CliqueClack TV

Lost – More daddy issues

Lost stamped serial number on hatch

This episode felt like an old school installment of Lost. It featured flashbacks and a lot of character development. It was a welcome return to form, and it was also fun to learn more about one of the newer characters on the show, Miles.

Because of the writers’ strike during last season, a few episodes were scrapped, including some of those featuring the backstory of the team from the freighter. We’ve gotten a little bit of Daniel’s story this season, and learned a bit about Charlotte, but this was the first genuine flashback for any of these characters.

In a fun twist (which some saw coming), it turns out that Miles’s father is Pierre Chang. The coincidences know no end on this show. It was nice to see some of Miles’s past, including his awkward “pierced phase.” Yowza. Even better than that, though, we can chalk up another character with daddy issues. Let’s see, that now makes … everyone.

Even though this episode seemed to be all about Miles, there were some interesting tidbits. I certainly wasn’t expecting to learn anything about the folks on the beach who knocked out Frank last week, but there they were, asking Miles if he knew what lied in the shadow of the statue. I guess I was wrong about them working for Widmore. It would seem, instead, that they are Others. I think there is something else at work, though, as none of them seem to know Ben, or at the very least they aren’t acknowledging it. There’s definitely something fishy going on.

The other interesting bit in the episode came at the very end. I had been wondering for a while now where Daniel was and what he was up to. I thought that he may have traveled off the island, but I never really thought it was an actual possibility. I guess I was wrong there too. It will be interesting to see what exactly Daniel was doing in Ann Arbor.

It’s getting late in the season now, and I can start to feel the end approaching. Things are beginning to fall apart for the Dharma folks, with Kate starting to look suspicious, Hurley pissing people off, and Sawyer holding prisoners in his house. We’ll have to wait two weeks to see what’s going to happen, but I have a feeling there is some serious trouble in store for our castaways.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

13 Responses to “Lost – More daddy issues”

April 16, 2009 at 7:59 AM

“I guess I was wrong about them working for Widmore. It would seem, instead, that they are Others.”

A (possibly wrong) theory:

Maybe they’re a third party separate from either Ben or Widmore. Perhaps, they represent the remnants of (or successors to) the Dharma Initiative looking to get back to the island and take control away from the Others.

April 16, 2009 at 8:39 AM

I agree. I just fear that my head will explode if a third mysterious party is introduced into the mix.

April 16, 2009 at 9:44 AM

Looks like we got the origens of the serial numbers to the Swan station.

Also … more clues that there are multiple pockets of electro-magnetic forces on the island … Not a good idea to be walking around with fillings in your mouth without having mapped them out

Any idea what was in the black velvet bag that Miles delivered to Pierre Chang ?

April 16, 2009 at 10:01 AM

The black velvet bag held the body bag that they loaded the corpse into at the site of the future swan station.

April 16, 2009 at 10:05 AM

Frankly, I’m sick of new back story. We have a very limited number of episodes to to deal with all of the other things we do not understand to come to a satisfying conclusion. I don’t need every quasi-introduced character to have a back story, as well. Must just be me.

Because I don’t care about miles (he’s not even remotely pleasant, even in a snarky way). Too many people converging into one big clusterfuck.

Can you tell I was disinterested with the episode?

April 16, 2009 at 10:39 AM

We have a few more episode this season and all of next season to get answers. It’s not like it’s BSG where they wasted 5 episodes on nothing and had an ending that was just strange. Plus the creators have said from the very beginning they will not say what the island is until the finale episode because then no one would bother watching the show.

I enjoyed the episode, I thought it might be kind of garbagish because Miles isn’t the best character, but Hurley was there to help out. Plus writing Star Wars?! HAHA “Ewoks just suck man” or whatever. :)

April 16, 2009 at 2:47 PM

This episode was called “Some like it Hoth”…maybe I’m reaching but if you look at the last part of the title it has “t Hoth” in it or “Thoth” who according to Eygptian gods:

Thoth’s role as mediator is well-documented. It is he who questions the souls of the dead about their deeds in life before their heart is weighed against the feather of Maat.

So is Miles Thoth? Or do the producers just like Star Wars a lot and I’m waaaay too into this show?

April 16, 2009 at 3:33 PM

If we didn’t have Hurley trying to write Empire Strikes Back and the whole Daddy/Vader-Luke issue thing you might be on to something.

I think you are reaching. But then, this is Lost. They do like to bury deeper meaning in things that appear to be superficial.

April 16, 2009 at 9:48 PM

I think you may be on to something with Thoth. Did you notice the Egyptian lesson plans on the chalk board when Jack was erasing them? Also, there is the whole thing with the four-toed statue, Anubis, god of the afterlife. Then there was the code being spouted by the “new guys.” Something about the “shadow of the statue.”

Egyptian mythology is definitely at play.

April 16, 2009 at 11:39 PM

A. egyptian stuff has been in the show in other places too (the hatch, the temple)
B. Show me some proof the statue IS anubis. We’ve never seen the front so we have no proof of that yet.
C. The code question is “what lies in the shadow of the statue”

April 16, 2009 at 4:15 PM

All I could think of after this episode was Mary Pat Shelby.

But I’m all about the obscure references.

Love the Star Wars references (I wonder how closely I could get in writing the screenplay of a movie I’d seen alot from memory). I think the Miles and Hurley Show would be a great spinoff. Ghost Whisperer like.

April 18, 2009 at 10:02 PM

Hello Tim One Eighth. Did you see CSI this week?

I’m still suprised no one has gotten the Mary Pat Shelby reference. Where’s Sassone, my partner in Sorkin-Fandom?

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