javelin to the chest, and then he detonated a grenade in his hand. I think that one finally did it.

What are your favorite deaths on the show?

Photo Credit: ABC

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6 Responses to “Lost in Lost – An ode to the red shirts”

April 13, 2009 at 1:48 PM

Wow, despite everything that Scott saying up above being true, I really liked this article. Frogurt was the best of them all, and Tom and Mikhail, had pretty big roles. I would hardly call them unknowns.
I’m pulling for Caeser to still be alive.

April 13, 2009 at 2:22 PM

The “Arzt blowing up scene” is one of my favorites. I had hope for him … but he just had to go and hold the dynamite.

I have a feeling that Caeser is not dead yet.

April 13, 2009 at 6:25 PM

Guess I’m in the minority in thinking that Caesar is dead. We have seen people come back from worse on the island, so I won’t be shocked if he’s not dead, but taking a shot to the chest from a point blank shotgun is usually not something you usually get up after.

April 13, 2009 at 8:22 PM

Wow, you just delete posts you don’t like? I see you corrected “Arzt” but what was wrong with my other points? I wasn’t rude or nasty in my post.

April 13, 2009 at 8:40 PM

If you would like to submit corrections and not leave constructive comments, please instead contact us via the email listed on our About page. If you’re not adding to the discussion we will sometimes delete comments.

April 14, 2009 at 12:17 PM

A big “Razzle Dazzle” goes out to Nikki just because she was hot and we need more of that on Lost! Also note that a DUI will get you killed off quickly, right Libby and Anna Lucia?

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